Mystic Adept SR5 69 MYSTIC ADEPTS • Mystic adepts are a combination of magicians and adepts. • Mystic adepts never astrally project. • Mystic adepts can astrally perceive if they purchase the Astral Perception adept power. • Mystic adepts purchase their spells/rituals/preparations in the same way as magicians. • Mystic adepts must purchase their Power Points with Karma (5 Karma each at character creation for a full Power Point, with a maximum number of points equal to their Magic attribute rating). • Mystic adepts can have any skills from the Enchanting, Sorcery, or Conjuring skill groups.
Networker NF 177
The Magician's Way SG 178
Too Pretty To Hit RG 127
Creature of Comfort (High) RF 153
Social Stress (Metaracism) SR5 85
Andrei Shaposhnikov (Fixer)
Old Everett
Andrei is a small-time fixer working the Seattle Sea Run. An emigrant from Russia, his thick accent is probably what endears him to the smugglers that run through the Bay, giving him the margin he needs to survive in the friendly business of gun-running, BTL-peddling, and drug dealing. Anja met him through a run hauling a crate of Nitro down the coast with a pair of grizzled trolls. When one of them got possessed by an offended fish spirit (the crate was leaking), Anja managed to talk it down and stop the troll from rolling the entire shipment into the river. Andrei gave her a small bonus and suggested she, "Come backh and have a meal, hyu know, ah?"
Andrei is a big fellow - tall, broad, and fat. He has his scruffy sandy-blonde hair in a combover, a goatee, and he favors slightly ill-fitting suits. Despite emigrating, he's still a staunch Russian nationalist. He runs a fish and chip shop (at least, that's what he says they are) out of Old Everett, which conveniently provides him a reason to constantly be at the docks.
Boris Kuznetsov (Coyote (Water))
Despite the one time he tried to shoot Anja in the leg, Boris is still on (shaky) speaking terms with Anja. Having managed quite a few drug runs thanks to Anja's help through the Chugach, he's comfortable working with her to get things in and out of Seattle. He's done enough for the Vory that he doesn't need to drive the boats all the way down the Bering himself anymore; he works the Bay, bribing the right officers and blackmailing, threatening, or disposing of the wrong ones.
Boris is a thin, nervous-looking Russian ex-pat - the stress of constantly getting boats full of novacoke past KE isn't doing much for his attempts to bulk up, nor is the amount of novacoke he fires up his nose. He's about the same size and weight as a human, with a wickedly receding hairline and thin, forward-protruding tusks. If he's not working, you can usually find him laid out in a bed-by-night by the docks during the day, sleeping off a bender.
3 chips in 2D's favor
Bruce James Bay (Infobroker)
Night shift manager for the unnamed bar that takes up the main floor of the Spokes. A younger man, it's hard to tell just from talking to him if he's a dropout from U-Dub or just likes the nightlife - he's got tats running up his arms, a septum piercing, and a pair of neon cybereyes to go with his lime-green ponytail.
He does mix a decent soygarita, though, so Anja has yet throw her drink in his face when he starts hitting on her. For now, she's let him know that she's new in town and looking for work, and Bruce gave her the most irritating wink and said, "I think I know what kind of work you mean." If he comes back with a part-time job at a bunraku, she might pistol whip him, but he's not that dumb. Probably.
Cyber-Cogians (Technomancers)
Ork Underground
A group of technomancers on the run in the Ork Underground. There's Second Circle and Nails (orcs) Hack and Slash (elves), and a mysterious troll and his daughter.
High Proficiency: Matrix Threats, Resonance Phenoms, Finding Refuge in the ork underground. Medium Proficiency: Media Piracy, Augmented Reality Games, Data-Havens, Hacking Favors.
Ethan Sinclair (Programmer)
Ethan is a programmer of some skill employed by the Government of Seattle. Born and raised in the shadows of the SCIRE arcology, he developed an early fascination with technology and its potential - particularly its potential to cause mass destruction. With a natural talent for coding and an insatiable curiosity, Ethan quickly rose through the ranks and now works as an Emerald Grid DemiGOD in the employ of the city working out of the upper levels of the ACHE.
Ethan is a lanky Caucasian man with messy dark hair that falls over his slightly pale face, the bangs hiding his unobtrusive datajack. He wears thin-rimmed glasses, which accentuate his keen and observant eyes. His wardrobe typically consists of comfortable office casual attire, often opting for dark-colored clothing that blends in with the urban sprawl of Seattle. When he's out to party, he switches it out for more exotic cybergoth synthleather and PVC, exposing the bioluminescent circuitry tattoos covering the majority of his body. If you ask him, he'll explain how each chip or capacitor represents another one of his little coding breakthroughs or Matrix crime busts.
Ethan met Two Devils on a pub crawl through the Spokes - 2D was dancing (artlessly, she's not particularly trained), and he tried to pick her up. He didn't immediately succeed, but Anja humored the extended explanation of his refactoring of skillsoft subscriptions with the city's emancipation, and for that she got got his commcode.
Hellebore (SIN Forger)
An elven woman on indeterminate age, Hellebore (nee. Nessa Blaine, though this is unknown to 2D) keeps her dark hair cut into shoulder-length waves, with red highlights peeking through the igneous gloom of Puyallup when the ash clears. Her tasteful makeup and manicured brows suggest a career in PR, but a certain spark dancing behind her dark brown eyes suggests a chaos entirely unsuited to a service job. Thin even for an elf, her triangular figure and pointed chin lend her a certain sullenness, made worse by her squinting against the acidic air of Puyallup. Black cocktail dress and matching leather (leather!) gloves would say that she's hitting the club to find her latest dance partner, but she lacks even the most minor biosculpting; the most obviously dangerous thing about her seems to be her heavy platform boots.
Hellebore is demure and approachable, but easily guides conversations away from her past. From what Two Devils was able to gather, she was a minor social adept who got involved in "the local politics" during the Tir depression and subsequent terror attacks. She's been a minor fixture in Tarislar since her departure post-election, arranging false visas and the occasional fixing work on behalf of the more conservative political actors on both sides of the Tir border.
Besides forging IDs and occasionally arranging runs, she makes pocket cred as a chemist and demolitionist, which means she has frequent need to pick up deliveries from the Vory - and so she met Two Devils. The novelty of the standard parade of brick-shaped Slavs carrying equally brick-shaped sacks of coke being interrupted by an obviously nonplussed elf! That was enough for her to at least give 2D a commcode and set her up with Bruce as a place to stay where she wouldn't get her immediately thrown in the ACHE. After all, she might be useful..
2 chips in 2D's favor
Hemmet McCoy (Lawyer)
A double MThaum/JS from University of Colorado, Hemmet is a sorcerer, student of law, and a royal asshole. One of the many SURGE dwarves who displayed severe albinism during the Year of the Comet, Hemmet's metaexpression also meant an Awakening that would get him out of his family of seven in Fort McMurray.
Having completed two degrees didn’t stop Hemmet, surly and vengeful by nature, from settling a few too many problems with his sharp tongue and the occasional Ball Lightning, so he decided to take an extended break after finishing his master’s thesis at University of Colorado, moving to Seattle through the UCAS quarter and opening a barrister's office specialized in magical law. An acquaintance of Hellebore, he often acts as a point of contact between her network and nominally more legal enterprises, with 2D occasionally helping them both as a gofer with a vested interest in staying quiet.
Short, squat, and utterly colorless, Hemmet makes up for it with his fiery personality - he never lets a grudge die, and even if they die sometimes he'll remember them and laugh. He favors a charcoal-grey armored jacket and matching wide-brimmed hat outdoors, the better to keep unburnt. The matte colors don't do his veiny complexion any favors, and his shock of white hair is frequently scorched.
Rumors saying that he ran the shadows in Denver as Gasflare, a magical demolitionist for hire, are unconfirmed but would be the least surprising thing possible.
Hurit (Talismonger)
Magnuson Park (Windermere)
Though not exactly itinerant, Anja spends a lot of time walking. She met Hurit along Wolf Bay, fishing. Bizarre as it was, Anja couldn't help but ask how she wasn't already dead of mercury poisoning.
Hurit appreciated Anja's droll nature, teaching her a bit of Algonkin and trying to coax her to sing. In truth, Hurit is a Mouse Shaman; she stays around Seattle to watch over the little lives that hide in man's shadow, keeping things in balance. Every now and then she'll ask Anja for a little favor - open a dumpster here, kick out a boarded-up window there. Anja obliges, because why not?
Hurit is a First Nations woman of indeterminate tribe - Hurit hasn't volunteered, and Anja's too polite to pry. Just past middle age, she keeps her fine black hair in a short bob over a surprisingly unwrinkled face. She dresses practically; waders and overalls for fishing, jeans, jacket, and boots otherwise. Hurit doesn't have a commlink or even an LTG; when she feels like talking, she'll call a mouse spirit and ask it to guide her. They don't mind.
Nathaniel "Mr. Velvet" Rosewood (Fixer)
A former Horizon company man, Mr. Velvet has transitioned seamlessly into a career as a full-time fixer for Bellevue's mega-rich. Well-dressed with a single cybereye, Nathaniel smells of expensive champagne and cheap cigars. He makes a great deal of his money off art fixing.
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[Ranged Weapons]
Ares Light Fire 70 SR5 425
Concealed Quick-Draw Holster RG 51
Silencer, Ares Light Fire 70 SR5 425
Smartgun System, Internal SR5 433
7 (9)
Light Pistols
Light Pistols
Ares Viper Slivergun SR5 426 Ares Viper Slivergun: The sleek Slivergun pairs the undeniably winning combo of burst-fire capability and built-in sound suppression (an integral silencer, p. 432) with its large magazine capacity. It fires metal slivers that count as flechette ammunition, which is factored into the weapon’s damage code.
Spare Clip (Ares Viper Slivergun) SR5 433 Spare clip: A spare clip comes unloaded but can hold the maximum rounds for the weapon. Each clip is spe- cific to the weapon you buy it for, but they all cost the same. And yes, it’s technically a detachable box maga- zine, but the Cityspeak word for it is so popular these days that even the catalogs call them clips.
Spare Clip (Ares Light Fire 70) SR5 433
Spare Clip (Ares Light Fire 70) SR5 433
[Melee Weapons]
Knife (Survival Kit) SR5 422
Survival Knife SR5 422
Survival Knife Bonuses SR5 422
Survival Knife Wireless Bonuses SR5 422
Unarmed Attack SR5 132
Ares Victory: Industrious RG 64
Gear Access RG 59
Electrochromic Clothing SR5 437
Armor Jacket SR5 437
Chameleon Suit SR5 437
Thermal Damping [R6]
SR5 438 Thermal damping: Designed to reduce your thermal signature, these inner layers capture or bleed heat, so the outer layers maintain a surface temperature equal to the surrounding air. Add the rating to your limit on any Sneak- ing test against thermographic vision or thermal sensors.
Full Body Armor SR5 437
Attachable Gear Access HT 185
Electrochromic Clothing SR5 437
Fire Resistance [R6]
SR5 437
Full Body Armor: Chemical Seal SR5 437
Full Body Armor: Environment Adaptation SR5 437
Full Body Armor: Helmet SR5 437
Nonconductivity [R6]
SR5 438
YNT Softweave Armor RG 84
Helmet SR5 438
Mortimer of London: Argentum Coat RG 58
Concealability RG 59
Mortimer of London: Berwick Dress RG 58
Concealability RG 59
Custom Fit RG 59
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[Matrix Devices]
Fairlight Caliban SR5 438
Commlink Functionality SR5 438
Camera, Micro SR5 443
Chip Player SR5 438
Credstick Reader SR5 438
Earbuds [R1]
SR5 445
GPS Guidance System SR5 438
Micro Trid-Projector SR5 438
Music Player SR5 438
RFID Tag Scanner SR5 438
Shock- and Water-Resistant Case SR5 438
Touchscreen Display SR5 438
Receiver DT 62 This is the same receiver as the one on her Meta Link, she just unplugs and replugs it into her current commlink.
Sim Module, Hot SR5 439
Meta Link SR5 438
Commlink Functionality SR5 438
Camera, Micro SR5 443
Chip Player SR5 438
Credstick Reader SR5 438
Earbuds [R1]
SR5 445
GPS Guidance System SR5 438
Micro Trid-Projector SR5 438
Music Player SR5 438
RFID Tag Scanner SR5 438
Shock- and Water-Resistant Case SR5 438
Touchscreen Display SR5 438
Receiver DT 62 RECEIVER Just plug this dongle into your commlink and you get Noise Reduction 2 for your commlink and all slaved devices! Great for spam zones!
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Combat Spells
Ball Lightning SR5 284
Indirect, Elemental, Area
Clout SR5 284
Detection Spells
Analyze Device SR5 285
Active, Directional
Combat Sense SR5 286
Passive, Psychic
Detect Life, Extended SR5 286
Active, Extended Area
Mind Probe SR5 287
Active, Directional
Health Spells
Detox SR5 288
Heal SR5 288
Increase [Attribute] (CHA) SR5 288
Illusion Spells
Chaotic World SR5 290
Realistic, Multi-Sense, Area
Physical Mask SR5 291
Realistic, Multi-Sense
Manipulation Spells
Alter Memory SSP 20
Control Thoughts SR5 293
Fashion SG 115
T (A)
Environmental, Area
Levitate SR5 293
Mana Barrier SR5 294
Environmental, Area
Napalm Wall SSP 21
Physical, Environmental
Mystic Adept
Shamanic (Materialization) SR5 279
Spirit of Beasts
Spirit of Water
Spirit of Earth
Spirit of Air
Spirit of Man
[Adept Powers]
Astral Perception SR5 309
Authoritative Tone [R3]
Combat Sense [R1]
SR5 309 COMBAT SENSE Cost: 0.5 PP per level Combat Sense provides an instinctive sense of any potential threats nearby. In defending against ranged and melee attacks, you get a +1 dice pool bonus to defense tests per level of this power. Adepts with this power are always allowed a Perception Test before a possible surprise situation, gaining the benefit of being alerted if the test is successful.
Cool Resolve [R1]
SG 169
Improved Reflexes [R1]
SR5 310
Kinesics [R7]
SR5 310 KINESICS Cost: 0.25 PP per level Kinesics grants you complete control over your body’s nonverbal and subconscious communication and social cues, even when you’re in stressful social situations. It includes facial expressions, body movements, eye movements, fluctuations in heart rate and blood pressure, and even control over sweat glands, making it difficult to gauge your emotional state and truthfulness. Add +1 to resist Social Tests and tests to read your emotions like Judge Intentions, assensing, or truthfulness tests.
Nimble Fingers SG 173 NIMBLE FINGERS COST: 0.25 PP Adepts with this ability have exceptional manual dexterity. In game terms, this grants +1 die to Palming Tests, Performance Tests where the adept plays a musical instruments that requires the use of fingers, or any tests where small tools or items are used (gamemaster’s discretion). Additionally, the Simple Actions Change Gun Mode, Insert Clip, Remove Clip, and Use Simple Device are now considered Free Actions.
Traceless Walk SR5 311 TRACELESS WALK Cost: 1 PP You can move over surfaces—even snow, sand, or thin paper—without leaving visible traces. You make no noise through contact with the floor (though movement may still cause other sounds), and any hearing-based Perception Tests to detect you suffer a –4 dice pool penalty. You don’t trip ground-vibration or pressure sensors. You can’t walk across liquid surfaces—you’re magical, not miraculous—but you can walk across deep snow without sinking. While you can be tracked by non-visual cues such as scent, even those Track Tests are more difficult and get a –2 dice pool penalty.
Power Focus, Individualized, Complete Bonded Foci
SG 230
Initiate Grade: 3 Arts
Centering SG 154
Invocation SG 147
Masking SG 149
Centering SR5 325
Masking SR5 326
Power Point SR5 326
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Chemsniffer Ring [R6]
CA 140 CHEMSNIFFER RING This ring contains a microsensor capable of identifying a wide range of chemical substances. Tests on liquids for toxins or drugs are made with a dice pool equal to the Rating x 2 and have a threshold of 2. The ring can also act as an olfactory sensor for inhaled vector drugs and toxins with an effective range of 1 meter. Olfactory tests are made with a dice pool equal to the Rating and have a threshold of 2.
Contacts [R3]
SR5 443
Flare Compensation SR5 444
Polychromic Lens HT 188
Thermographic Vision SR5 444
Earbuds [R3]
SR5 445
Audio Enhancement [R2]
SR5 445
Select Sound Filter [R1]
SR5 445
Glasses [R4]
SR5 443
Vision Enhancement [R3]
SR5 444
Vision Magnification SR5 444
Datachip ×10 SR5 440
Long Range Acoustic Device CA 142
Micro-Transceiver SR5 441
Trodes SR5 439
Smart Wig w/ Trode Net HT 188
Synthskin Face Mask [R6]
HT 188 Female elven face. Unattractive, for an elf.
Theatrical Cosmetics Kit HT 188 THEATRICAL COSMETICS KIT This kit provides various types of makeup, hair dye, temporary facial prosthetics, and other equipment required for creating a disguise or physically impersonating a speciic individual. Each kit has enough materials for ten disguises, after which a new kit must be purchased. Unlike a regular Disguise Kit (p. 136, SR5), a theatrical disguise kit does not require an Extended Test, but it also does not provide the extra dice pool bonus such a kit might provide. Instead, it takes a lat duration of ten minutes to apply.
Tool Kit
SR5 443
Bug Scanner [R6]
SR5 440
Data Tap SR5 440
Jammer, Directional [R6]
SR5 441
Ultrasonic Noise Generator [R4]
HT 187
White Noise Generator [R6]
SR5 441
Baseline Reagents, Refined
FA 187
SG 212
(Ball Lightning)
SG 212
(Mana Barrier)
SG 212
(Napalm Wall)
SG 212
SG 212
SG 212
(Chaotic World)
SG 212
Reagents, per dram
×43 SR5 317
Medical (Evil)
Disposable Syringe ×3 SR5 450
Narcoject SR5 410
Medical (Good)
Savior Medkit CF 154
Slap Patch, Antidote Patch [R6]
SR5 451
Slap Patch, Stim Patch [R6]
SR5 451
Slap Patch, Trauma Patch SR5 451
Medical (Neutral)
Psyche SR5 412
Personal Effects
Black Panther ×2 CA 143
Pack of Cigarettes RF 254
Biometric Reader SR5 439
Bug Promotional Pen [R2]
CA 140
Single Sensor [R2]
SR5 445
Camera [R2]
SR5 446
Single Sensor [R2]
SR5 445
Omni-directional Microphone [R2]
SR5 446
Endoscope SR5 444 Endoscope: This fiber-optic cable is at least 1 meter long, with the first 20 centimeters on either side made up of myomeric rope (p. 449) and an optical lens. It al- lows the user to look around corners, under door slits, or into narrow spaces. It is available in any number of lengths, although longer segments can be unwieldy.
Security Tags ×10 SR5 440
Sensor Tags SR5 440
Single Sensor [R2]
SR5 445
Ultrasound SR5 446
Stealth Tags ×9 SR5 440
Aqua Regia SG 211
Climbing Gear SR5 448 Climbing gear: This is a backpack full of rope (400- kilo test), an ascent/descent harness, gloves, carabiners, crampons, and so forth needed for assisted climbing (Climbing, p. 134).
Fashion Respirator [R6]
CA 141
Flashlight, Infrared SR5 449
Flashlight, Low-light SR5 449
Gecko Tape Gloves SR5 449 Gecko tape gloves: The outer layer of these gloves is made of a special dry adhesive that incorporates millions of fine microscopic hairs that bond to other surfaces. In- dividually, these bonding forces are tiny, but combined they’re strong enough to attach a troll, upside down, to the ceiling. Gecko tape gloves come as a set that includes gloves, kneepads, and slip-on-soles. You get to use as- sisted climbing (p. 134) when you’re wearing the set. Gecko tape gloves are useless when they’re wet.
Rappelling Gloves SR5 449 Rappelling gloves: These gloves are made of a spe- cial fabric that allows you to get a tighter grip on a grap- ple line, giving you a +2 dice pool bonus on all tests to hold your grip on the line. These gloves are necessary in order to use ultrathin microwire without gruesomely slicing your hands apart as you slide down it.
Survival Kit SR5 449 Survival kit: An assortment of survival gear in a rug- ged bag. Includes a knife, lighter, matches, compass, lightweight thermal blanket, several days’ worth of ra- tion bars, a water-purification unit, and more. A good item to consider for your go-bag.
Compass SR5 449
Lighter SR5 449
Lightweight Thermal Blanket SR5 449
Matches SR5 449
Several Days' Worth of Ration Bars SR5 449
Water Purification Unit SR5 449
Aqua Regia SG 211
Aqua Regia SG 211
Autopicker [R6]
SR5 447
Body Bag SS 173
Chisel SR5 447
Crowbar SR5 447
Glue Solvent SR5 448
Glue Sprayer SR5 448
Grapple Gun SR5 449
Miniwelder SR5 448
Power Tool (Cheap)
(Paint Sprayer)
RF 254
C-Squared [R6]
HT 187
Restraint, Plastic ×10 SR5 447
Ghost Box CA 141
Holo Bracelet [R3]
CA 141
Fake SIN
(Sooleawa Whiteduck (UCAS))
SR5 442
Fake License
SR5 443
Fake License
SR5 443
Fake License
SR5 443
Fake License
SR5 443
Certified Credstick, Gold SR5 442
Certified Credstick, Standard ×3 SR5 442
Schwarzeberge Estates (High) (Aurora Village, Downtown, Seattle) SR5 369 A quiet condo tower just outside the University campus. There's a suspicious number of German expatriates here, but it's not explicitly run by SK.
2D has her Force 6 lodge set up in her apartment, taking the form of some ritually purified wall hangings, a small kneeling desk made out of hand-hewn oak, a small brazier near the balcony door, and several enormous stuffed birds (teddy, not taxidermy!). Cost: 10,000¥ (5,760¥) × 1 = 5,760¥;
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As an Algonquin elf, Anja still shows her heritage; tan rather than fair, with dancing brown eyes instead of jewel tones. She still shows the height, fine bones, and unearthly grace of her metatype, but she still prefers to lounge rather than pose, and she has no qualms about getting dirty (though she still appreciates hygiene). Her hair is dark, fine, and perfectly straight - when she Awakened, she noticed her hair shifted from the ruddy brown to the glossy blue-black of raven feathers. She wears it waist-length, knowing it flatters her, even though it means she has to spend twenty minutes braiding it before a run. She usually dresses in plain Western-style clothes - band shirts, hoodies, jeans, tank tops, and the occasional blouse, limiting her Amerind heritage to accessories.
Anja was born in the Athabaskan Council to an Algonquin family in marshy Anchorage. If pressed, she says they were nice, for hippies - for people who moved from Edmonton to the middle of nowhere, they spent a lot of time jacked in. She suspects, privately, that they were corp spiders, maybe even DemiGODs; they never had trouble eating, even though she doesn't remember ever seeing them work.
She prefers not to discuss her parents, though, because being an elf made her home life miserable. She remembers hearing them argue about "the policlub" through the door as a child, though it took her a while to understand what that meant. She got used to hearing "breeder", though, and a lot worse. She never found out if she was an incredibly unlucky genetic byblow or if mom had a Manitou on the side; things got worse until, eventually, dad stopped talking to mom, and mom stopped talking to her.
When she got old enough, Anja started spending a lot of time outside the house; having nothing better to do in between correspondence lessons, she started making a bit of nuyen working the Seattle Sea Run, guiding Russian smugglers through the tougher parts in the Alaskan range. She picked up a lot of useful skills there: how to think fast, talk faster, and dodge the Long Arms when they came looking for any dirty drek to clean up. Most importantly, she learned to watch her ass, especially the first time some Boris with an unpronounceable last name tried to shoot her in the leg as a distraction for the rangers.
One day, though, as she hiked up through the mountains in the fall, Anja looked up at the moonless sky, and Raven came down to meet her. Settling firmly on her shoulder, she fished out the last bit of deer jerky from her jacket pocket before she started to talk. "I think you're wasting your time here," Raven drawled. "You can do better than hauling rucksacks of novacoke through the Chugach for the Vory. You're smart. You're fast. You smell nice. Why not spread your wings a little?"
Anja didn't have time to decide if the talking bird was making a pun before Raven's beak jabbed her in the forehead. When she woke up the next morning, she was very alone, freezing cold, and all her food was gone. She came back home a very different girl than she let on (she just said she dyed her hair). Not that long after that, though, she pocketed the money she made and followed the next pack of Vor and their rucksacks of novacoke all the way to Seattle.
After climbing off the speedboat, drying herself off, and getting a map downloaded, the slightly surprised Vor receiving their shipment helped her quietly travel somewhere to stay where an aimless-looking elf with questionable ID wouldn't be too out-of-place. Since then, she's still getting her feet under her, but she's getting tired of calling an air spirit every night to smother the bedbugs before she sleeps. She's started favouring the bar downstairs, listening for tips, and she asked one of the Vory who made it in Seattle to set her up with some real gear. It might be time to get some work.
Wayward daughter; a little spoiled, a little vain. Can she handle Seattle? Maybe.
She likes city animals - especially ravens and other corvids, naturally. She even likes other metahumans, annoying though some of them can be.
She enjoys company, but she doesn't feel any particular need to inject small talk; often, if the weather is nice, she'll just close her eyes and enjoy the breeze while they hang out. Her idea of a good time is to have a cup of coffee (the real thing, preferrably!) outside, or maybe to go see a local show or go dancing. Since arriving in Seattle she's started developing a weird interest in goblin rock - so far, the worst she's gotten at a Bloody Tusks show is a stray "Watch it, keeb!"
Anja enjoys nature, which means occasionally sneaking out from dingy Seattle into Salish territory. Stargazing and swimming were fun in Anchorage, and they're fun in Seattle, though she knows better than to take a dip in the Bay. She secretly tries to pick up the occasional bit of history about her Algonquin heritage when she has some time, usually while visiting Hurit. Sometimes she'll sneak into the U-Dub library to do a little studying, and just to practice being unnoticeable - nobody seems to have caught on just yet.
Though she won't admit it to herself, she is a bit vain - the magic running through her has left its mark on her, and she doesn't mind showing off a bit. She's a bit too practical to dress up in haute couture, though, at least if it can't stop a bullet. She's a bit spoiled, too; camping is one thing, but she grew up eating real vegetables and cleaning herself with hot water, so she sometimes turns her (flawless, perfectly aquiline) nose up at inconvenient times.
While working, she tries to be a moderating influence in a group of runners, but her skills run (mostly) elsewhere than leadership. She volunteers advice readily, but she won't do more than suggest that a course of action is unwise - if something goes sour, she's confident in her ability to distance herself from the run, metaphorically or literally, and equally confident that she can come back later for an even bigger slice of the pie.
On the job, Anja dresses professionally up until it's time to work - then the ruthenium shifts to the greys and blacks of concrete. Her first impulse is to sneak past any trouble, which she is fairly talented at, reinforcing her unnatural agility with spells if necessary. Failing that, she'll often summon minor spirits to distract and lead away marks, to steal, to sabotage security systems, or to scout alternate routes. If she's caught, she'll immediately try and lie her way out of trouble, again forcing the issue with spells if she has to. She hates confrontation, but she doesn't like jail, either - if all else fails, she keeps her pistol in a snap holster on the small of her back, and she shoots for the head.