[Personal Data]
Name Arwen Morgan
Alias Lethe
Metatype Human
Gender Female Special Mystic Adept
Age 29 Skin Pale
Hair Black Eyes Violet
Height 5'4'' Weight 140 lb

Karma 0 Nuyen 134,355.87¥
Street Cred 17 Career Karma 154
Notoriety 1 Public Awareness 0

Composure 5 Judge Intentions 10
Memory 14 Lift/Carry 4
Movement 4/8; 2m / hit, Swim: 2; 1m / hit Lift/Carry Weight 30/20

Physical Limit 3 Mental Limit 11
Social Limit 4 Astral Limit 11
Body 2 Willpower 4
Agility 2 Logic 6 (10)
Reaction 2 Intuition 5 (9)
Strength 2 Charisma 1
Edge 3 Essence 5.00
Magic 5

Initiative 11 + 1d6
Astral Initiative 18 + 3d6
Rigger Initiative 11 + 1d6
Matrix AR 11 + 1d6
Matrix Cold 16 + 4d6
Matrix Hot 16 + 5d6

Physical Damage Track 9
Overflow 2
Natural Recovery Pool (1 day) 4
Stun Damage Track 10
Natural Recovery Pool (1 hour) 6
Metatype D,1
Attributes E,0
Special C,2
Skills B,3
Resources A,4
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[Active Skills]
Skill Rtg Pool
Combat Active Skills
Archery AGI 0 1
Automatics AGI 0 1
Blades AGI 0 1
Clubs AGI 0 1
Heavy Weapons AGI 0 1
Longarms AGI 0 1
Pistols AGI 0 1
Throwing Weapons AGI 0 1
Unarmed Combat AGI 0 1
Magical Active Skills
Assensing INT 3 12
Counterspelling MAG 3 12
Ritual Spellcasting MAG 3 12
Spellcasting MAG

(Illusion +2)

6 15
Summoning MAG

(Spirits of Man +2)

6 15
Physical Active Skills
Disguise INT 1 10
Diving BOD 0 1
Escape Artist AGI 0 1
Free-Fall BOD 0 1
Gymnastics AGI 0 1
Perception INT 0 8
Running STR 0 1
Skill Rtg Pool
Sneaking AGI 0 1
Survival WIL 0 3
Swimming STR 0 1
Tracking INT 0 8
Pseudo-Magical Active Skills
Arcana LOG 6 18
Technical Active Skills
Armorer LOG 0 11
Computer LOG

(Matrix Perception +2)

6 20
Cybercombat* LOG 7 23
Demolitions LOG 0 11
Electronic Warfare* LOG 7 23
First Aid LOG 0 11
Forgery LOG 0 11
Hacking* LOG 7 23
Hardware LOG

(Cyberdecks +2)

1 13
Navigation INT 0 8
Software LOG

(Data Bombs +2)

6 20
Vehicle Active Skills
Gunnery AGI 1 3
Pilot Ground Craft REA 0 1
Pilot Watercraft REA 0 1
Skill Groups
* Cracking 7
[Knowledge Skills]
Skill Rtg Pool
Corporation: Ares Macrotechnology 1 13
Corporation: Mitsuhama Computer Technologies 1 13
Corporation: NeoNET

(Novatech +2)

3 15
Corporation: OmniStar 1 13
Corporation: Shiawase 1 13
Fantasy Literature 1 13
Foundations 1 13
Gangs 1 13
Hunting Lodges 1 13
Magic Traditions 4 16
Magical Community 4 16
Magical Security 4 16
Magical Theory (Academic) 4 16
Magical Threats 4 16
Matrix 4 16
Matrix Security 4 16
Nanotechnology 1 13
Parabotany 4 16
Parazoology 4 16
Seattle Unrated Corporations 1 13
Small Unit Tactics 1 13
Spirits 4 16
Security Design 1 10
Trideo Shows 1 10
English Native
Arcanoarchaeology 4 16
Area Knowledge: Boston 1 13
Drones 1 13
Smuggling 1 13
Underworld 1 13
Shadow Community 1 10

(Mafia +2)

3 12
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Positive Negative
  • Adrenaline Surge RF 145
    COST: 12 KARMA
    Hit first, hit last, that’s your style. Adrenaline Surge allows a character to act first in the first Initiative Pass of a new combat even if they don’t have the highest Initiative Score. If other characters involved in the combat have the Adrenaline Surge quality or use their Edge to Seize the Initiative so that they may act first in the same Initiative Pass, characters act in order of their Initiative Scores. This quality does not allow a Surprised character to act first in an ambush, but it can allow a character who is not surprised to strike first.
  • Archivist FA 32
    Finally, all that time studying applied ritual warding pays off.
  • Chosen Follower FA 35
  • College Education RF 145
    Was she paying attention in class? No. Did she have to? Also no.
  • Deck Builder KC 76
    The character has been messing around with tech their whole life; it was only a matter of time before they found a way to push their deck’s hardware further so that it could do more than it was supposed to.
    The character may install 1 additional cyberdeck module (p. 64, Data Trails) into their deck.
    This quality may only be selected once.
  • Focused Concentration SR5 74
  • Impenetrable Logic KC 76
  • Instinctive Hack BTB 160
    Unless surprised, you can make one of the following actions before Initiative is rolled for the first time in a combat (Physical or Matrix): Brute Force, Data Spike, Hack on the Fly, or Matrix Perception.
  • Made Man RF 148
    Made with the Boston O'Rilleys Mafia syndicate.
  • Mentor Spirit (Spider) SR5 76
    Though her connection to Spider is still mostly subconscious, she has had a few VR chats that were not, strictly speaking, VR.
  • Mystic Adept SR5 69
    • Mystic adepts are a combination of magicians and adepts.
    • Mystic adepts never astrally project.
    • Mystic adepts can astrally perceive if they purchase the Astral Perception adept power.
    • Mystic adepts purchase their spells/rituals/preparations in the same way as magicians.
    • Mystic adepts must purchase their Power Points with Karma (5 Karma each at character creation for a full Power Point,
    with a maximum number of points equal to their Magic attribute rating).
    • Mystic adepts can have any skills from the Enchanting,
    Sorcery, or Conjuring skill groups.
  • Overclocker RF 148
    The character is able to coax more juice out of his gear.
    The character may add 1 point of Rating to one of his cyberdeck’s ASDF attributes. This point can be reallocated as desired any time the cyberdeck is reconfigured.
  • Perfect Time RF 148
    +1 dice pool modifier for Performance Tests involving timing and rhythm, along with an additional Free Action during every Action Phase.
  • The Artisan's Way SG 176
  • Down the Rabbit Hole KC 77
    I'll have you know that I'm considered something of an authority in the Deities and Demigods character optimization community.
  • Nerdrage DT 48
    > What the frag did you just fucking say about me, you little wagie? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at Novatech, and I've been involved in numerous secret shadowruns on Global Sandstorm, and I have over 300 confirmed derezzes. I am trained in electronic warfare and I'm the top decker in the entire Emerald Grid. You are nothing to me but just another wageslave. I will give you brain damage with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in the Sixth World, mark my fragging words. You think you can get away with saying that drek to me over the Matrix? Think again, omae. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of MARKs across the UCAS and your Icon is being Traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, chummer. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your persona. You're fragging dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can hack you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my cyberdeck. Not only am I extensively trained in Cybercombat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the metaplanes and I will use it to its full extent to Elemental Attack your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little drek. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" ARO was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fragging tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will drek biofeedback all over you and you will drown in it. You're fragging dead, kiddo.
    > Lethe
  • Prank Warrior DT 49
    Somehow, for some reason, Lethe has been plagued by a mixed tribe (pack? squad?) of libertines and bandits. Why are you bothering her? Go eat some trash! How are you having trouble finding trash in Seattle!?
Contact Location C/L
Connor McKinnley (Made Man) Boston 4/3
Connor McKinnley - 4/3 Made Man contact (w/e it's called)

High: Irish Mafia, AK Boston, Boston Culture, Electronics

Medium: Programs, Shadow Community, smugglers

Low: Navigation (because Boston is a navigation hellscape) New York sports teams (to analyze their weaknesses) Lyrics to Irish folksongs (incorrect)
Joey Kobayashi (Journalist) Everett 3/3
Marcus "Sox" O'Rilley (Fixer) Downtown 5/4
Marcus is a small-time fixer and made man of the O'Rilleys, acting mostly as an ambassador and as point of contact for 'anny'uh da BOISE' from the O'Rilleys laid over while in transit through Seattle. This included Lethe, once she touched down, as he got her set up with a new identity out west.

Marcus is a bit of a character in person - as a soldato of a rather distant syndicate, he makes a bit of a show of keeping his nose extra-clean while working in Seattle. He runs a hair-and-nail salon with a few other O'Rilley ex-pats on the south side of downtown, doing a fair bit of the work himself. Five foot even, clean shaven, platinum-blonde hair kept loose, and a rich (if accented) baritone, he's got a rather large clientele, too. Besides the original sports reference, there are a few stories going around about Marcus getting caught spending a little too long on a 'house call' and having to escape wearing only his namesake.

Knowing the outlines of Lethe's history (ex-corpo decker, looking for work, a little loopy) he's offered to act as a bit of a go-between for her to start working the Hub, where he's a vetted fixer. It gives him a chance to make a bit of jing on the side, keep his ear to the shadows, and maybe give a gentle nudge here and there when maybe the Yaks or the Triads might 'lose' something accidentally so it can be shipped off to Massachusetts to be taken care of.
Raj and Salope Twa (Talismonger/Drake Wife) On The Run 4/5
Raj is a paradetective. Salope is a freelance talismonger. They're married. Also, Salope is a recently dracomorphed drake who escaped a rather convoluted plot by Lofwyr to recruit him. Currently operating on the DL, but free.
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[Ranged Weapons]
Weapon DV AP Mode RC Ammo Accuracy Pool
Defiance EX Shocker SR5 424
    9S(e) -5 SS 2 4(m) 4 1
    Range S M L E
    Tasers 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20
    Tasers 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20
    • Under DV AP Mode RC Ammo Accuracy Pool
      Defiance EX Shocker (Melee Contacts) SR5 424
        8S(e) -5 0 3 1
      Grenade: Gas ×10 SR5 435
        Chemical (10m Radius) - 2 1 3 1
        Range S M L E
        Standard Grenade 0-4 5-8 9-12 13-20
        Standard Grenade 0-4 5-8 9-12 13-20

        [Melee Weapons]
        Weapon DV AP Reach Accuracy Pool
        Unarmed Attack SR5 132
          2S - 0 3 1
          Armor Value
          Good Jewelry RF 253
          A silver necklet.
          • AR Fashion CA 138
          Helmet SR5 438
          A bike helmet - scooter helmet, really - but the visor is inconspicuously tinted.
            Mortimer of London: Argentum Coat RG 58
            • Concealability RG 59
            • Custom Fit (Stack) RG 59
              (Mortimer of London: Berwick Suit)
            • Sensor Array [R3] SR5 445
              • Cyberware Scanner SR5 446
              • Geiger Counter SR5 446
              • Laser Microphone [R3] SR5 446
              • MAD Scanner SR5 446
              • Motion Sensor SR5 446
              • Olfactory Scanner SR5 446
              • Radio Signal Scanner SR5 446
              • Ultrasound SR5 446
            • Single Sensor [R3] SR5 445
              • Camera [R3] SR5 446
                • Thermographic Vision SR5 444
                • Vision Enhancement [R2] SR5 444
            • Single Sensor [R3] SR5 445
              • Omni-directional Microphone [R3] SR5 446
                • Audio Enhancement [R2] SR5 445
                • Select Sound Filter [R1] SR5 445
            Pantheon Industries Hard Case CCOB KC 70
            • Drag Handle BB 23
            • Micro-Hardpoint KC 73
            • Micro-Hardpoint KC 73
            • Micro-Hardpoint KC 73
            • Pantheon Armored Shell KC 73
            • Pantheon Quick-Charge Battery Pack KC 73
            • Fresnel Fabric [R6] RG 84
            • Custom Look SR5 1
              Looks like a fairly hefty messenger bag, decorated with pseudo-mystical imagery and a huge array of buttons from various cons and festivals.
            • Holster SR5 431
            Total 14

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            Dodge Scoot (Scooter) SR5 462
            • Mod
            • Improved Economy R5 154
            • GridLink Override R5 167
            • Morphing License Plate R5 152
            • Passenger Protection System [R1] R5 159
            • Spoof Chips R5 152
            • Standard Drone Rack (Small) R5 160
              A Job-A-Mat has been riveted onto the pillion pad on the back of the Scoot (a 'Scoot-a-Mat', if you will).
            • Gear
            • Sensor Array [R1] SR5 445
              • Atmosphere Sensor SR5 446
              • Camera [R1] ×2 SR5 446
              • Geiger Counter SR5 446
              • Laser Range Finder SR5 446
              • Motion Sensor SR5 446
              • Olfactory Scanner SR5 446
              • Omni-directional Microphone [R1] SR5 446
            Handling 4/3 Body 4
            Acceleration 1 Armor 4
            Speed 3 Sensor 1
            Pilot 1 Rating 1
            Physical Damage Track 14 Seats 1
            Matrix Damage Track 9

            Renraku Job-A-Mat (Small) R5 137
            A pair of googly eyes have been glued to the front.
            • Mod
            • Immobile (Drone) R5 126
            • Gear
            • Sensor Array [R2] SR5 445
              • Camera [R2] SR5 446
              • Laser Range Finder SR5 446
              • Motion Sensor SR5 446
              • Nanoscanner CF 153
              • Olfactory Scanner SR5 446
              • Omni-directional Microphone [R2] SR5 446
              • Radio Signal Scanner SR5 446
              • Ultrasound SR5 446
            • Skill Autosoft [R2] R5 127
              Two ranks of Professional Knowledge - Office Coffee Making
            Handling 0 Body 2
            Acceleration 0 Armor 0
            Speed 0 Sensor 2
            Pilot 2 Rating 2
            Physical Damage Track 7
            Matrix Damage Track 9

            [Matrix Devices]
            Device Rating CM A/S/D/F Programs
            Meta Link SR5 438 1 9 0/0/1/1
            • Gear
            • Commlink Functionality SR5 438
              • Camera, Micro SR5 443
              • Chip Player SR5 438
              • Credstick Reader SR5 438
              • Earbuds [R1] SR5 445
              • GPS Guidance System SR5 438
              • Micro Trid-Projector SR5 438
              • Music Player SR5 438
              • RFID Tag Scanner SR5 438
              • Shock- and Water-Resistant Case SR5 438
              • Touchscreen Display SR5 438
              Crystal Leviathan Shatterstar SPS 45 5 11 9/7/7/4
              Novatech-branded ("Fairlight Claidheamh Soluis").

              Installed modules: Multidimensional Coprocessor, Overwatch Mask
              • Modifications
              • Modify Matrix Attribute (Increase 1st, Decrease 4th) DT 66
              • Gear
              • Commlink Functionality SR5 438
                • Camera, Micro SR5 443
                • Chip Player SR5 438
                • Credstick Reader SR5 438
                • Earbuds [R1] SR5 445
                • GPS Guidance System SR5 438
                • Micro Trid-Projector SR5 438
                • Music Player SR5 438
                • RFID Tag Scanner SR5 438
                • Shock- and Water-Resistant Case SR5 438
                • Touchscreen Display SR5 438
              • Sim Module, Hot SR5 439
              • Universal Connector Cord (Meter) RF 254
              Implant Essence Grade
              Cyberears [R1] SR5 453
              Cyberears: Ordinarily, cyberears replace only the inner ear, although the whole thing can be replaced as well if you like. Cyberears offer hearing with normal ranges (like an omni-directional microphone), a sound link, and Capacity for modifications and enhancements.
              • Antennae CF 74
                With an extended antenna array, the user can send and receive wireless signals easier than without. Available in both retractable and fragile or non-retractable and sturdy options for the same cost, they are often, but not always, taken in pairs and come in a wide variety of designs, shapes, and colors. Shiawase MochiMecha are all the rage this year!
                Each antenna, to a maximum of three, reduces Noise by 1 for the user. And only the user.
              • Antennae CF 74
                With an extended antenna array, the user can send and receive wireless signals easier than without. Available in both retractable and fragile or non-retractable and sturdy options for the same cost, they are often, but not always, taken in pairs and come in a wide variety of designs, shapes, and colors. Shiawase MochiMecha are all the rage this year!
                Each antenna, to a maximum of three, reduces Noise by 1 for the user. And only the user.
              • Antennae CF 74
                With an extended antenna array, the user can send and receive wireless signals easier than without. Available in both retractable and fragile or non-retractable and sturdy options for the same cost, they are often, but not always, taken in pairs and come in a wide variety of designs, shapes, and colors. Shiawase MochiMecha are all the rage this year!
                Each antenna, to a maximum of three, reduces Noise by 1 for the user. And only the user.
              • Sound Link SR5 454
                Sound link: The audio equivalent of image link, sound link can play audio (recordings, movie soundtracks, mu- sic, etc.) from linked sources within the user’s PAN (or headware memory, or datajack) directly into the user’s cy- berears. A sound link is a common com- ponent of immersive AR environments, adding a sonic component.
              0.10 Deltaware
              Datajack Plus [R3] KC 65
              • Universal Connector Cord (Meter) RF 254
              0.19 Used
              Essence Hole [R35] SR5 0 0.35 None
              Gastric Neurostimulator CF 84 0.10 Deltaware
              Nanohive, Soft [R1] (Neural Amplifiers (Neocortical)) CF 151 0.16 Alphaware
              Neural Amplifiers (Neocortical) [R1] CF 150 0.00 None
              PuSHed CF 160
              The PostSynaptic HyperDensity protein modification increases the size of neuronal bundles throughout the central nervous system. This has statistically been shown to grant an increase in subjects’ IQ. Characters receive a +1 modifier to Logic-linked skill tests.
              0.10 None
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              Spell Type Range Duration Damage Drain Description
              Combat Spells
              Blast SR5 284 P LOS (A) I 0S F-2 Indirect, Area
              Toxic Wave SR5 283 P LOS (A) I 0P F-3 Indirect, Elemental, Area
              Detection Spells
              Analyze Device SR5 285 P T S None F-5 Active, Directional
              Detect Life, Extended SR5 286 M T S None F-3 Active, Extended Area
              Mind Probe SR5 287 M T S None F Active, Directional
              Health Spells
              Increase [Attribute] (LOG) SR5 288 P T S None F-3 Essence
              Increase [Attribute] (INT) SR5 288 P T S None F-3 Essence
              Increase Reflexes SR5 288 P T S None F-2 Essence
              Illusion Spells
              Chaotic World SR5 290 P LOS (A) S None F-2 Realistic, Multi-Sense, Area
              Manascape SSP 20 M LOS (A) S None F-4 None
              Physical Mask SR5 291 P T S None F-3 Realistic, Multi-Sense
              Trid Phantasm SR5 291 P LOS (A) S None F-2 Realistic, Multi-Sense, Area
              Manipulation Spells
              Alter Memory SSP 20 M LOS P None F-1 Mental
              Control Thoughts SR5 293 M LOS S None F-3 Mental
              Mana Barrier SR5 294 M LOS (A) S None F-2 Environmental, Area
              Rituals Spells
              Summon Great Form Spirit SG 136 M Special Special None Special Minion

              Awakened Mystic Adept
              Tradition Hermetic (Materialization) SR5 279
              Combat Spirit of Fire Detection Spirit of Air
              Health Spirit of Man Illusion Spirit of Water
              Manipulation Spirit of Earth Drain 14

              [Adept Powers]
              Astral Perception SR5 309
              Heightened Concentration SSP 23
              Improved Ability (skill) (Cybercombat) [R4] SR5 309
              Improved Ability (skill) (Electronic Warfare) [R4] SR5 309
              Improved Ability (skill) (Hacking) [R4] SR5 309
              Improved Ability (skill) (Software) [R2] SR5 309
              Cost: 0.5 PP per level This power increases the Rating of a specific Combat, Physical, Social, Technical, or Vehicle skill per level of the power. You need to know the skill in order to buy this power for it, and you can’t buy it for skill groups. The maximum improvement possible is your current skill level x 1.5 (rounded up).

              Power Focus Bonded Foci (Hermetic) [R4] SR5 319
              A silver locket. The exterior is bare, but the interior has been inscribed with orichalcum in a miniature heptagram, replete with alchemical symbols at each point.
              Qi Focus Bonded Foci (Astral Perception) [R4] SR5 319
              A pair of half-moon glasses. Not prescription, but they're transition lenses.
              Sustaining Focus, Detection Bonded Foci (Hermetic) [R1] SR5 320
              A silver ring set with a tiny cabochon.
              Sustaining Focus, Health Bonded Foci (Hermetic) [R1] SR5 320
              A silver ring set with a tiny piece of rose quartz.

              Initiate Grade: 4
              • Centering SG 154
              • Invocation SG 147
              • Necromancy SG 143
                Necromancy is not the same as the wizards bringing back the dead as shown in the trids. Only the gamemaster and burning one’s Edge can do that. Necromancy is the power and understanding of magic to resonate in human remains and bring forth memories within the bones. The art derives from shamanic rituals for speaking to one’s ancestors, but many traditions frown upon it for philosophical and ethical reasons. Necromancy can often be mistaken for blood magic, especially with rituals like Blood Sight and items like the Hand of Glory. However, necromancy is only interested in aspects after life, not to use life as fuel for magic. Regardless, it’s not commonly practiced, and few magicians accept practitioners of necromancy. Those who practice necromancy are known as necromancers, though shamanic traditions favor the ancient Babylonian term manzazuu, since its sounds less negative.
                Only magicians who can summon spirits of man can practice necromancy, as the magician must understand the various virtues and fundamentals of humankind. Law-enforcement officials often have provisions to allow forensic thaumaturgists to follow this path of learning for professional reasons. Necromancy’s darker connotations can quickly lead a magician down a path

              • Adept Centering SR5 325
              • Centering SR5 325
              • Power Point SR5 326
              • Power Point SR5 326
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              • Bag of Holding
              • Atomizer [R1] RG 196
                • C-Squared [R6] HT 187
              • Binoculars, Optical SR5 443
                • Vision Magnification SR5 444
              • Can of Spray Paint (Hot red) RF 254
              • Data Tap ×2 SR5 440
              • Datachip ×10 SR5 440
              • Endoscope SR5 444
              • Micro-Transceiver SR5 441
              • Respirator [R6] SR5 449
              • Sensor Tags SR5 440
                • Single Sensor [R2] SR5 445
                  • Omni-directional Microphone [R2] SR5 446
              • Sensor Tags SR5 440
                • Single Sensor [R2] SR5 445
                  • Camera [R2] SR5 446
              • Stealth Tags ×10 SR5 440
              • Tool Kit (Hardware) SR5 443
              • Deck of Many Things
              • Electronic Parts, Five-Pack ×4 DT 66
              • formulas_alchemic.prg SR5 1
                • Pantheon Industries "Co-Pilot" Mk III KC 70
                • Pantheon Industries "Door Gunner" KC 70
                • Pantheon Industries "ECM-Warrior" KC 70
                • Pantheon Industries Mobile CNC KC 70
                • Pantheon Industries Shield Wall KC 70
              • Multidimensional Coprocessor DT 65
              • Overwatch Mask DT 65
              • Pantheon Industries "Mercury-Alpha" Battlefield Signal Booster KC 73
              • Pantheon Industries Micro-Dish Transmitter KC 73
              • PI-Tac Level III (ComPac-Esprit General) RG 105
                Surplus. Disabled tools:

                * Team biomonitor

                * Team ammo counter
              • prayertome_divine.prg SR5 1
                • Bootstrap DT 56
                • Browse SR5 245
                • Configurator SR5 245
                • Edit SR5 245
                • Encryption SR5 245
                • Search DT 56
                • Shredder DT 56
                • Signal Scrub SR5 245
                • Toolbox SR5 245
                • Virtual Machine SR5 245
              • Satellite Link SR5 439
              • spellbook_arcane.prg SR5 1
                • Agent [R6] SR5 246
                • Armor SR5 245
                • Baby Monitor SR5 245
                • Biofeedback SR5 245
                • Biofeedback Filter SR5 245
                • Blackout SR5 245
                • Cat's Paw DT 56
                • Cloudless DT 56
                • Crash (Program) DT 57
                • Decryption SR5 245
                • Defuse SR5 245
                • Demolition SR5 245
                • Detonator DT 57
                • Evaluate DT 57
                • Exploit SR5 245
                • Fly on a Wall DT 57
                • Fork SR5 245
                • Guard SR5 245
                • Hammer SR5 245
                • Hitchhiker DT 57
                • Lockdown SR5 245
                • Mugger SR5 245
                • Nuke-from-Orbit DT 57
                • Paintjob DT 57
                • Shell SR5 245
                • Smoke and Mirrors DT 57
                • Sneak SR5 245
                • Stealth SR5 245
                • Swerve DT 57
                • Tantrum DT 57
                • Tarball DT 57
                • Track SR5 245
                • Wrapper SR5 245
              • Vectored Signal Filter DT 65
              • Hat of Disguise
              • Contacts [R1] SR5 443
                • Polychromic Lens HT 188
              • Smart Wig HT 188
              • Synthskin Face Mask [R6] HT 188
                Programmed with max hits (6). Looks like another, equally generic Caucasian woman.
              • Tool Kit (Disguise) SR5 443
              • Potion Belt
              • Cereprax CF 180
              • Downer BTL CF 192
              • Pack of Cigarettes ×158 RF 254
                Parliament 100s, imported from Boston.
              • Psyche SR5 412
              • Savior Medkit CF 152
              • Slap Patch, Stim Patch [R6] SR5 451
              • Slap Patch, Trauma Patch SR5 451
              • Spell Component Pouch
              • Fetish (Alter Memory) SG 212
                An old datachip inlaid with a faint outline of orichalcum. The handwritten label reads "DRUG WARS V4.20 FOR FUCHI OS".
              • Fetish (Trid Phantasm) SG 212
                A small datachip with the circuitry faintly inlaid with orichalcum. The label reads, "SLADE THE SNIPER ONLINE".
              • Fetish (Analyze Device) SG 212
                A small datachip with the circuitry faintly inlaid with orichalcum. The label reads, "SAK TROUBLESHOOTING TOOLKIT FOR SYSOPS" with a frowny face scribbled under it in sharpie.
              • Fetish (Control Thoughts) SG 212
                A small datachip with the circuitry faintly inlaid with orichalcum. The chip reads, "ARCHLINUX REMOTE BOOT CHIP V8.0.1.1"
              • Fetish (Detect Life, Extended) SG 212
                A small datachip with the circuitry faintly inlaid with orichalcum. The chip is actually an old-school optic flash chip - it's already been exposed to light, so it's blank.
              • Fetish (Toxic Wave) SG 212
                A small datachip with the circuitry faintly inlaid with orichalcum. It's unlabelled, but if you were to access it, you'd find approximately 7500 reports Lethe received and then promptly hacked out of various online games she's played.
              • Fetish (Blast) SG 212
                A small datachip with the circuitry faintly inlaid with orichalcum. The label reads, 'LOW ORBIT ION CANNON V4.20.69' with a low-poly military officer's head in the background.
              • Fetish (Manascape) SG 212
                A small datachip with the circuitry faintly inlaid with orichalcum. The chip is encrypted and unlabelled.
              • Fetish (Physical Mask) SG 212
                A small datachip with the circuitry faintly inlaid with orichalcum. The chip is encrypted and unlabelled.
              • Shaman Tuxedo (Health) CA 143
                An absolutely ridiculous wizard robe and hat. The point of the hat drapes down to her waist. She wears it a little more casually than she probably should.
              • Tainted Reagents (Hermetic) ×356 FA 187
                A SecurGlass bottle of mercury. The fluid inside flows and stirs sluggishly, even when still.
              • Wondrous Items
              • Spill-proof Travel Mug SR5 1
              Fake SIN (Kristin Cinnabar - UCAS) [R4] SR5 442
              • Fake License (Magic) [R4] SR5 443
              • Fake License (Augs) [R4] SR5 443
              • Fake License (Matrix) [R4] SR5 443
              Fake SIN (Cassandra Hydrargyrum - SFC) [R6] SR5 442
              • Fake License (Magic) [R6] SR5 443
              • Fake License (Matrix) [R6] SR5 443
              • Fake License (Augs) [R6] SR5 443
              • Fake License (Driver's) [R6] SR5 443
              • Fake License (Vocational) [R6] SR5 443
              Certified Credstick, Gold SR5 442
              Certified Credstick, Standard ×3 SR5 442

              A small unit in a makerspace in Ravenna (Low) SR5 369
              Cost: 2,000¥ (1,183.33¥) × 0 = 0¥;
                Page Break: : OFF

                As you order your americano at the Soybucks, you can't help but notice your morning routine is interrupted slightly as you settle into your usual booth to wait for the Barist-A-Mat to finish brewing your drink. She looks on the older side of young - early 30s? Cute, in that sort of slightly-chubby glued-to-office-chair sort of way; pale skin, black hair cut into a spiky bob, and a heavy coat thrown over a neat blouse. Not much in the way of makeup, you think, but her AR fashion is on-point, perfectly highlighting the corners of her eyes and giving her lips a lovely violet tinge.

                She wouldn't look too out of place in any steering committee or scrum you've ever been in, except that every drone you've ever met wouldn't be caught dead dozing forehead-down in the corner booth of a Soybucks.

                She lets out a soft snore, her drink still steaming beside her head. As you look at her, perplexed, you notice hovering on the table in front of her is a visible ARO - a fanciful parchment scroll, looking right out of Fourth World Online. You can't help but reach out a finger and give it a little flick to bring it up to the top, the text in a whorled cipher - no, wait, that's just cursive...


                "Today, the story of a daughter - born, lost, and born again.  Her mother, a senior programmer for Novatech in Boston, opted to bear a mage's child to term, spending most of her pregnancy in VR.  Born prematurely, only the biosurgeon's suite saved her daughter's life - the first of her many debts to the house of Villiers."

                "Young Arwen grew up to be a dreamer - more interested in old Maria Mercurial synths and Deities and Demigods than in project management or public markets.  Before long, however, Dumas predicted her Awakening - she was shunted into the pre-thaumaturgic educational stream.  She found it just as boring - applied ritual warding?  When were they going to learn how to cast Pluripotent Projectiles?  How can she save the world without her Pluripotent Projectiles!?"

                Below this is a combination of a simsense recording and a cartoonish sketch - a young girl standing on a table, a blanket melodramatically tied around her neck, hands thrown forward as though to unleash the mightiest of sorceries.  The presumable creche caregiver is the target, a rather bemused look on his face.

                "Despite her tendencies to, ahem, seek adventure rather than attend class, she was given one of the finest pre-thamuaturgic educations that Novatech and her mother could buy.  Eventually, as the years added some patience, she became quite knowledgeable in the hermetic arts, and it seemed it was just a matter of time before she enrolled with MIT&T.  However, as her adolescence came and went, she found herself in the most peculiar of situations - mundane."

                Another scene - the girl, now older, is again throwing her hands forward, but the wonder has been replaced by desperation, sweat beading across her forehead.  The same warden looks on briefly, then away.


                "Eventually, her Dumas results were ruled a false positive - the appropriate research data was filed with MIT&T to improve testing accuracy, while the young daughter was left with an education she could not use.  Her mother blamed Arwen, blamed the surrogate father, blamed the biosurgeons, blamed Fate - she threw herself into work, leaving young Arwen in the care of the creche's placement counselor.  They rarely spoke, after that."  

                "The daughter was given an abbreviated version of the Matrix security courses after that, an attempt to recoup a lost investment - skills that came to her naturally, if begrudgingly.  She could at least be Awakened on the Matrix, in form if not function - she could pretend, at least for a little while."

                Another simsense recording shows a reproduction of a host - a wicked-looking samurai with a flaming katana charges through an endless array of blockily rendered cubicles, only to be pummeled with a hail of prismatic darts unleashed by the shittiest Shitty Wizard you've ever seen.  The samurai explodes into a cloud of voxels as the ridiculous wizard strokes his absurdly long and tangled beard, capering briefly.

                "However, even with her talents, the spectre of failure haunted our daughter, and so she entered the NeoNET 'family' a pariah from the start.  Despite her wishes, she was shuffled from role to role, taskmaster to taskmaster, and for each one performed...PERFORMED FINE!  SHE WAS SOLID!  A respectable A-!  Several corporate intrusions were detected and repelled, and she proactively introduced a number of infrastructure upgrades and software patches to correct security flaws!  She achieved clean ITIL17 best practice audits for 3 years straight!"  You notice the text here here has reverted to plain block font.

                "Her bosses just didn't want to have to deal with filling in the fragging forms for a health claim on muscle toners when the application form kept trying to replace it with 'holistic, Essence-compatible health treatments'!  Nobody in HR would fix the fragging form to reclassify her as Matrix support, even after I sent them the updated file *three times*!  Not everybody who goes to a biosurgeon is getting turned into a killing machine!  Sciatica sucks harpy drek!  Go to hell, Hun'tyrre!  Plenty of people can get a degree from Brown without having their mom's name on the goddamn lecture hall!  Who names their fragging kid Hun'tyrre!?"


                After several more paragraphs going into extensive detail about Hun'tyrre's various encounters with opportunistic viral infections, the monologue eventually resumes.  "The halls of Lord Villiers had no patience for such foibles as 'sick days', 'health insurance', or 'I booked this vacation 3 months ago so I could go to the ARLARPing convention in Vancouver, Hun'tyrre, please try to remember'.  With every performance review, every cruel whisper in the corridors and elevators, every trip to the surgeons, her debts grew deeper.  Eventually, our daughter was written off, abandoned - a ghost haunting a forgotten cube at the accursed Desk of Service, the wasteland left behind from the era before semi-autonomous knowbots."

                "Having a role but no duty, days passed like weeks, trance-like.  Our daughter fulfilled her role admirably as the whipping girl for the heirs and heiresses awaiting their sinecures in the boardrooms of the upper floors - she lost count of how many Calibans she had to repair from 'water damage'.  She was alone, despairing; would her entire life would be like this?  Perhaps this was all the world was?  Perhaps she should have expected this, after all.  Not everyone could be a wizard, be a genius, be a hero.  That was just the way the odds had played out for her.  Another nobody."

                You see the same woman again in another scene - she appears to be gluing googly eyes to the front of a Job-A-Mat in an dusty storage closet.  Her hands are shaking, and her own eyes are puffy and red.


                "But no, that was not all the world was.  A mad dragon shattered the illusion of invulnerability, and the princelings in their conference rooms found themselves abandoned in turn.  They couldn't escape the consequences of their hubris, and the bright star of NeoNET came crashing down to earth.  She watched the frenzy unfold - the quiet murmur of propaganda to soothe the rank-and-file even as the corporate sharks were cast thrashing upon the rocks one after another.  When, for the third time in a single day, distant gunfire and muffled screams echoed through the plascrete floors, she couldn't help but laugh.  She laughed, and laughed, and laughed, then threw up, then laughed again...until she found the world was laughing along with her.  The latent spark of magic hidden in her heart burst alight, and her Awakening had come at last."

                Another scene from the dusty storage room - the Job-A-Mat is sailing through the air, being ridden around by a phantasmal dog wearing an oversized wizard's hat and robes.  The woman claps and giggles, her violet eyes bright with tears.

                "The Matrix came to life under her fingers, and it was a simple thing for our daugther to 'liberate' copies of the freshman MIT&T thamuaturgical textbooks and VR seminars.  Her skills in magic and Matrix grew in tandem, and she realized that her split affinity had enhanced her skills to a level far beyond what her performance reviews - WHICH WERE FINE, BY THE WAY - suggested.  And yet, in all the mayhem surrounding her, the assassins and corporate spies and hunting spirits never paid attention to the humble service desk, its sleeping daughter, and her wayward drones.  She knew this was her chance to escape, and she made a cunning plan indeed."


                "Her plan was threefold.  One: like all wayward tech support, it had been trivial to make some nuyen under the table by 'requisitioning' hardware for those who were not strictly members of the NeoNET family - the O'Rilleys had inducted her into their pipeline nearly before she had started working there.  A few additional forms filed and a lovely new cyberdeck was ordered, to be delivered to the Matrix Security department - not an unusual purchase, particularly considering the circumstances.  It was briefly waylaid, of course, at the service desk, for tagging and inventorying."

                "The second part was for Arwen to use her new weapon to inject a few, shall we say, less-than-true statements about her health status into the HR pipeline.  A tragic case of CFD-induced suicide - foul play was not suspected due to her peripheral role in the Novatech family."

                "The last part was, perhaps, the hardest.  One by one, she went through everyone who remembered her - a short list - and with a touch she disappeared Arwen Morgan from their memory.  Roger, her HR representative that was always encouraging her to 'practice more mindfulness in her daily routine' - what does that even mean? -  gone.  Cute Tyler, who always made sure the kaf dispenser had dark roast for her - gone.  Her mother, pale and drawn after a thirty-hour stint in VR - gone.  This time, she was the one who abandoned them."

                You notice with alarm that the last sentence is *writing itself* as you read it, an elaborate feather-quill dancing across the bottom of the ARO: "Free from want, free from care, free from timesheets, she named herself Lethe, having washed away all memory she ever existed.  A few final bribes paid to the O'Rilleys erased her records from the GSINR and bought her a seat on a coyote's plane; she cast her heart into the shadows of the Emerald City, her debts paid in full.  No one remembered her at all."

                A final scene shows the woman, sunglasses on and a smirk on her face, as she looks out the window of a t-bird down at a distant cityscape as the sun is just beginning to rise.  The blocky Job-a-Mat is resting on her lap.


                Her eyes snap open as the cursor-quill finishes off the entry with a flourish.  She immediately lifts herself off the table, muttering to herself as she wipes her mouth before quickly glancing around - too alert to be asleep, she must have been in VR - her vision instantly fixing on you. "Hey, did you read that?" She hisses, her thick Boston accent suddenly getting shrill.  "You did, didn't you!" you notice a flicker of argent light around her fingers, coalescing into gossamer cobwebs.  "You son of a hellhound bi-" she growls as everything fades to white for a moment-

                You blink.  Ah, your order's ready.  That was fast.  Back to work.


                Spider who washed out of the corporate rat race gets a second chance when her latent Awakening ignites just as NeoNET collapses around her. Magic, Matrix and the shadows give her a chance to escape, forgotten - to live that she couldn't have as a wageslave.

                [Other Portraits]


                Team shared biomonitor, location, weapon status, and sensor link

                Team leader can transfer 10 initiative points (or 2x 5 points) as simple action

                +6 to Combat Maneuvers, Navigation, and Teamwork Tests

                +3 to Electronic Warfare and Perception

                +2 to Sneaking and Tracking

                +2 to a Close Combat or Firearms skill of user’s choice; switch skill as simple action

                -6 noise


                +10 MCT

                +6 Yellow Lotus Triad

                +6 Monobe

                -2 Ares


                The fucking libertines have deleted my Arknights VR 4-stars.  Fuck them.  I will delete them, physically, with a gun.