[Personal Data]
Name Tatsuya Ren
Alias Locus
Metatype Human
Gender Male Special Technomancer
Age 47 Skin Tan, Rugged
Hair Black Eyes Blue
Height 6'0'' Weight 190lb

Karma 5 Nuyen 59,879.61¥
Street Cred 6 Career Karma 0
Notoriety 2 Public Awareness 0

Composure 11 Judge Intentions 14
Memory 14 Lift/Carry 15
Movement 18/36; 2m / hit, Swim: 8; 1m / hit Lift/Carry Weight 120/80

Physical Limit 10 Mental Limit 11
Social Limit 6 Astral Limit 11
Body 5 (7) Willpower 5 (7)
Agility 1 (8) Logic 5 (7)
Reaction 2 (6) Intuition 6 (10)
Strength 1 (8) Charisma 4
Edge 3 Essence 0.04
Resonance 9 (3)

Initiative 16 + 3d6
Astral Initiative
Rigger Initiative 16 + 3d6
Matrix AR 16 + 3d6
Matrix Cold 17 + 3d6
Matrix Hot 17 + 4d6

Physical Damage Track 16
Overflow 7
Natural Recovery Pool (1 day) 14
Stun Damage Track 12
Natural Recovery Pool (1 hour) 14
Metatype D,1
Attributes B,3
Special C,2
Skills E,0
Resources A,4
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[Active Skills]
Skill Rtg Pool
Combat Active Skills
Archery AGI 0 7
Automatics AGI 0 7
Blades AGI 1 9
Clubs AGI 0 7
Exotic Ranged Weapon (Grapple Gun) AGI 1 9
Heavy Weapons AGI 1 9
Longarms AGI

(Shotguns +2)
(Sniper Rifles +2)
(Dart Rifles +2)

6 17
Pistols AGI 0 7
Throwing Weapons AGI 1 9
Unarmed Combat AGI 1 9
Physical Active Skills
Disguise INT 1 11
Diving BOD 0 6
Escape Artist AGI 1 9
Free-Fall BOD 0 6
Gymnastics AGI 4 12
Palming AGI 1 9
Perception INT 1 11
Running STR 1 9
Sneaking AGI

(Urban +2)

4 13
Survival WIL 1 8
Swimming STR 1 9
Tracking INT 1 11
Pseudo-Magical Active Skills
Arcana LOG 1 10
Resonance Active Skills
Compiling RES 2 5
Registering RES 2 5
Social Active Skills
Con CHA 1 7
Skill Rtg Pool
Etiquette CHA 1 7
Impersonation CHA 0 5
Instruction CHA 0 5
Intimidation BOD 2 18
Leadership CHA 1 7
Negotiation CHA 1 7
Performance CHA 0 5
Technical Active Skills
Animal Handling CHA 0 3
Armorer LOG 1 10
Chemistry LOG 1 10
Computer LOG 6 15
Cybercombat LOG 1 10
Demolitions LOG 1 10
Electronic Warfare LOG

(Devices +2)

6 15
First Aid LOG 0 8
Forgery LOG 0 8
Hacking LOG 1 10
Hardware LOG 2 11
Industrial Mechanic LOG 1 10
Locksmith AGI 1 9
Medicine LOG 1 10
Navigation INT 1 15
Software LOG 3 12
Vehicle Active Skills
Gunnery AGI 0 7
Pilot Ground Craft REA 1 7
Pilot Watercraft REA 1 7
[Knowledge Skills]
Skill Rtg Pool
English 2 12
Japanese Native
Area Knowledge: Seattle

(ACHE +2)

3 13

(Illegal Augmentations +2)

1 11
Corporation: Ares Macrotechnology 1 11
Corporation: Aztechnology 1 11
Corporation: Mitsuhama Computer Technologies 2 12
Corporation: Renraku Computer Systems 3 13
Corporation: Saeder-Krupp 1 11

(Illegal Augmentations +2)

1 11
Drugs 1 11
Gambling 1 11
Law Enforcement Procedures (Professional)

(Physical +2)

3 13

(Statistics +2)

1 15

(Resonance Entities +2)

3 13
Matrix Threats

(Metasapients +2)

3 13
Parazoology 2 12
Policlubs 1 11

(Criminal +2)

1 11
Radical Groups 1 11
Security Design

(Corporate +2)

5 15
Security Procedures

(Renraku +2)

5 15
Shipping 1 11
Small Unit Tactics

(Urban +2)

5 15
Spirits 1 11
Syndicates 2 12
Area Knowledge: Los Angeles 1 11
Trids 1 11
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Positive Negative
  • Biocompatability (Cyberware) CF 54
  • Black Market Pipeline (Cyberware, Cian "Overdrive" McPherson) RF 145
  • Cyber-Singularity Seeker CF 54
    "Down there, in the Resonance...something's there. Someone. Waiting for me, there, in the heart. And I'm going to find them."
  • Exceptional Attribute (RES) SR5 72
    He works hard.
  • Hi-Rez BTB 160
    Your technomancer bonus to Matrix Perception is increased from +2 to +4. You may also make a Matrix Perception test to detect hidden icons as a Free Action once per Combat Turn.
  • Jack of All Trades Master of None RF 147
  • Panzer (BOD Intim/Soak) (BOD) SR5 0
  • Paragon (Probe (The Scout)) KC 102
  • Perfect Time RF 148
  • Razorboy (Intimidation) SR5 11
  • Resonant Discordance BTB 161
    You may now enter cold-sim.
    Due to the closeness of your being with the matrix itself you retain the +2 dice pool bonus to matrix actions. If you choose to use hot-sim, you receive +2 bonus to the following Resonance skill rolls: Compiling, Decompiling, and Threading complex forms.
  • Ronin (Dodge/Bioware) SR5 11
  • Shoot First, Don't Ask BTB 161
  • Sniper SR5 11
  • Technical School Education RF 150
  • Technomancer SR5 69
  • Addiction (Mild) (Kamikaze) SR5 77
  • Big Regret (Ex-Banded SCIRE Escapee) RF 153
  • Dry Addict (Burnout) (Ultraviolet Simulation) CF 57
    Though Deus isn't around to flood people with his constant subliminal output, the depths of the Matrix come uncomfortably close.
  • Electronic Witness DT 48
  • Insomnia (Basic) SR5 81
  • Records on File (Universal Omnitech) RF 158
    Thanks for the cyberware, Roxy, I'll leave my gene sample by the door.
  • Scorched (Blackouts) SR5 83
Contact Location C/L
Cian "Overdrive" McPherson (Downtown) AMRP (Cyberware) 6/4
A team lead for a CrashCart AMR team, Cian is a bear of a man of what-was-once-Irish descent, with huge shoulders, huge hands, and a terse disposition. Besides the more respectable work of being an AMR specialist working the downtown beat, especially the ACHE, Cian makes a tidy sum on the side by running cyberware out from CrashCart using bureaucratic trickery and the occasional fake work call (his team's in on the game). Cian is overworked, unsurprisingly, trying to keep up with the troubles of the ACHE while working his side hustle. Though he makes minimal noise about it, Cian is Awakened, a shaman of Firebringer - part of the reason why CrashCart keeps him bumping.

Cian funnels a fair bit of his 'ware through Juro, who put him in contact with Locus as part-payment for some odd jobs - Cian funnels some 'ware through him to the Yaks and other people with nuy' to burn. Cian can get enough parts for Locus to keep himself going, but for now he's not going under the knife with Cian himself; maybe once he knows him a little better.

Dante De Leon (Shadow Balladeer) University of Washington 3/3
An adjunct professor of folklore at University of Washington, Dante de Leon is an Aztlanter following in the footsteps of his grandfather, a famous narcocorrido. However, as the cartels took over Aztlan, he has come to Seattle to sing about the new rebellious heroes of the underworld - shadowrunners.

Dante has the powers of the Social Media Activist archetype.

High: University of Washington, Folk Music, AK: Aztlan, Nightlife

Medium: AK: Seattle, Drugs, Aztec Folklore, Catholicism

Low: Fashion, Punk Scene, Trog Rock, Sasquatches
Fukuda Juro (Gunrunner) Downtown 2/3
Juro is hard to miss, falling squarely into the 'bright shirts and big guns' side of the Yakuza shategashira. Favoring extremely florid Hawaiian shirts and jeans, half the time he doesn't even bother to hide the two Super Warhawks he favors. Assigned to the ACHE, Juro runs basically every vice imaginable into the underbelly of the arcology, mostly working the gun-running and protection rackets. This is enormously profitable, naturally, and so Juro is one of the up-and-coming shategashira in the Shotozumi-gumi.

Sensing the opportunity to make some initial forays back into the real world, Locus reached out to Juro both as a potential customer and as muscle-for-hire. Finally finding a fellow Japanese national looking to work his way up the ladder gave Juro the chance for some low-commitment ninjo showboating - and that Locus was himself quite capable didn't hurt, either. Locus doesn't trust him as far as he can throw him, but Locus can throw people pretty far if it comes down to it.
Fuminori Wataya (Disgraced) (Fixer) Tacoma 3/4
An ex-corporate director of personnel for MSB, a biotech firm that was subject to a fairly brutal raid by Shiawase in retaliation from the fallout for a sokaiya done to Wataya's boss. He got stabbed by a Shiawase raid.

Locus ended up saving his life as a general sort of "this guy seems he knows things, but he needs to be alive to talk to me. Have some nanites." He managed to make it out alive and has since moved into a freelance Japanese corporate fixer, well-connected in Tacoma.
Heracles (The Matrix) Free Sprite 2/3
A free data sprite that has become peculiarly interested in Locus and his life. Contacts him basically at random, usually by hacking into nearby AR devices and then inquiring about his comings and goings. Sometimes also appears in his apartment in AR. Strange fellow!

Jetha (Free Spirit of Man) Puyallup 4/3
Jetha is a free F7 spirit of man, and rather prickly besides. She understands metahumans better than most spirits but does not follow their customs out of choice. She does not accept nuyen for her service at all, and will only take Chips or Favors. She will not use her powers for a runner unless she is Loyalty 5 (Man Spirit powers with Fear and Psychokinesis), and is incredibly loathe to assist in a fight regardless of loyalty. As a free Spirit, she has Banishing Resistance.

She is High proficiency for magical threats, medium proficiency at knowing about specific spirits and low proficiency for puyallup rumours. GMs and players should be aware that Jetha's information comes from the somewhat alien perspective of a Free Spirit of Man.

The method of contact for Jetha is to rub the arcade token she has provided for 10 seconds, and think deeply of the shopping mall she calls her place on the material plane
Matthew Vannaugh (Lawyer) Seattle 4/1
Perri "Gonzo" Gonzalez (Bomb Maker) Seattle 3/2
32 yr old elf woman, Bomb-Maker affiliated with the Black Star in the Pacific Northwest.

High: Demolitions, Structural & Material Engineering, Chemistry (explosives), Electronics (detonators)

Med: Politics (neo anarchist), Radical Groups (neo anarchist), Combat Tactics (guerilla)

Low: Sprawl Life (squats), Politics (SSC), Black Markets
The Sommelier (Drug Cook) Beacon Hill 2/2
It wasn't particularly difficult for Locus to ask Tyler for a hookup was looking for a way to take the edge off Deus withdrawal. The Sommelier (as he calls himself) is one of the countless small-time drug dealers working the seedier areas of Downtown, Bellevue, and Redmond, depending on where the nearest rave is. Despite primarily specializing in BTLs, which he insists are "finely curated, calibrated for maximum enjoyment with minimal addictive tendency", he has surprising access to a variety of clean and well-measured pharmaceuticals as well.

A dark elf of somewhat questionable tastes, The Sommelier is usually found plying his trade at any number of seedy nightclubs throughout Redmond, Bellevue, and Downtown. Tall and dark, with a ponytail and waxed van Dyke, he tends towards neo-Victorian fashion - long jackets and gloves, boots and wireframe glasses (all knock-offs, of course). His deliveries are usually made by equally questionable elves on motorcycles, which Locus has not inquired about too closely.
Tyler Amberdale (Fixer) Ork Underground (Downtown) 4/5
Tyler was one of the Resistance allies, a smuggler into the SCIRE who turned to funneling firearms and other materiel through the OU up through the tunnels. When the siege finally broke with the fall of Deus, he made a quiet name for himself as being willing to work to get out the escapees who didn't or couldn't go with the Guard, and it's earned him a bit of respect.

Tyler recognized Locus from the augmentations - he'd seen enough to catch the stripes on the cyberarm while Locus was awkwardly trying to re-enter society after the lockdown lifted. A few quick pointers on how to blend into non-corporate society and a steady supply of food kept Locus going and out of jail when the soybars in his safehouse ran out. In return, Locus keeps himself on retainer when Locus hears about opportunities via the grapevine of the OU.

They've known each other for a long time now, on and off. Tyler's old for an orc now, working on his 40s; he keeps his head shaven, but wears a short silver goatee around his strong tusks and Roman nose. He's still built like a fridge, though, and his extended family (enormous by now) is all loyal to him.

4 chips for Locus
X-Cyte and Hammer (Reality Hackers) Redmond 3/3
A pair of augged up Reality Hackers. Hammer's a big ork, X-Cyte's a smaller human, both are augged to the gills and know how to hack.
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[Ranged Weapons]
Weapon DV AP Mode RC Ammo Accuracy Pool
Altmayr SPX2 SAG 34
  • Ceramic/Plasteel Components HT 180
  • Stock Removal HT 182
10P -1 SS/SA 4 8(m) 4 (5) 19
Range S M L E
Heavy Pistols 0-5 6-20 21-40 41-60
Shotguns (flechette) 0-15 16-30 31-45 46-60
Heavy Pistols 0-5 6-20 21-40 41-60
Shotguns (flechette) 0-15 16-30 31-45 46-60
Ares Light Fire 75 SR5 425
  • Silencer, Ares Light Fire 75 SR5 425
  • Smartgun System, Internal SR5 433
  • Concealed Quick-Draw Holster RG 51
  • Extended Clip HT 180
  • Melee Hardening HT 181
6P - SA 4 32(c) 6 (8) 7
Range S M L E
Light Pistols 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-50
Light Pistols 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-50
ArmTech MGL-12 SR5 431
  • Airburst Link SR5 431
  • Chameleon Coating (Rifle) HT 180
  • Extreme Environment Modification RG 51
  • Improved Range Finder RG 52
  • Melee Hardening HT 181
  • Personalized Grip HT 182
  • Smartgun System, External SR5 433
  • Stock Removal HT 182
Grenade - SA 4 12(c) 4 (7) 9
Range S M L E
Grenade Launchers 5-50 51-100 101-150 151-500
Grenade Launchers 5-50 51-100 101-150 151-500
Auto-Assault 16 RG 40
  • Additional Clip/Magazine SL 45
  • Custom Look HT 180
  • Electronic Firing HT 180
  • Extended Clip HT 180
  • Extreme Environment Modification RG 51
  • Gas-Vent 3 System SR5 431
  • Gecko Grip RG 52
  • Improved Range Finder RG 52
  • Long Barrel HT 181
  • Melee Hardening HT 181
  • Personalized Grip HT 182
  • Retractable Bayonet HT 182
  • Shock Pad SR5 432
  • Sling RG 52
  • Smartgun System, Internal SR5 433
13S(e) -1 SA/BF/FA 10 (11) 10(c) 4 (9) 19
Range S M L E
Shotguns 0-10 11-40 41-80 81-150
Shotguns (flechette) 0-15 16-30 31-45 46-60
Shotguns 0-10 11-40 41-80 81-150
Shotguns (flechette) 0-15 16-30 31-45 46-60
Barret Model 122 RG 40
Actually a heavily modified Barret Model 121. The chipped red paint has not yet worn fully off, and the Renraku logo features prominently on both sides of the stock.
  • Bipod SR5 431
  • Smartgun System, Internal SR5 433
  • Sound Suppressor SR5 432
  • Chameleon Coating (Rifle) HT 180
  • Custom Look HT 180
  • Electronic Firing HT 180
  • Extended Clip HT 180
  • Extreme Environment Modification RG 51
  • Improved Range Finder RG 52
  • Melee Hardening HT 181
  • Personalized Grip HT 182
  • Retractable Bayonet HT 182
  • Sling RG 52
14P -6 SA 7 14(c) 7 (11) 19
Range S M L E
Sniper Rifles 0-50 51-350 351-800 801-1500
Sniper Rifles 0-50 51-350 351-800 801-1500
Grapple Fist CF 90
    7S -2 SS 4 1(ml) 3 9
    Range S M L E
    Light Crossbows 0-6 7-24 25-60 61-120
    Light Crossbows 0-6 7-24 25-60 61-120
    Grapple Gun SR5 449
      7S -2 SS 4 1(ml) 3 9
      Range S M L E
      Light Crossbows 0-6 7-24 25-60 61-120
      Light Crossbows 0-6 7-24 25-60 61-120
      Grenade: Flash-Bang ×10 SR5 435
        10S (10m Radius) -4 4 1 10 9
        Range S M L E
        Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
        Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
        Grenade: Flash-Pak ×5 SR5 435
          Special - 4 1 10 9
          Range S M L E
          Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
          Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
          Grenade: Fragmentation ×10 SR5 435
            18P(f) (-1/m) +5 4 1 10 9
            Range S M L E
            Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
            Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
            Grenade: Gas ×10 SR5 435
              Chemical (10m Radius) - 4 1 10 9
              Range S M L E
              Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
              Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
              Grenade: Gas ×10 SR5 435
                Chemical (10m Radius) - 4 1 10 9
                Range S M L E
                Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
                Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
                Grenade: High Explosive ×10 SR5 435
                  16P (-2/m) -2 4 1 10 9
                  Range S M L E
                  Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
                  Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
                  Grenade: Paint ×10 RG 102
                    (10m Radius) - 4 1 10 9
                    Range S M L E
                    Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
                    Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
                    Grenade: Paint ×10 RG 102
                      (10m Radius) - 4 1 10 9
                      Range S M L E
                      Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
                      Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
                      Grenade: Thermal Smoke ×10 SR5 435
                        (10m Radius) - 4 1 10 9
                        Range S M L E
                        Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
                        Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
                        Hold-Fast Sprayer RG 104
                          Special -2 SS 4 10 2 0
                          Range S M L E
                          Tasers 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20
                          Tasers 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20
                          Minigrenade: Flash-Bang SR5 435
                            10S (10m Radius) -4 4 0 0 9
                            Range S M L E
                            Grenade Launchers 5-50 51-100 101-150 151-500
                            Grenade Launchers 5-50 51-100 101-150 151-500
                            Minigrenade: Fragmentation SR5 435
                              18P(f) (-1/m) +5 4 0 0 9
                              Range S M L E
                              Grenade Launchers 5-50 51-100 101-150 151-500
                              Grenade Launchers 5-50 51-100 101-150 151-500
                              Minigrenade: Gas SR5 435
                                Chemical (10m Radius) - 4 0 0 9
                                Range S M L E
                                Grenade Launchers 5-50 51-100 101-150 151-500
                                Grenade Launchers 5-50 51-100 101-150 151-500
                                Minigrenade: High Explosive SR5 435
                                  16P (-2/m) -2 4 0 0 9
                                  Range S M L E
                                  Grenade Launchers 5-50 51-100 101-150 151-500
                                  Grenade Launchers 5-50 51-100 101-150 151-500
                                  Minigrenade: Thermal Smoke SR5 435
                                    (10m Radius) - 4 0 0 9
                                    Range S M L E
                                    Grenade Launchers 5-50 51-100 101-150 151-500
                                    Grenade Launchers 5-50 51-100 101-150 151-500
                                    Mossberg AM-CMDT RG 41
                                    • Smartgun System, Internal SR5 433
                                    • Additional Clip/Magazine SL 45
                                    • Extended Clip HT 180
                                    • Extreme Environment Modification RG 51
                                    • Gas-Vent 3 System SR5 431
                                    • Gecko Grip RG 52
                                    • Melee Hardening HT 181
                                      MELEE HARDENING
                                      Strongly favored by practitioners of the Gun Kata martial art and helpful for anyone who is rough on their irearms, melee hardening reinforces the irearm’s me
                                    • Personalized Grip HT 182
                                    • Shock Pad SR5 432
                                    12P -1 SA/BF/FA 7 (8) 10(c) 5 (9) 19
                                    Range S M L E
                                    Shotguns 0-10 11-40 41-80 81-150
                                    Shotguns (flechette) 0-15 16-30 31-45 46-60
                                    Shotguns 0-10 11-40 41-80 81-150
                                    Shotguns (flechette) 0-15 16-30 31-45 46-60
                                    Onotari Arms Pressure KS-X SAG 35
                                    Kept in his leg's smuggling compartment.
                                    • Folding Stock RG 51
                                    • Laser Sight SR5 432
                                      Laser sight: This device uses a laser beam to project a visible dot (in your choice of colors) on the target. This increases the weapon’s Accuracy by 1, which is not cu- mulative with smartlink modifiers. The laser sight can be attached to either the underbarrel mount or top mount. Activating or deactivating a laser sight is a Simple Action.
                                    • Slide Mount RG 52
                                    • Bayonet RG 50
                                    • Chameleon Coating (Rifle) HT 180
                                    • Extended Clip HT 180
                                    • Melee Hardening HT 181
                                    • Personalized Grip HT 182
                                    • Silencer (Onotari Arms Pressure KS-X) SAG 35
                                    • Smartgun System, Internal SR5 433
                                    • Stock Removal HT 182
                                    10P -1 SA/BF 4 (5) 12(c) 4 (8) 21
                                    Range S M L E
                                    Shotguns 0-10 11-40 41-80 81-150
                                    Shotguns (flechette) 0-15 16-30 31-45 46-60
                                    Shotguns 0-10 11-40 41-80 81-150
                                    Shotguns (flechette) 0-15 16-30 31-45 46-60
                                    Parashield Dart Rifle SR5 430
                                    • Personalized Grip HT 182
                                    • Smartgun System, External SR5 433
                                    As Drug/Toxin - SA 4 6(m) 6 (10) 19
                                    Range S M L E
                                    Sporting Rifles 0-50 51-250 251-500 501-750
                                    Sporting Rifles 0-50 51-250 251-500 501-750
                                    Springfield M1A GH3 26
                                    • Imaging Scope SR5 432
                                    12P -1 SA 4 20(c) 6 (7) 17
                                    Range S M L E
                                    Sporting Rifles 0-50 51-250 251-500 501-750
                                    Sporting Rifles 0-50 51-250 251-500 501-750

                                    Ammo: Injection Darts ×10 SR5 434 +0 +0
                                    Ammo: Injection Darts ×10 SR5 434 +0 +0
                                    Ammo: Stick-n-Shock Flechette Rounds (Shotguns) ×20 TSG 29 +0S(e) +0
                                    Grenade: COS ×5 KC 48 +0 +0
                                    Grenade: Fuzzy Boom Boom Bunnies ×5 KC 48
                                    Programmed to explode into wild fractals and AR tesseracts.
                                    +0 +0
                                    Pixie Dust CF 186 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Auto-Assault 16) SR5 433
                                    Regular clip.
                                    +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Mossberg AM-CMDT) ×2 SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Mossberg AM-CMDT) ×2 SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Mossberg AM-CMDT) ×2 SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Mossberg AM-CMDT) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Auto-Assault 16) SR5 433
                                    Regular clip.
                                    +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Auto-Assault 16) SR5 433
                                    +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Auto-Assault 16) SR5 433
                                    +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Auto-Assault 16) SR5 433
                                    +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Auto-Assault 16) SR5 433
                                    +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Barret Model 122) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Barret Model 122) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Auto-Assault 16) SR5 433
                                    +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Auto-Assault 16) SR5 433
                                    Regular clip.
                                    +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Barret Model 122) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Barret Model 122) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Barret Model 122) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Auto-Assault 16) SR5 433
                                    +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Auto-Assault 16) SR5 433
                                    Regular clip.
                                    +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Auto-Assault 16) SR5 433
                                    +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Auto-Assault 16) SR5 433
                                    +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Ares Light Fire 75) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Auto-Assault 16) SR5 433
                                    +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Auto-Assault 16) SR5 433
                                    +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Auto-Assault 16) SR5 433
                                    +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (ArmTech MGL-12) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (ArmTech MGL-12) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (ArmTech MGL-12) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Auto-Assault 16) SR5 433
                                    +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (ArmTech MGL-12) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (ArmTech MGL-12) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Barret Model 122) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Auto-Assault 16) SR5 433
                                    +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Onotari Arms Pressure KS-X) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Onotari Arms Pressure KS-X) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Onotari Arms Pressure KS-X) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Onotari Arms Pressure KS-X) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Onotari Arms Pressure KS-X) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Onotari Arms Pressure KS-X) SR5 433 +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Springfield M1A) SR5 433
                                    Spare clip: A spare clip comes unloaded but can hold the maximum rounds for the weapon. Each clip is spe- cific to the weapon you buy it for, but they all cost the same. And yes, it’s technically a detachable box maga- zine, but the Cityspeak word for it is so popular these days that even the catalogs call them clips.
                                    +0 +0
                                    Spare Clip (Auto-Assault 16) SR5 433
                                    Spare clip: A spare clip comes unloaded but can hold the maximum rounds for the weapon. Each clip is spe- cific to the weapon you buy it for, but they all cost the same. And yes, it’s technically a detachable box maga- zine, but the Cityspeak word for it is so popular these days that even the catalogs call them clips.
                                    +0 +0

                                    [Melee Weapons]
                                    Weapon DV AP Reach Accuracy Pool
                                    Ares Briefcase Shield CA 136
                                      10P - 0 3 0
                                      Ballistic Shield SR5 438
                                        10S - 0 4 0
                                        Knife (Survival Kit) SR5 422
                                          9P -1 0 5 9
                                          Retractable Climbing Claws CF 86
                                            10P -3 0 9 10
                                            Retractable Climbing Claws CF 86
                                              10P -3 0 9 10
                                              Unarmed Attack SR5 132
                                                11P - 0 10 9
                                                Armor Value
                                                Always On
                                                Forearm Guards RG 73
                                                  Face Time
                                                  Ballistic Mask RG 74
                                                  • Electrochromic Clothing SR5 437
                                                  Helmet SR5 438
                                                  • Gas Mask SR5 449
                                                  • Respirator [R6] SR5 449
                                                  Looking Good Feeling Good
                                                  Ares Briefcase Shield CA 136
                                                    Mortimer of London: Argentum Coat RG 58
                                                    • Concealability RG 59
                                                    Mortimer of London: Berwick Suit RG 58
                                                    • Concealability RG 59
                                                    • Custom Fit RG 59
                                                    Oh God I'm Falling
                                                    Urban Explorer Daedalus SL 48
                                                    • Parachute (Urban Explorer Daedalus) SL 48
                                                    Urban Explorer Daedalus: Helmet SL 48
                                                      Other Stuff
                                                      Ballistic Shield SR5 438
                                                        PPP Mode; Activate
                                                        Securetech PPP: Arms Kit RG 70
                                                          Securetech PPP: Legs Kit RG 70
                                                            Securetech PPP: Vitals Kit RG 70
                                                              Slightly Less Violence Time
                                                              Ares Victory: Big Game Hunter RG 64
                                                              • Custom Fit RG 59
                                                              • Gear Access RG 59
                                                              • Liner - Fire Resistance (6) SR5 437
                                                              • Chemical Protection [R6] SR5 437
                                                              • Nonconductivity [R6] SR5 438
                                                              • Holster SR5 431
                                                              Ballistic Mask RG 74
                                                              • Electrochromic Clothing SR5 437
                                                              Helmet SR5 438
                                                              • Gas Mask SR5 449
                                                              • Respirator [R6] SR5 449
                                                              Securetech PPP: Arms Kit RG 70
                                                                Securetech PPP: Legs Kit RG 70
                                                                  Securetech PPP: Vitals Kit RG 70
                                                                    Stealth Stuff
                                                                    Chameleon Suit SR5 437
                                                                    • Faraday Pocket HT 185
                                                                    • Faraday Pocket HT 185
                                                                    • Thermal Damping [R6] SR5 438
                                                                    Ruthenium Polymer Cloak HT 184
                                                                      Violence Time
                                                                      Ballistic Mask RG 74
                                                                      • Electrochromic Clothing SR5 437
                                                                      Security Armor: Heavy RG 67
                                                                      • Custom Fit RG 59
                                                                      • Gear Access RG 59
                                                                      • Restrictive RG 59
                                                                        This armor is a little unwieldy. Armors with this quality halve Movement and incur Fatigue rolls with every Running check, even the first one.
                                                                      • Chemical Seal SR5 437
                                                                      • Electrochromic Clothing SR5 437
                                                                      • Gel Packs RG 85
                                                                      • Grey Mana Integration [R6] BTB 156
                                                                      • Holster SR5 431
                                                                      Security Armor: Helmet RG 67
                                                                        Total 46

                                                                        Page Break: : OFF
                                                                        Ford Americar (Sedan) SR5 463
                                                                        • Mod
                                                                        • GridLink Override R5 167
                                                                        • Morphing License Plate R5 152
                                                                        • Smuggling Compartment R5 165
                                                                        • Smuggling Compartment Shielding R5 165
                                                                        • Spoof Chips R5 152
                                                                        • Gear
                                                                        • Sensor Array [R2] SR5 445
                                                                          • Atmosphere Sensor SR5 446
                                                                          • Camera [R2] SR5 446
                                                                          • Camera [R2] SR5 446
                                                                          • Geiger Counter SR5 446
                                                                          • Laser Range Finder SR5 446
                                                                          • Olfactory Scanner SR5 446
                                                                          • Omni-directional Microphone [R2] SR5 446
                                                                          • Ultrasound SR5 446
                                                                        Handling 4/3 Body 11
                                                                        Acceleration 2 Armor 6
                                                                        Speed 3 Sensor 2
                                                                        Pilot 1 Rating 1
                                                                        Physical Damage Track 18 Seats 4
                                                                        Matrix Damage Track 9

                                                                        [Matrix Devices]
                                                                        Device Rating CM A/S/D/F Programs
                                                                        Living Persona SR5 251 3 10 4/10/7/7
                                                                            Nixdorf Sekretar DT 61 4 10 0/0/6/2
                                                                            • Modifications
                                                                            • Program Carrier (Browse) DT 65
                                                                            • Programs
                                                                            • Agent [R3] SR5 246
                                                                            • Gear
                                                                            • Commlink Functionality SR5 438
                                                                              • Camera, Micro SR5 443
                                                                              • Chip Player SR5 438
                                                                              • Credstick Reader SR5 438
                                                                              • Earbuds [R1] SR5 445
                                                                              • GPS Guidance System SR5 438
                                                                              • Micro Trid-Projector SR5 438
                                                                              • Music Player SR5 438
                                                                              • RFID Tag Scanner SR5 438
                                                                              • Shock- and Water-Resistant Case SR5 438
                                                                              • Touchscreen Display SR5 438
                                                                            Implant Essence Grade
                                                                            Bone Lacing (Titanium) SR5 454 0.60 Deltaware
                                                                            Cerebellum Booster [R2] CF 118 0.28 Alphaware
                                                                            Cyberears [R1] SR5 453
                                                                            • Antennae CF 74
                                                                            • Antennae CF 74
                                                                            • Antennae CF 74
                                                                            • Damper SR5 454
                                                                            • Sound Link SR5 454
                                                                            0.08 Deltaware
                                                                            Cybereyes Basic System [R1] SR5 453
                                                                            • Flare Compensation SR5 453
                                                                            • Image Link SR5 453
                                                                            • Smartlink SR5 453
                                                                            0.08 Deltaware
                                                                            Datajack SR5 452
                                                                            • Universal Connector Cord (Meter) RF 254
                                                                            0.04 Deltaware
                                                                            Double Elastin CF 160 0.20 None
                                                                            Enhanced Augmented Reality Reflex System KC 66 0.30 Deltaware
                                                                            Essence Hole [R92] SR5 0 0.92 None
                                                                            Gastric Neurostimulator CF 84 0.08 Deltaware
                                                                            Grapple Hand CF 87 0.18 Deltaware
                                                                            Nanohive, Soft [R1] (Neural Amplifiers (Neocortical)) CF 151 0.08 Deltaware
                                                                            Narco CF 159 0.20 None
                                                                            Neural Amplifiers (Neocortical) [R1] CF 150 0.00 None
                                                                            Obvious Full Arm SR5 456
                                                                            (AGI 9, STR 9)
                                                                            Obviously of higher quality than the other limbs. A few of the oldest unreplaced plates running across the bicep have five scratched-up black stripes.
                                                                            • Armor [R3] SR5 456
                                                                            • Attention Coprocessor CF 78
                                                                            • Biowaste Storage [R1] CF 82
                                                                            • Bulk Modification (Full Arm/Full Leg) [R4] CF 86
                                                                            • Customized Agility [R6] SR5 456
                                                                            • Customized Strength [R6] SR5 456
                                                                            • Cyberlimb Optimization (Longarms) CF 87
                                                                            • Enhanced Agility [R3] SR5 456
                                                                            • Enhanced Strength [R3] SR5 456
                                                                            • Infrasonic Generator [R4] HT 186
                                                                            • Orientation System CF 80
                                                                            • Retractable Climbing Claws (Hands) CF 86
                                                                            0.60 Betaware
                                                                            Obvious Full Arm SR5 456
                                                                            (AGI 9, STR 9)
                                                                            • Armor [R3] SR5 456
                                                                            • Bulk Modification (Full Arm/Full Leg) [R4] CF 86
                                                                            • Customized Agility [R6] SR5 456
                                                                            • Customized Strength [R6] SR5 456
                                                                            • Cyberlimb Optimization (Longarms) CF 87
                                                                            • Enhanced Agility [R3] SR5 456
                                                                            • Enhanced Strength [R3] SR5 456
                                                                            • Retractable Climbing Claws (Hands) CF 86
                                                                            • Sensor Array [R5] SR5 445
                                                                              • Cyberware Scanner SR5 446
                                                                                Cyberware scanner: This millimeter-wave scanner is primarily intended to detect cyber-implants but can be used to identify other contraband as well. Maximum range 15 meters.
                                                                              • Laser Microphone [R5] SR5 446
                                                                                • Audio Enhancement [R3] SR5 445
                                                                                  Audio enhancement: Audio enhancement allows the user to hear a broader spectrum of audio frequen- cies, including high and low frequencies outside the normal metahuman audible spectrum. The user also experiences fine discrimination of nuances and can block out distracting background noise. Audio en- hancement adds its Rating to your limit in audio Per- ception Tests.
                                                                                • Select Sound Filter [R2] SR5 445
                                                                                  Select sound filter: This lets you block out back- ground noise and focus on specific sounds or patterns of sounds. It even includes speech, word, and sound pattern recognition. Each Rating point lets you select a single sound group (such as the footsteps of a patrolling guard or the rotors of a distant helicopter) and focus on it. You only actively listen to one group at a time, but you can record the others for later playback or set them to triggered monitoring (such as sounding an alert if a conversation brings up a certain topic, or if there’s a vari- ation in the breathing pattern of a guard dog).
                                                                              • MAD Scanner SR5 446
                                                                                MAD scanner: The MAD (Magnetic Anomaly Detec- tion) scanner is used to detect weapons and concentra- tions of metal. It has a maximum range of 5 meters.
                                                                              • Motion Sensor SR5 446
                                                                                Motion sensor: This sensor uses a mix of ultrasound and low-power infrared to detect motion and drastic changes in the ambient temperature. Maximum range is 25 meters.
                                                                              • Nanoscanner CF 153
                                                                                Nanoware can be very difficult to detect. Cyberware scanners may sometimes detect extensive nanoware, but a dedicated nano-scanner that can test blood, saliva, tissue, or other materials for nanites is required for positive identification in most cases. Once limited to medical and high-security facilities due to cost, it has become common to issue these devices to emergency response teams in order to identify CFD victims. This function can be installed in any sensor device like other sensor functions (p. 445, SR5). The range of this sensor is one meter. The threshold for detecting nanoware can be found on the Nanotech Detection table. A test must be made for each system.
                                                                              • Olfactory Scanner SR5 446
                                                                                Olfactory scanner: The olfactory sensor picks up and analyzes the molecules in the air. It works in the same way as the olfactory booster cyberware.
                                                                              • Radio Signal Scanner SR5 446
                                                                                Radio signal scanner: This can be used as a bug scanner (p. 440).
                                                                              • Ultrasound SR5 446
                                                                                Ultrasound: The ultrasound accessory consists of an emitter that sends out continuous ultrasonic pulses and a receiver that picks up the echoes of these pulses to create a topographic ultrasound map. Ultrasound is per- fect to “see” textures, calculate distances between ob- jects, and pick up things otherwise invisible to the naked eye (like people cloaked by an Invisibility spell), it can’t handle colors or brightness. It also can’t penetrate mate- rials like glass that would be transparent to optical sen- sors. You can set it to a passive mode, where it doesn’t emit ultrasonic pulses but still picks up ultrasound from outside sources, such as motion sensors or someone else’s ultrasound sensors on active mode (or bats).
                                                                            0.60 Betaware
                                                                            Obvious Full Leg SR5 456
                                                                            (AGI 9, STR 9)
                                                                            • Armor [R3] SR5 456
                                                                            • Bulk Modification (Full Arm/Full Leg) [R4] CF 86
                                                                            • Customized Agility [R6] SR5 456
                                                                            • Customized Strength [R6] SR5 456
                                                                            • Cyberlimb Optimization (Longarms) CF 87
                                                                            • Enhanced Agility [R3] SR5 456
                                                                            • Enhanced Strength [R3] SR5 456
                                                                            • Hydraulic Jacks [R6] SR5 457
                                                                            • Large Smuggling Compartment SR5 457
                                                                            • Skates CF 88
                                                                            0.60 Betaware
                                                                            Obvious Full Leg SR5 456
                                                                            (AGI 9, STR 9)
                                                                            • Armor [R3] SR5 456
                                                                            • Bulk Modification (Full Arm/Full Leg) [R4] CF 86
                                                                            • Customized Agility [R6] SR5 456
                                                                            • Customized Strength [R6] SR5 456
                                                                            • Cyberlimb Optimization (Longarms) CF 87
                                                                            • Enhanced Agility [R3] SR5 456
                                                                            • Enhanced Strength [R3] SR5 456
                                                                            • Hydraulic Jacks [R6] SR5 457
                                                                            • Math SPU CF 80
                                                                            • Radar Sensor [R4] CF 81
                                                                            0.60 Betaware
                                                                            Partial Cyberskull CF 88
                                                                            • Armor [R3] SR5 456
                                                                            • Bulk Modification (Hand/Foot/Half-Skull) [R1] CF 86
                                                                            • Single Sensor [R5] SR5 445
                                                                              • Camera [R5] SR5 446
                                                                                • Thermographic Vision SR5 444
                                                                                • Vision Enhancement [R3] SR5 444
                                                                                • Vision Magnification SR5 444
                                                                            • Single Sensor [R5] SR5 445
                                                                              • Omni-directional Microphone [R5] SR5 446
                                                                                • Audio Enhancement [R3] SR5 445
                                                                                • Select Sound Filter [R2] SR5 445
                                                                            0.16 Deltaware
                                                                            Platelet Factories SR5 459 0.08 Deltaware
                                                                            PuSHed CF 160 0.10 None
                                                                            Reaction Enhancers [R1] SR5 455 0.12 Deltaware
                                                                            Reflex Recorder (Longarms) SR5 460 0.06 Betaware
                                                                            Page Break: : OFF
                                                                            [Complex Forms]
                                                                            Name Target Duration Fading Value
                                                                            Diffusion of [Matrix Attribute] Device S L-2
                                                                            SR5 252
                                                                            Editor File P L-1
                                                                            SR5 252
                                                                            FAQ Device P L
                                                                            DT 58
                                                                            Primed Charge Self I L
                                                                            KC 95
                                                                            Puppeteer Device I L+1
                                                                            SR5 252
                                                                            Resonance Veil Device S L-3
                                                                            SR5 253
                                                                            Search History Device I L-2
                                                                            KC 95
                                                                            Static Veil Persona S L-3
                                                                            SR5 252
                                                                            Weaken Data Bomb File I L-2
                                                                            KC 96

                                                                            Submersion Grade 5
                                                                            • Fight or Flight Filter DT 58
                                                                            • Neural Synergy KC 101
                                                                            • Neural Synergy KC 101
                                                                            • Skinlink DT 59
                                                                            • The Van der Waals Effect KC 102
                                                                            Page Break: : OFF
                                                                            • Ammo - Miscellaneous
                                                                            • Reloading Rail HT 187
                                                                            • Breakyenter
                                                                            • Autopicker [R6] SR5 447
                                                                            • Can of Spray Paint (Matte black.) RF 254
                                                                            • Can of Spray Paint (Hot pink.) RF 254
                                                                            • Catalyst Stick SR5 449
                                                                            • Chisel SR5 447
                                                                            • Climbing Gear SR5 448
                                                                            • Crowbar SR5 447
                                                                            • Enchanting Gloves HT 187
                                                                            • Endoscope SR5 444
                                                                            • Flashlight, Low-light SR5 449
                                                                            • Gecko Tape Gloves SR5 449
                                                                            • Glue Sprayer SR5 448
                                                                            • Grapple Gun SR5 449
                                                                              • Smartgun System, External SR5 1
                                                                            • Hard-Shell Briefcase [R12] RG 196
                                                                            • Hold-Fast Adhesive Spray RG 104
                                                                            • Long Range Acoustic Device CA 142
                                                                            • Miniwelder SR5 448
                                                                            • Reinforced Microwire (100m) TCT 185
                                                                            • Stealth Rope (100m) SR5 449
                                                                            • Tool Kit (Locksmith) SR5 443
                                                                            • Tool Kit (Hardware) SR5 443
                                                                            • Ultra-Glide Industrial Lubricant (liter) RG 104
                                                                            • BTLs
                                                                            • Attack Booster [R2] KC 59
                                                                            • Bodyguard BTL CF 193
                                                                              BODYGUARD BTL
                                                                              Effect: Body + 1, Logic –1 May use Protecting the Principal (p. 125, Run & Gun) without spending Edge.
                                                                              When the chip is slotted, the user is assigned a target to protect. The user will then protect this person above all else.
                                                                            • Data Dynamo [R4] KC 59
                                                                            • Infiltrator CF 193
                                                                            • Pacifier CF 193
                                                                            • Sleaze Booster [R2] KC 59
                                                                            • Slick Willy [R4] KC 59
                                                                            • D R O G A S
                                                                            • Betameth ×4 CF 180
                                                                              Addiction 9/3 (9/2 from pharma), both addictions
                                                                              • Pharma-grade (Drug Cook Discounted) SR5 1
                                                                            • Cereprax CF 180
                                                                            • Disposable Syringe ×2 SR5 450
                                                                              • Narcojet SR5 410
                                                                            • Guts CF 181
                                                                            • Kamikaze ×7 SR5 412
                                                                              9/3 (2 from pharma), physiological addiction
                                                                              • Pharma-Grade (Drug-Cook Discount) SR5 1
                                                                            • Leäl CF 185
                                                                            • Lion's Roar ×4 CA 143
                                                                            • Medkit [R6] SR5 450
                                                                            • Neostigmine BB 19
                                                                            • Psyche SR5 412
                                                                            • Savior Medkit CF 152
                                                                            • Slap Patch, Antidote Patch [R6] SR5 451
                                                                            • Slap Patch, Stim Patch [R6] SR5 451
                                                                            • Slap Patch, Trauma Patch SR5 451
                                                                            • Disguise Gear
                                                                            • Contacts [R2] SR5 443
                                                                              • Polychromic Lens HT 188
                                                                              • Vision Magnification SR5 444
                                                                            • Smart Wig HT 188
                                                                            • Synthskin Face Mask [R6] HT 188
                                                                              Programmed with max hits (6). Looks like Shinya Arino.
                                                                            • Synthskin Face Mask [R6] HT 188
                                                                              Generic face (6 dice bonus). Looks like Hitoshi Matsumoto.
                                                                            • Tool Kit (Disguise) SR5 443
                                                                            • Electronics
                                                                            • Biomonitor SR5 450
                                                                            • Data Tap ×2 SR5 440
                                                                            • Datachip ×10 SR5 440
                                                                            • Electronic Parts, Five-Pack ×3 DT 66
                                                                            • Jammer, Area [R6] SR5 441
                                                                            • Jammer, Directional [R6] SR5 441
                                                                            • Micro-Transceiver SR5 441
                                                                            • Prepaid Commlink (Cheap) ×3 RF 253
                                                                              • Commlink Functionality SR5 438
                                                                                • Camera, Micro SR5 443
                                                                                • Chip Player SR5 438
                                                                                • Credstick Reader SR5 438
                                                                                • Earbuds [R1] SR5 445
                                                                                • GPS Guidance System SR5 438
                                                                                • Micro Trid-Projector SR5 438
                                                                                • Music Player SR5 438
                                                                                • RFID Tag Scanner SR5 438
                                                                                • Shock- and Water-Resistant Case SR5 438
                                                                                • Touchscreen Display SR5 438
                                                                            • Sensor Tags SR5 440
                                                                              • Single Sensor [R2] SR5 445
                                                                                • Omni-directional Microphone [R2] SR5 446
                                                                            • Sensor Tags SR5 440
                                                                              • Single Sensor [R2] SR5 445
                                                                                • Camera [R2] SR5 446
                                                                            • Stealth Tags ×10 SR5 440
                                                                            • Ultrasonic Noise Generator [R4] HT 187
                                                                            • White Noise Generator [R6] ×2 SR5 441
                                                                            • Miscellany
                                                                            • Ares PED Mark III RG 104
                                                                            • C-Squared [R6] HT 187
                                                                            • Reactive Myomer Pack HT 187
                                                                            • Restraint, Plasteel SR5 447
                                                                            • Restraint, Plastic ×10 SR5 447
                                                                            • Survival Kit SR5 449
                                                                              • Compass SR5 449
                                                                              • Lighter SR5 449
                                                                              • Lightweight Thermal Blanket SR5 449
                                                                              • Matches SR5 449
                                                                              • Several Days' Worth of Ration Bars SR5 449
                                                                              • Water Purification Unit SR5 449
                                                                            Fake SIN (Ernest Takada (Japan)) [R4] SR5 442
                                                                            • Fake License (Augs) [R4] SR5 443
                                                                            • Fake License (Firearms) [R4] SR5 443
                                                                            • Fake License (Concealed Carry) [R4] SR5 443
                                                                            • Fake License (Vocational) [R4] SR5 443
                                                                              Takada-san is a registered security technician - a euphemism for a mercenary irregular.
                                                                            Fake SIN (Hikaru Redfield - Seattle Free City) [R6] SR5 442
                                                                            • Fake License (Concealed Carry) [R6] SR5 443
                                                                            • Fake License (Firearms) [R6] SR5 443
                                                                            • Fake License (Matrix) [R6] SR5 443
                                                                            • Fake License (Augmentation) [R6] SR5 443
                                                                            • Fake License (Vocational) [R6] SR5 443
                                                                              Mr. Redfield is licensed as a freelance security troubleshooter.
                                                                            Fake SIN (Henri Angkor (CrashCart)) [R4] SR5 442
                                                                            AMRP SIN.
                                                                            • Fake License (Augs) [R4] SR5 443
                                                                            Certified Credstick, Gold SR5 442
                                                                            Certified Credstick, Silver SR5 442
                                                                            Certified Credstick, Standard ×2 SR5 442

                                                                            A 2BDK condo in a relatively quiet tower downtown, just northeast of the ACHE. (Medium) SR5 369
                                                                            Cost: 5,000¥ (3,000¥) × 0 = 0¥;
                                                                              A hidden-away cranny in the elevator shafts of the ACHE. (Bolt Hole) RF 216
                                                                              Cost: 1,000¥ (1,350¥) × 1 = 1,350¥;
                                                                                Page Break: : OFF

                                                                                Your trid projector flickers to life as you crack the encryption on the file. A flatvid begins playing, displaying the close-up a weather-beaten looking Asian man - salt-and-pepper hair, a trimmed beard and a rough crew-cut, recycled-plastic hoodie and jogging pants doing a poor job of concealing his heavy-duty augmentations. The video shudders briefly as he adjusts the camera, pulling into focus on the cratered remains of what might have once been a storage room before he begins narrating in Japanese.


                                                                                "December 19, 2081.  Making this recording as an anniversary present to myself, in case I forget who I am again.  My name is Tatsuya Ren; once upon a time, I was a senior analyst for Renraku Computer Systems.  Now, I'm a freak with brain problems, so keep that in mind."

                                                                                "I was born in Osaka, not that long ago, honestly, on the great scheme of things.  Mom and dad were Renraku analysts, working for Iris in R&D.  Mom did enough work on the side that baby Ren got a full SIN - they were so proud when I got my graduated from Seoul Security Academy and got my first job at the crown jewel of Renraku North America.  The Self-Contained Industrial-Residential Environment."

                                                                                He pauses for a long time.  "Living in the SCIRE was like finally living in the future.  It's the life the megas promise wageslaves to keep them going.  Renraku still uses promotional material from it in their trids - logos scrubbed, obviously.  Luxury, family, friends, smiling faces, rewarding work.  All those tree-humping eco-terrorists, the penny-pinching execs complaining about cost overruns, they didn't understand.  We worked miracles there.  It was really like AEP knew what you wanted, what you needed."  His eyes harden, two chips of sapphire in the incandescent lamp hanging overhead.  "Funny, now, in hindsight."

                                                                                "Deus's lockdown - his pet freaks and their robot army - they started with us, naturally, the security.  The ones they could use,  they tranqed, hauled to the labs, and wired up.  The ones they couldn't, they killed, or stuck in those fucking zombie rooms.  That might have been easier."

                                                                                "I...don't remember much after they shot me in the ass with that Narcojet, not anymore.  'Diffuse cortical trauma from emergency cybersurgery', Cian tells me.  Like the mother of all concussions.  I remember the emotions, mostly - pain, terror, fury, ecstasy.  And Deus, always there.  Sometimes that old man in the black robe.  Sometimes an angel, wings of fire, perfect physical specimen.  Sometimes the tree, horizon to horizon, blocking out the sun, filling the sky with rainbows.  A broken kaleidoscope."  He shivers.  "Two years of my life, just like that.  Just me and him."

                                                                                "Memory starts coming back after they finally dumped him from the SCIRE, though.  Not sure how long it took after Huang or whoever geeked Deus the first time, but the first thing I remember seeing was a gun.  The second thing I saw were my hands."  He holds up his arm to the light, revealing a burly cyberarm.  Panels are missing, and a few wires are exposed - clearly not in good repair.  "I looked like this.  Academy set me up with a 'jack, a little bio, a little headware - obviously the security forces of the future can't come out of a fucking horror trid."  He pauses, then shrugs.  "Deus felt otherwise.  If he felt anything."

                                                                                "So, two years after the lockdown, Deus's sim feed cuts out.  I come back feeling like I've been drowning in acid, holding a shotgun, fire, corpses - corpses everywhere.  After that, the first of many blackouts."  He pauses, then waves his hands in a broad arc.  "Don't know how I managed it feeling like that, but I pulled myself into an elevator shaft - one of those little nooks they stuck in for IntEleGence to park cabins - must have waited it out a bit.  Still got a little hideout here, my own slice of paradise.  Brought a microwave in, even."  He chuckles, a sound like a rusty nail getting pried out of a board.

                                                                                "Eventually, the Guard found me, dragged me out with them in with the rest of the refugees right as the withdrawal really kicked in.  Threw me in a Faraday cage, took out the PAB rig and the killswitch.  Not actually that difficult - I was almost catatonic, they told me.  Good thing I wasn't one of those-" he holds his finger up to his datajack and and taps it meaningfully, the servos clicking softly.  "If I had one of those chips plugged in, I would have fought to the death for that fucking tree.  Renraku probably thinks I did."  He pauses his monologue briefly.  "Getting his roots ripped out of my head, they definitely left me with a little damage - nothing I can't handle, but I keep a record of everything I do, now, just in case."

                                                                                "I got the story from them after that.  Can't go back to Renraku anymore, not like this, not after that.  Not after what they fucking did."  He reaches out to the ashtray sitting on the seat of a metal folding chair, retrieving a cheap cigar.  "So.  Spent some time, got used to my new body.  Seems like I was supposed to be a forward security unit - counter-infil, flanking and irregular engagements, assassination.  Charming work.  Made it easy for me to break out after the surgery; didn't even blow that many stitches."

                                                                                "Made my way to a little hidey-hole I had set up before the drek hit the fan.  Smartest decision I ever made, there, by the way - remember that one, keep more safehouses.  Nix, take a note,"  He mutters to himself as he fixes his eyes on the space directly in front of him for a couple seconds.  "Had an emergency 'stick, a fake SIN, autodoc, some food.  I found a few ways to keep myself going while they put the world back together.  Focused on anything else, managed to stay sane without slotting a chip.  Hardest thing I've ever done."  He stares at a point directly above the camera for a few seconds.  "I still dream about him, sometimes.  I hate those nights."  He stares for a few more seconds before doggedly continuing.

                                                                                "That took me a couple years.  Just surviving.  Figuring out how to live without Big R holding my hand."  He waggles his eyebrows to the camera.  "Then, eventually, the Crash.  Disaster.  Death, chaos, apocalypse.  But for me, it was one more thing.  Deus was dead.  I was free.  Finally."  He blasts a cloud of smoke into the air, hovering in the poorly ventilated room like a ghost.

                                                                                "After that, things got a lot better.  Even got a bit of work - the boys in the nice suits with the slick hair and the tats, they don't ask too many questions as long as you get the job done and keep your mouth shut after."  He pauses, then sighs.  "But it didn't last.  When they lit up the new Grids, well...so did I.  Felt like someone put a bullet between my eyes, but it kept going, over and over."  He winces, crows-feet tracking across his face like scars.  "Hadn't felt like that since I woke up.  It's like living in a thunderstorm - all you can hear is noise, all you can see is light, and if you stand up too tall, you're going to get fried.  All I could think was: why?  Why me?  What the fuck?  Was this another one of Deus's fucking experiments, fucking with me a decade later?  Or was it just a big karmic thumb up my ass?"

                                                                                Another long pause.  "I couldn't handle it.  I shut it out, pretended it didn't happen - most toasterfuckers, they don't look like me.  Pretended I was just a regular consumer-grade freak, instead of one of them, those fuckers that destroyed the world.  Destroyed my life."  His face tightens again, then relaxes.

                                                                                "Managed that for a few years, but it got hard, too hard.  Thought about burning it out once and for all, but never got the guts to do it.  Or the money."  He sighs again, but the tone has gone from resentful to almost wistful.  "Eventually, though...Probe found me.  Don't know who told him about me - maybe nobody.  That's sort of how he works, yeah?  He hates isolated systems, and if there's one thing I was going for, it was 'isolation'.  I heard a little bit about what talking with your totem is like from Cian - he's always been a good guy, as long as you keep it brief.  Felt a little like that, I think.  Persona just looked like some Dickens street waif, but when he sent me a message, it felt like someone had dropped a boulder on my back.  Couldn't say no to him, not after I looked into his eyes."

                                                                                "Together, we - I - well, I finally looked at the Resonance.  What I was afraid of."  He stares into space above the camera.  "It was...like nothing else.  I thought it was Deus, but Deus was nothing - a tiny little sapling in a forest that goes on and on, forever and ever.  I was an idiot, and never realized.  Stupid.  God, I was so stupid."  He sits in silence for a long time.

                                                                                Eventually, he leans forward, closing his hands firmly on either side of the folding chair.  "So now I'm back in.  I'm going to get back what Deus stole from me.  I talked to Tyler; he and his boys got some real work lined up for me, a little more my speed.  I'm going to get back my body, my mind, and my Resonance, and no one is getting in my way - not Renraku, not the feds, not any of Deus's leftover freaks."

                                                                                "Picked a street name for myself.  Locus.  The middle of the web, the center of everything.  It's got a nice ring to it, I think, yeah?  Try to remember it, Ren.  Locus."

                                                                                He reaches out with his hand, then stops it halfway.  He stares at the camera for a long second, brow furrowing.  The feed stops.


                                                                                Survivor of the Lockdown Emerges and wants to get back what he lost.

                                                                                [Other Portraits]

                                                                                Art credit: https://twitter.com/Sia_Kim_K

                                                                                The man in the white robe is Locus's persona while jacking in through his commlink; the armored figure is Locus's Living Persona.


                                                                                +4 Tamanous

                                                                                +4 Universal Omnitech

                                                                                +5 Povryejhda Vory

                                                                                +2 Aztechnology

                                                                                +3 The Cutters

                                                                                +5 Yellow Lotus Triad

                                                                                +5 Saeder-Krupp

                                                                                +5 UNATCO

                                                                                -2 MCT

                                                                                His grenades are all set to motion detonation, wireless-off.

                                                                                Stuff to buy:

                                                                                Platelet Factories

                                                                                ??? upgrade his augs at this point

                                                                                Cashed out rep for Street Cred 4 times.