[Personal Data]
Name Carmine "L'il Pete" Dellorusso
Alias Garbage Day
Metatype Human
Gender Male Special Adept
Age 34 Skin Caucasian
Hair Brown, balding a bit Eyes Brown
Height 5'4'' Weight 160 lb

Karma 6 Nuyen 1,464.75¥
Street Cred 7 Career Karma 77
Notoriety 0 Public Awareness 0

Composure 7 Judge Intentions 14
Memory 10 Lift/Carry 5
Movement 2/4; 2m / hit, Swim: 1.5; 1m / hit Lift/Carry Weight 30/20

Physical Limit 3 Mental Limit 10
Social Limit 5 Astral Limit 10
Body 3 Willpower 2
Agility 1 Logic 5 (7)
Reaction 1 (2) Intuition 6 (9)
Strength 2 Charisma 5
Edge 2 Essence 2.07
Magic 3

Initiative 11 + 1d6
Astral Initiative 18 + 3d6
Rigger Initiative 11 + 1d6
Matrix AR 11 + 1d6
Matrix Cold 16 + 4d6
Matrix Hot 16 + 5d6

Physical Damage Track 10
Overflow 3
Natural Recovery Pool (1 day) 6
Stun Damage Track 9
Natural Recovery Pool (1 hour) 5
Metatype D,1
Attributes D,1
Special D,1
Skills B,3
Resources A,4
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[Active Skills]
Skill Rtg Pool
Combat Active Skills
Automatics AGI 1 2
Blades AGI 1 2
Clubs AGI 1 2
Longarms AGI 1 2
Pistols AGI 1 2
Unarmed Combat AGI 1 2
Magical Active Skills
Assensing INT

(Psychometry +2)

3 14
Astral Combat WIL 3 5
Physical Active Skills
Disguise INT

(Blue-Collar +2)

1 12
Diving BOD 0 2
Free-Fall BOD 0 2
Gymnastics AGI 1 2
Palming AGI 1 2
Perception INT 1 12
Running STR 1 3
Sneaking AGI 6 7
Survival WIL 1 3
Swimming STR 1 3
Tracking INT 1 10
Pseudo-Magical Active Skills
Arcana LOG 3 10
Social Active Skills

(Fast Talk +2)

6 15
Etiquette* CHA 5 14
Impersonation CHA 0 8
Instruction CHA 0 8
Intimidation CHA 1 12
Skill Rtg Pool
Leadership* CHA 5 14
Negotiation* CHA 5 14
Performance CHA 0 8
Technical Active Skills
Aeronautics Mechanic* LOG 1 8
Animal Handling CHA 0 4
Armorer LOG 0 6
Automotive Mechanic* LOG 1 8
Computer LOG 0 6
Cybercombat LOG 0 6
Demolitions LOG 1 8
Electronic Warfare LOG 6 13
First Aid LOG 0 6
Forgery LOG 0 6
Hacking LOG 0 6
Hardware LOG 1 8
Industrial Mechanic* LOG 1 8
Nautical Mechanic* LOG 1 8
Navigation INT 1 10
Vehicle Active Skills
Gunnery AGI

(Ballistic +2)

6 7
Pilot Aircraft REA

(Rotary-Wing +2)

6 8
Pilot Ground Craft REA

(Wheeled +2)

6 8
Pilot Watercraft REA 1 3
Skill Groups
* Engineering 1
* Influence 5
[Knowledge Skills]
Skill Rtg Pool
Parazoology 4 14
English Native
German 6 18
Italian 1 13
Latin 1 13
Area Knowledge: New York

(Staten Island +2)

3 16
Area Knowledge: Seattle

(Everett +2)

3 16
Bars and Clubs

(Mafia +2)

1 14

(Organlegging +2)

1 14
Corporation: Lone Star Security Services 1 14
Crime Scenes

(Cleaning Up +2)

1 14

(Used +2)

1 14

(Uppers +2)

1 14
Gangs 2 15
Government Agencies 1 14
HVAC 1 14
Police Procedures (Street)

(Crooked Cops +2)

3 16

(Smuggling +2)

1 14
Public Services

(Sanitation +2)

3 16

(Christianity +2)

3 16
Shadow Community

(Rumors +2)

3 16
Smuggler Routes 2 15
Spirits 4 17

(Mafia +2)

5 18
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Positive Negative
  • Adept SR5 69
    • Adepts channel mana into their own bodies to enhance their natural abilities, making their talents and skills much more potent.
    • Adepts never astrally project (p. 313).
    • Adepts only perceive astral space by purchasing the Astral Perception power (p. 312).
    • Adepts can learn the Assensing skill only if they have the Astral Perception power.
    • Adepts cannot use skills from any magic-related skill groups (Sorcery, Conjuring, or Enchanting).
    • Adepts can follow mentor spirits (p. 320).
    • Adepts gain Adept Powers that are purchased with Power Points. Adepts receive a number of Power Points equal to their Magic rating.
  • Biocompatibility (Cyberware) CF 54
  • Black Market Pipeline (Vehicles, Sanitation Sergeant Donahugh) RF 145
    COST: 10 KARMA
    During character creation, the player chooses one existing individual contact and a single category of merchandise (e.g., vehicles, weapons, electronics, armor, etc.).
    The selected contact can always buy or sell goods in that category through the black market with better-than-normal rates for the character. Purchases through this contact get a ten percent price reduction and a +2 dice pool modifier for the Availability Test. When looking to sell goods through the contact, the character gets (7 percent x Loyalty) of the item’s original value instead of the standard 5 percent. The contact has to be appropriate to the category chosen, though creativity can be king here.
  • Chosen Follower FA 35
    10 KARMA
    Minimum Requirements: Mentor Spirit quality Characters with this quality have earned the right to receive magical instruction from their mentor spirits by showing ceaseless devotion to their ideals. The wisdom bestowed by a mentor spirit is granted instantaneously as a potent vision delivered via the shared connection between the character and their mentor. This instruction can only be received once every three months during an equinox or a solstice event, and each type of instruction can only be received once per year. A character with this quality may ask their mentor spirit to aid them in one of the following ways:
    • Learn two spells or rituals.
    • Improve a magical active skill from rank 1 to rank 3.
    • Reduce the training time for improving a magical active skill, skill group, or specialization by fifty percent.
    • Reduce the training time for improving their Magic attribute by fifty percent.
    • Improve an Academic knowledge skill related to Magic from rank 1 to rank 4.
    • Ignore glitches or reduce critical glitches during Step 5 (Craft the Focus, p. 307, SR5) when crafting a single focus.
    • Ignore glitches or reduce critical glitches during Step 7 (Seal the Ritual, p. 296, SR5) when performing a single ritual.
    • Reduce the threshold for the Arcana + Logic Extended Test to create an ally spirit formula to (Force x 3); see p. 201, Street Grimoire.
  • Dealer Connection (Drones) R5 33
    Donahugh's got the hookup here.
  • Dealer Connection (Groundcraft) R5 33
  • Dealer Connection (Aircraft) R5 33
  • Jack of All Trades Master of None RF 147
  • Made Man RF 148
    Lucchese soldato, on semi-permanent loan to the Ciarnellos.
  • Mentor Spirit (Raven (Alt)) SR5 76
    His mentor spirit (in his eyes) takes the form of Saint Peter the Apostle, usually, though sometimes other saints appear to offer their guidance to this wayward paesan.
  • Mentor's Mask FA 182
    While using active powers, ghostly sacraments and stigmata sometimes appear. He doesn't do it super often in front of others for that reason, obviously.
  • Merc (Vehicles, Sanitation Sergeant Donahugh) SR5 10
    Remember to discount one of [Armor, Vehicles, Weapons] manually.
  • Networker NF 177
    He knows people. Those people? They know people. And those people? They know people too.
  • Razorboy (Intimidation) SR5 11
  • Ronin (Dodge/Bioware) SR5 11
  • School of Hard Knocks RF 149
    Working hard? Hardly working, more like.
  • Seer FA 43
    Sometimes he starts to see saints when the nova be hittin'.
  • Code of Honor (Omerta) SR5 79
    Cannot kill police officers. Cannot oppose a superior in the family. Must not give information to legal authorities.
  • Driven (Unionize!) RF 154
    Specifically, to end the Eta Engineering sanitation contract for Seattle and replace it with good, high-paying, stable jobs (for the Mafia).
  • Favored (Common Target, Biased) (Workin' Stiffs) CA 152
  • Poor Self Control (Braggart) RF 158
Contact Location C/L
Ben O'Donnell (KE Beat Cop) Everett 1/1
High: Knight Errant, Law Enforcement Procedures, Prisons, KE Patrols, Cop Networking
Medium: Ammo, Drugs (Lost from the evidence locker), Syndicates, Ares Macrotech
Low: Unions, Italian Restaurants, Lone Star, Skillwires

Benny Oh Dee as his friends call him is a typical Seattle KE beat cop whose failing familial relationships as a result of being a privatized cop are causing him a lot of stress in his very limited off-time. He's realized he's not exactly the good guy like he thought he used to be. and it would be a shame if he "died" in the line of duty and moved on to something spicier to support his family.
Gino Lo Duca (Fixer) Loveland 6/3
One of the Loveland capos for the Ciarnellos, he runs chains of moderately successful underground clubs & drug dens through the Mafia-dominated sectors of Loveland (which changes on the regular, so he's always busy setting up the next site). Not sure if he trusts this goomba out of the Big Apple yet, no matter what Donahugh has to say, but he brought his own truck and 'ware, so that's a leg up on most of the schmucks trying to get made in this city. He'll find some work for him to do in the meantime, see how he handles it.

Heavyset human male - so heavyset some people gossip behind his back that he's a sandblasted ork, even though the last time Gino overheard that the babbo in question walked out of his office half an hour later with six broken ribs. Keeps his head clean-shaven and his augmentations relatively subtle, so he doesn't stick out too much while checking out his clubs. Bit of a fashionista, usually wearing something new whenever he's doing business.

2 chips in GD's favor
Haruko Endo (Programmer) Downtown 2/2
Programmer who was assigned to assist with Iris R&D's branch office at the SCIRE after she graduated from UW, but her assignment fell through because she convocated in 2060. She ended up in Seattle anyway and now works remotely for Iris Osaka, who lets here stay in Seattle because she got married to a local. Codes up skillsofts as a side hustle to buy more gacha pulls - she can basically do it on autopilot with the input data from Iris. Launders her 'softs through the Mafia because if she's worried that going through the Yakuza will make it too easy for Renraku to chase her down about it.

Middle-aged Japanese woman, silvering black hair, short, perfectly multilingual (you didn't think she would skip having a skilljack, did you?). Enjoys having a bit of conversation on the Matrix before she opens up the ol' skillsoft catalog. Her icon is a Japanese handmaiden in a plain kimono, carrying a white parasol with red dracoforms decorating it. She won't explain it, nor does she ever open the parasol.

1 chip in GD's favor
Sanitation Sergeant Donahugh (Vehicle Dealer (Ground)) Everett 4/3
Made contact. Keeps tabs on GD while he runs around the city stirring shit, generally tries to keep him from fouling up whatever schemes the Ciarnellos have on the go. Long-haul trucker and smuggler out of New York, but made it in with the Ciarnellos, set up shop in Seattle as the receiver/fence for stolen vehicles coming in cross-border.

Lieutanant of a fire station with attached vehicle garage - besides keeping the engines in order, it makes it easy to move the incoming product around. Also convenient for a made man to get the fire reports for Everett - also convenient to know exactly when a fire is going to happen in order to minimize damage to surrounding buildings and/or maximize damage to a specific building.

Nth-generation Irish-American, middle-aged, married, bald, salt and pepper beard. No-nonsense kinda guy.
Shell 1/4
Teresa Hollins (Street Doc) Auburn 2/3
A PhD, Shaman, and SSC transplant, Teresa is one of the docs trying to make the Barrens a little more holistic, despite all the choking desperation and devastation. Her practice has been somewhat hampered by the loss of her wife/collaborative practice partner Sarah, who was picked up by Lone Star on a drug charge that was bullshit enough to pass the judicial system. With her wife a fugitive from justice, Teresa has rededicated herself to her practice... with some frequent "business trips" to the SSC, of course.

High: AK: SSC, Medicine, Street Drugs, Magical Theory
Medium: Cybertechnology, Bioware, Magical Threats, NAN History
Low: Country Music, Antiques, Rare Diseases, NAN Politics
Tim Lichfield (Local Government) Seattle 4/2
Tim "Timbo" Lichfield, Auburn, Dpt. Field Director of Health and Services. (4/2)
Personal Life: Nunya. Preferred payment: Favours, Hobbies/Vices: Unknown

Tim Lichfield is a man in his late thirties or early forties, still remnants of boyishly handsome looks. Usually wears a "government issued" badly fitting suit. Has an apt eye and ear and pulse on the Seattle local government, while his personal preferences lie in the 'do the least amount of work for the biggest amount of personal profit.' Generally tries to avoid more trouble for more money, and keeps his ambitions close to his chest.

High: UCAS and Seattle Politics, Tax Law. Municipal access, Government Contracts.
Medium: Syndicates, Smuggling, Civil Law, Crook Hangouts
Low: “You know how I always have time for the Seattle taxpayer? Bye.”
Tyler Woczinski (Working Man) Everett 1/3
One of three children to immigrant parents from the AC, he's working as a forklift driver for a numbered company that mostly sells machined steel to FedBo. A good-natured guy, so people like to chat him up at work and talk shop, what's going on with FedBo, see if there's any openings at the machinist's shop next to the warehouse. Big baseball fan, usually can catch him at Johnny's when a game is on (let's go Mets, baby), usually catches Murph there to talk shop.

Ordinary dude wearing ordinary clothes, usually coveralls at work, then the jeans plus button-up at the bar. Not the worst shot with his Predator IV, but he only gets to hit the range once a week, more or less.
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[Ranged Weapons]
Weapon DV AP Mode RC Ammo Accuracy Pool
Ares Alpha SR5 428
  • Smartgun System, Internal SR5 433
  • Additional Clip/Magazine SL 45
  • Extended Clip HT 180
    Sometimes the job calls for the ability to ire more shots without taking time to reload. That is what an extended
  • Gas-Vent 3 System SR5 431
  • Personalized Grip HT 182
    This modiication allows a weapon’s owner to customize a weapon to it the size and shape of their hand perfectly. This is particularly useful for metatypes at the high and low end of the bell curve for standard metahuman size. This modiication increases a weapon’s Accuracy by 1.
11P -2 SA/BF/FA 7 84(c) 5 (8) 2
Range S M L E
Assault Rifles 0-25 26-150 151-350 351-550
Assault Rifles 0-25 26-150 151-350 351-550
  • Under DV AP Mode RC Ammo Accuracy Pool
    Ares Alpha Grenade Launcher SR5 428
      Grenade - SS 2 6(c) 6 (8) 0
      Range S M L E
      Grenade Launchers 5-50 51-100 101-150 151-500
      Grenade Launchers 5-50 51-100 101-150 151-500
    Hold-Fast Sprayer RG 104
      Special -2 SS 2 10 2 0
      Range S M L E
      Tasers 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20
      Tasers 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20
      Krime Boss GH3 17
      • Extended Clip HT 180
        Sometimes the job calls for the ability to ire more shots without taking time to reload. That is what an extended
      • Krime Loudener KK 23
      • Personalized Grip HT 182
        This modiication allows a weapon’s owner to customize a weapon to it the size and shape of their hand perfectly. This is particularly useful for metatypes at the high and low end of the bell curve for standard metahuman size. This modiication increases a weapon’s Accuracy by 1.
      • Smartgun System, External SR5 433
      13P -1 SA 5 30(d) 3 (6) 2
      Range S M L E
      Shotguns 0-10 11-40 41-80 81-150
      Shotguns (flechette) 0-15 16-30 31-45 46-60
      Shotguns 0-10 11-40 41-80 81-150
      Shotguns (flechette) 0-15 16-30 31-45 46-60
      Krime Boss GH3 17
      • Extended Clip HT 180
        Sometimes the job calls for the ability to ire more shots without taking time to reload. That is what an extended
      • Krime Loudener KK 23
      • Personalized Grip HT 182
        This modiication allows a weapon’s owner to customize a weapon to it the size and shape of their hand perfectly. This is particularly useful for metatypes at the high and low end of the bell curve for standard metahuman size. This modiication increases a weapon’s Accuracy by 1.
      • Smartgun System, External SR5 433
      13P -1 SA 5 30(d) 3 (6) 2
      Range S M L E
      Shotguns 0-10 11-40 41-80 81-150
      Shotguns (flechette) 0-15 16-30 31-45 46-60
      Shotguns 0-10 11-40 41-80 81-150
      Shotguns (flechette) 0-15 16-30 31-45 46-60
      Minigrenade: Flash-Pak SR5 435
        Special - 2 0 0 0
        Range S M L E
        Grenade Launchers 5-50 51-100 101-150 151-500
        Grenade Launchers 5-50 51-100 101-150 151-500
        Minigrenade: Fragmentation SR5 435
          18P(f) (-1/m) +5 2 0 0 0
          Range S M L E
          Grenade Launchers 5-50 51-100 101-150 151-500
          Grenade Launchers 5-50 51-100 101-150 151-500
          Terracotta Arms Pup SL 27
          With different models marketed to both the civilian and government sectors, the Pup offers options that other hold-outs simply cannot, with an integrated smartlink system and the ability to use a custom-designed silencer.
          Standard Accessories: Silencer (optional), Smartlink System (internal)
          • Smartgun System, Internal SR5 433
          • Cyberimplanted CF 90
          • Terracotta Arms Pup Silencer SL 27
          6P - SA 2 5(c) 4 (6) 4
          Range S M L E
          Holdouts 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-50
          Holdouts 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-50

          Ammo: Assault Cannon (Assault Cannons) ×20 SR5 434 +0 +0
          Spare Clip SR5 433
          Krime Boss drum.
          +0 +0
          Spare Clip SR5 433
          Krime Boss drum.
          +0 +0
          Spare Clip SR5 433
          Ares Alpha clip.
          +0 +0
          Spare Clip SR5 433
          Ares Alpha grenade launcher clip.
          +0 +0
          Spare Clip SR5 433
          Ares Alpha clip.
          +0 +0
          Spare Clip (Terracotta Arms Pup) SR5 433
          Spare clip: A spare clip comes unloaded but can hold the maximum rounds for the weapon. Each clip is spe- cific to the weapon you buy it for, but they all cost the same. And yes, it’s technically a detachable box maga- zine, but the Cityspeak word for it is so popular these days that even the catalogs call them clips.
          +0 +0

          [Melee Weapons]
          Weapon DV AP Reach Accuracy Pool
          Knife (Survival Kit) SR5 422
            3P -1 0 5 2
            Unarmed Attack SR5 132
              2S - 0 3 2
              Armor Value
              Ares Victory: Industrious RG 64
              Generic padded engineer's overalls.
              • Gear Access RG 59
                GEAR ACCESS
                This feature allows items to be retrieved from the piece of armor with more ease than usual. This means drawing or retrieving items that are set up on the armor takes one lower action. Complex becomes Simple, and Simple becomes Free. Free stays Free, but gamemasters can consider allowing an extra Free Action for the Action Phase.
              • Concealed Pocket HT 185
              • Electrochromic Clothing SR5 437
              • Faraday Pocket HT 185
                FARADAY POCKET
                The armor has a small pocket with a signal-blocking insert. No wireless signals can penetrate this pocket.
                Cutting off your wireless access to avoid tracking is as simple as dropping your commlink into this pocket.
              Armor Jacket SR5 437
              Completely unremarkable in its construction.
              • Electrochromic Clothing SR5 437
                Electrochromic clothing: Electrochromic threads can change color with voltage, letting you alter the color of your clothing or display text, images, or patterns. This is good for fashion, but great for vanishing into a crowd if you need a quick costume change. You can even get armored clothing in electrochromic styles. It takes a Simple Action to change the settings on your electro- chromic clothes, but a couple of Combat Turns to com- plete the change.
              • YNT Softweave Armor RG 84
                YNT SOFTWEAVE ARMOR
                SoftWeave was developed by Yamatetsu Naval Technologies for sapients and the less common metavarients because it’s easier to mold and work into alternative designs than standard armor technologies. It works for the everyday Joe, and it also makes for lighter gear with more flexibility for modifications.
              Good Jewelry RF 253
              Small golden crucifix.
                Good Jewelry RF 253
                Plain silver band.
                  Helmet SR5 438
                  Construction helmet.
                  • Respirator [R6] SR5 449
                  Mortimer of London: Argentum Coat RG 58
                  Paisano edition, obviously, not Victorian.
                  • Concealability RG 59
                    This feature means things are either more easily hidden beneath the girth or length of the piece, or the design of the piece means it is less likely to be detected. Keep a little bit of realism in mind—no matter what the dice pool says, you cannot hide an assault cannon inside assless chaps.
                  • Custom Fit (Stack) RG 59
                    (Ares Arctic Forces Suit)
                    CUSTOM FIT (STACK)
                    This characteristic employs all the Custom Fit rules, but in addition these items can stack with other pieces that have been Custom Fit by the same maker, for the same person. The character has to select a specific set of Armored Clothing to have the piece Custom Fit with. The Custom Fit combination then allows the character to use either the base armor or add on the stack bonus for that set of gear.
                  Mortimer of London: Berwick Suit RG 58
                  Paisano edition, obviously, not Victorian.
                  • Concealability RG 59
                    This feature means things are either more easily hidden beneath the girth or length of the piece, or the design of the piece means it is less likely to be detected. Keep a little bit of realism in mind—no matter what the dice pool says, you cannot hide an assault cannon inside assless chaps.
                  • Custom Fit RG 59
                    CUSTOM FIT
                    Items that are Custom Fit were measured for a specific person.
                    They are specially designed for that person and don’t fit well on anyone else, therefore conferring none of the positive Social Limit adjustments to the character. When an item is Custom Fit, any changes to an individual’s Physical Attributes, whether through Karma advancement or augmentation (but not through magic), require the suit to be refit. The refit process requires an Armorer shop and an Armorer + Logic [Mental] (10, 1 hour) Extended Test.
                    The owner can also use their Contacts to help them get the job done, requiring loss of the armor for one week and a payment of 25 percent of the initial armor cost.
                  Total 14

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                  Ares Dragon (Cargo Helicopter) SR5 464
                  • Mod
                  • Heavy R5 163
                  • Morphing License Plate R5 152
                  • Spoof Chips R5 152
                  • Gear
                  • Sensor Array [R3] SR5 445
                  Handling 4 Body 22
                  Acceleration 3 Armor 8
                  Speed 4 Sensor 3
                  Pilot 3 Rating 3
                  Physical Damage Track 23 Seats 18
                  Matrix Damage Track 10

                  Dodge Ram Industrial (Narrow) (Garbage Truck) SS 186
                  • Mod
                  • Amenities (High) R5 169
                  • Armor (Standard) [R6] R5 159
                  • Chameleon Coating R5 163
                  • GridLink Override R5 167
                  • Landing Drone Rack (Medium) R5 160
                  • Morphing License Plate R5 152
                  • Personal Armor [R10] R5 159
                  • Ram Plate R5 161
                  • Rigger Cocoon R5 155
                  • Rigger Interface SR5 461
                  • Run-Flat Tires [R6] R5 152
                  • Smuggling Compartment R5 165
                  • Special Armor Modification (Nonconductivity) [R14] R5 159
                  • Spoof Chips R5 152
                  • Standard R5 163
                    Rear-facing. Pops out of a recycling chute.
                  • Standard R5 163
                    Forward-facing. Pops out of the grill.
                  • Winch (Enhanced) R5 166
                  • Gear
                  • Sensor Array [R4] SR5 445
                    • Atmosphere Sensor SR5 446
                    • Camera [R4] SR5 446
                    • Camera [R4] SR5 446
                    • Camera [R4] SR5 446
                    • Camera [R4] SR5 446
                    • Laser Range Finder SR5 446
                    • Omni-directional Microphone [R4] SR5 446
                    • Radio Signal Scanner SR5 446
                  Handling 3/1 Body 16
                  Acceleration 1 Armor 8
                  Speed 1 Sensor 4
                  Pilot 2 Rating 2
                  Physical Damage Track 20 Seats 4
                  Matrix Damage Track 9

                  Festo Pigeon 2.0 (Minidrone) R5 129
                  • Mod
                  • Realistic Features (Drone) [R1] R5 125
                  • Gecko Grips (Drone) R5 125
                  • Realistic Features (Drone) [R4] R5 125
                  • Gear
                  • Sensor Array [R2] SR5 445
                    • Atmosphere Sensor SR5 446
                    • Camera [R2] SR5 446
                      • Vision Magnification SR5 444
                    • Laser Microphone [R2] SR5 446
                    • MAD Scanner SR5 446
                    • Nanoscanner CF 153
                    • Olfactory Scanner SR5 446
                    • Omni-directional Microphone [R2] SR5 446
                    • Ultrasound SR5 446
                  Handling 4 Body 1
                  Acceleration 1 Armor 0
                  Speed 2 Sensor 2
                  Pilot 2 Rating 2
                  Physical Damage Track 7
                  Matrix Damage Track 9

                  Horizon Noizquito (Microdrone) R5 128
                  • Mod
                  • Rigger Interface SR5 461
                  • Speakers R5 128
                  • Strobes R5 128
                  • Chameleon Coating R5 163
                  • Sensor Downgrade (Drone) R5 123
                  • Gear
                  • Sensor Array [R2] SR5 445
                    • Camera [R2] SR5 446
                    • Cyberware Scanner SR5 446
                    • Laser Microphone [R2] SR5 446
                    • MAD Scanner SR5 446
                    • Olfactory Scanner SR5 446
                    • Omni-directional Microphone [R2] SR5 446
                    • Radio Signal Scanner SR5 446
                    • Ultrasound SR5 446
                  Handling 4 Body 1
                  Acceleration 2 Armor 0
                  Speed 3 Sensor 2
                  Pilot 3 Rating 3
                  Physical Damage Track 7
                  Matrix Damage Track 10

                  Krime Runner KK 28
                  • Mod
                  • Body Downgrade (Drone) R5 123
                  • Chameleon Coating R5 163
                  • Gecko Tips R5 154
                  • Gear
                  • Sensor Array [R1] SR5 445
                    • Camera [R2] SR5 446
                      • Vision Magnification SR5 444
                    • Geiger Counter SR5 446
                    • Laser Microphone [R2] SR5 446
                    • MAD Scanner SR5 446
                    • Nanoscanner CF 153
                    • Omni-directional Microphone [R2] SR5 446
                    • Radio Signal Scanner SR5 446
                    • Ultrasound SR5 446
                  Handling 1 Body 1
                  Acceleration 1 Armor 1
                  Speed 1 Sensor 1
                  Pilot 4 Rating 4
                  Physical Damage Track 7
                  Matrix Damage Track 10

                  MCT Fly-Spy (Minidrone) SR5 466
                  • Mod
                  • Realistic Features [R2] R5 165
                  • Gear
                  • Sensor Array [R3] SR5 445
                    • Camera [R3] SR5 446
                      • Vision Magnification SR5 444
                    • Cyberware Scanner SR5 446
                    • Laser Microphone [R3] SR5 446
                    • Nanoscanner CF 153
                    • Olfactory Scanner SR5 446
                    • Omni-directional Microphone [R3] SR5 446
                    • Radio Signal Scanner SR5 446
                    • Ultrasound SR5 446
                  Handling 4 Body 1
                  Acceleration 2 Armor 0
                  Speed 3 Sensor 3
                  Pilot 3 Rating 3
                  Physical Damage Track 7
                  Matrix Damage Track 10

                  MCT-Nissan Roto-drone (Medium) SR5 466
                  • Mod
                  • Large (Drone) R5 124
                  • Gear
                  • Sensor Array [R3] SR5 445
                    • Atmosphere Sensor SR5 446
                    • Camera [R3] SR5 446
                      • Vision Magnification SR5 444
                    • Geiger Counter SR5 446
                    • MAD Scanner SR5 446
                    • Olfactory Scanner SR5 446
                    • Omni-directional Microphone SR5 446
                    • Radio Signal Scanner SR5 446
                    • Ultrasound SR5 446
                  Handling 4 Body 4
                  Acceleration 2 Armor 4
                  Speed 4 Sensor 3
                  Pilot 3 Rating 3
                  Physical Damage Track 8
                  Matrix Damage Track 10

                  Saeder-Krupp-Bentley Concordat (Luxury Sedan) SR5 463
                  • Gear
                  • Sensor Array [R4] SR5 445
                    Sensor array: This sensor package includes up to eight functions listed under Sensor Functions.
                    • Atmosphere Sensor SR5 446
                    • Camera [R4] SR5 446
                    • Camera [R4] SR5 446
                    • Laser Range Finder SR5 446
                    • MAD Scanner SR5 446
                    • Motion Sensor SR5 446
                    • Omni-directional Microphone [R1] SR5 446
                    • Ultrasound SR5 446
                  Handling 5/4 Body 12
                  Acceleration 2 Armor 12
                  Speed 5 Sensor 4
                  Pilot 2 Rating 2
                  Physical Damage Track 18 Seats 4
                  Matrix Damage Track 9

                  Zodiac Scorpio R5 82
                  Run reward (Hot Tips)
                  • Mod
                  • Heavy R5 163
                  • Standard R5 163
                  • Standard R5 163
                  • Morphing License Plate R5 152
                  • Rigger Interface SR5 461
                  • Spoof Chips R5 152
                  • Gear
                  • Sensor Array [R1] SR5 445
                    • Camera [R2] SR5 446
                    • Camera [R2] SR5 446
                    • Laser Range Finder SR5 446
                    • MAD Scanner SR5 446
                    • Motion Sensor SR5 446
                    • Olfactory Scanner SR5 446
                    • Omni-directional Microphone [R2] SR5 446
                    • Ultrasound SR5 446
                  Handling 4 Body 10
                  Acceleration 2 Armor 6
                  Speed 4 Sensor 1
                  Pilot 1 Rating 1
                  Physical Damage Track 17 Seats 8
                  Matrix Damage Track 9

                  [Matrix Devices]
                  Device Rating CM A/S/D/F Programs
                  Fairlight Caliban SR5 438 7 12 0/0/7/7
                  • Modifications
                  • Multidimensional Coprocessor DT 65
                  • Gear
                  • Commlink Functionality SR5 438
                    • Camera, Micro SR5 443
                    • Chip Player SR5 438
                    • Credstick Reader SR5 438
                    • Earbuds [R1] SR5 445
                    • GPS Guidance System SR5 438
                    • Micro Trid-Projector SR5 438
                    • Music Player SR5 438
                    • RFID Tag Scanner SR5 438
                    • Shock- and Water-Resistant Case SR5 438
                    • Touchscreen Display SR5 438
                  • Receiver DT 62
                  Transys Avalon SR5 438 6 11 0/0/6/6
                  • Gear
                  • Commlink Functionality SR5 438
                    • Camera, Micro SR5 443
                    • Chip Player SR5 438
                    • Credstick Reader SR5 438
                    • Earbuds [R1] SR5 445
                    • GPS Guidance System SR5 438
                    • Micro Trid-Projector SR5 438
                    • Music Player SR5 438
                    • RFID Tag Scanner SR5 438
                    • Shock- and Water-Resistant Case SR5 438
                    • Touchscreen Display SR5 438
                    Implant Essence Grade
                    Active Hardwires [R6] (Electronic Warfare) CF 81 0.33 Used
                    Cerebellum Booster [R1] CF 118 0.18 Standard
                    Control Rig [R2] SR5 452
                    • Datajack SR5 452
                      • Universal Connector Cord (Meter) RF 254
                    • Sim Module, Hot SR5 439
                    1.80 Standard
                    Control Rig Booster [R3] CF 147 0.00 None
                    Datajack Plus [R3] KC 65
                    • Universal Connector Cord (Meter) RF 254
                    0.17 Used
                    Mnemonic Enhancer [R1] SR5 460 0.09 Standard
                    Narco CF 159 0.20 None
                    Obvious Lower Leg SR5 456
                    • Attention Coprocessor CF 78
                    • Custom Holdout Pistol CF 90
                    • Math SPU CF 80
                    • Nanohive, Hard [R3] CF 151
                    • Orientation System CF 80
                    0.50 Used
                    Reaction Enhancers [R1] SR5 455 0.33 Used
                    Skilljack [R6] SR5 452 0.11 Used
                    Smartlink SR5 453 0.22 Used
                    Page Break: : OFF
                    Awakened Adept
                    Tradition Shamanic (Materialization) SR5 279
                    Combat Spirit of Beasts Detection Spirit of Water
                    Health Spirit of Earth Illusion Spirit of Air
                    Manipulation Spirit of Man Drain 5

                    [Adept Powers]
                    Astral Perception SR5 309
                    Authoritative Tone [R2] SG 170
                    Enhanced Perception [R2] SR5 309
                    Facial Sculpt [R2] SG 171
                    Heightened Concentration [R1] SSP 23
                    Kinesics [R2] SR5 310
                    Initiate Grade: 1
                    • Power Point SR5 326
                    • Psychometry SG 145
                    • Sensing SG 155
                    Page Break: : OFF
                    • Brainsofts
                    • Linguasoft (German) [R6] SR5 442
                    • Computer Mumbo-Jumbo
                    • Electronic Parts, Five-Pack ×5 DT 66
                    • Pantheon Industries "Mercury-Alpha" Battlefield Signal Booster KC 73
                    • Resume - Mike Perlinski, 2083, Knight Errant SR5 1
                      • Browse SR5 245
                      • Configurator SR5 245
                      • Encryption SR5 245
                      • Toolbox SR5 245
                    • Untitled Folder SR5 1
                      • Smoke and Mirrors DT 57
                      • Stealth SR5 245
                      • Wrapper SR5 245
                    • Cool Spy Shit. I Mean, Uh, Irregular Deployment Equipment
                    • Bug Promotional Pen [R2] CA 140
                      • Single Sensor [R2] SR5 445
                        • Omni-directional Microphone [R2] SR5 446
                    • Data Tap SR5 440
                    • Datachip ×10 SR5 440
                    • Earbuds [R3] SR5 445
                      • Audio Enhancement [R2] SR5 445
                      • Select Sound Filter [R1] SR5 445
                    • Endoscope SR5 444
                    • Handheld Housing [R3] SR5 445
                      • Custom Shell - Watch SR5 1
                      • Single Sensor [R3] SR5 445
                        • Radio Signal Scanner SR5 446
                      • Single Sensor [R3] SR5 445
                        • Laser Microphone [R3] SR5 446
                      • Single Sensor [R3] SR5 445
                        • Olfactory Scanner SR5 446
                    • Jammer, Directional [R6] SR5 441
                    • Lockpick Set SR5 448
                    • Micro-Transceiver SR5 441
                    • Security Tags ×10 SR5 440
                    • Stealth Tags ×10 SR5 440
                    • Survival Kit SR5 449
                      • Compass SR5 449
                      • Lighter SR5 449
                      • Lightweight Thermal Blanket SR5 449
                      • Matches SR5 449
                      • Several Days' Worth of Ration Bars SR5 449
                      • Water Purification Unit SR5 449
                    • Goin' Undercover
                    • Smart Wig HT 188
                    • Synthskin Face Mask [R6] HT 188
                    • Tool Kit (Disguise) SR5 443
                    • Handyman's Secret Weapons
                    • Can of Spray Paint (Hot red.) RF 254
                    • Collapsible Shovel RF 254
                    • Crowbar SR5 447
                    • Flashlight SR5 449
                    • Hold-Fast Adhesive Spray RG 104
                    • Matches ×10 RF 255
                    • Miniwelder SR5 448
                    • Paint Gun RF 254
                      • C-Squared [R6] HT 187
                      • Ultra-Glide Industrial Lubricant (liter) RG 104
                    • Roll of Duct Tape RF 254
                    • Ruler (Cheap) RF 255
                    • Scissors (Good) RF 254
                    • Tool Belt (Cheap) RF 254
                    • Tube of Epoxy RF 254
                    • Libations
                    • Guts CF 181
                    • Neostigmine BB 19
                    • Novacoke ×4 SR5 412
                      Rating 7 Threshold 1
                      • Pharma-grade SR5 1
                    • Ondansetron BB 19
                    • Psyche ×2 SR5 412
                    • Slap Patch, Stim Patch [R6] SR5 451
                    • Slap Patch, Trauma Patch SR5 451
                    Fake SIN (Timothy Müllmann - Seattle Free City) [R6] SR5 442
                    • Fake License (Driver's License) [R6] SR5 443
                    • Fake License (Firearms) [R6] SR5 443
                    • Fake License (Augmentation) [R6] SR5 443
                    • Fake License (Concealed Carry) [R6] SR5 443
                    Fake SIN (Murphy "Bricklayer" Perlinski, NYPD Inc.) [R4] SR5 442
                    • Fake License (Augmentation) [R4] SR5 443
                    • Fake License (Concealed Carry) [R4] SR5 443
                    • Fake License (Driver's License) [R4] SR5 443
                    • Fake License (Firearms) [R4] SR5 443
                    Certified Credstick, Gold ×2 SR5 442
                    Certified Credstick, Standard ×2 SR5 442

                    Garage outside of Casino Corner in Everett he rents and sleeps in. (Low) SR5 369
                    Cost: 2,000¥ (2,400¥) × 0 = 0¥;
                      Page Break: : OFF

                      Casino Corner - loud, proud, expensive, and full of suits looking to get shitfaced.  One of the crown jewels of the Ciarnellos - but not every gangster cleans up as well as the soldatos waiting the tables at the Garden of Eden.  For them, there is Jason's Bar and Grill - shitty draft, pre-Crash trid sets, and private rooms for cards.  Inside one of those rooms is a pack of four men in virtually identical khakis, loafers, and golf shirts (tucked in), though the conversation appears to be mostly centered on the youngest man at the table - perhaps because he's buying the drinks.  Short guy, Caucasian, brown eyes, stubbled, with brown hair in a crew cut just starting to thin out, bit of a beer belly in development.  Small golden crucifix dangling from his neck, chunky analog watch on his wrist, no other noticeable adornment except a plain silver band on his left thumb, glasses hanging off his shirt pocket.


                      "Nonno, he was with the Local 831.  Paid his dues from 18 to 65," the raspy, slightly nasal accent mixes perfectly with the background hum of the booth at Jason's - and the whine of the white noise generator under the table.  "He was out there on the fuckin' lines in 1999, and what did he get for it?" he leans over the chipped plastic table.   "Retired, full benefits.  Fuck Seretech, fuck the City of New York.  What are they gonna do about it?"

                      "Anyway.  Nonno, he had his kids early, I got to hear what life used to be like before all this fuckin' horseshit.  Before all the fuckin' dragons, wizards, Japanese ninja swords, all that shit.  You were a member of the family, and family takes care of each other.  Papa, he was the same - he's still back in fuckin Staten, keeping the goddamn streets clean. You think the streets clean themselves?  Trash just gets to the dump on its own?  Fuckin' a," he snorts and waves over the Soyweiser draft Proletarian, a brief flash of a gold credstick as he buys himself another pint.  

                      "Obviously I'm gonna keep the family name going.  Age 13, papa gets me steel toed boots for my birthday, I'm ready to fuckin' go.  Drive the truck, work the sanitation drones, tase the devil rats whenever they were feeling frisky.  Ten hours, one hour for lunch, two breaks, Sundays off to go to church.  Never really picked up much in Sunday school, but you got to see the neighbors, and the singing was all right.  And sometimes after the sermon zio would come by, he'd slip you a twenty, ask you to pick something up, leave something somewhere.  No problem.  That's real work.  Not this shit where you show up at the docks lookin' like a fuckin' Dickens orphan hoping some Russian numbnuts needs you to drive a forklift for a day."

                      "Lemme tell you, the day they asked me to drive down to St. Peter's Church, down in Staten?  Proudest day of my life.  I swore I'd never leave the family.  On my blood, you hear me?  And I tell you, swear on my life," - his voice lowers - "when the card of Saint Peter burned down, he talked to me."  He pauses dramatically, then adds, "Talked to me in Latin, though, barely understood what he was saying.  But lemme tell you - I knew I had done something right."

                      "After that, the family, they helped me step up my game a bit.  They had bought a few of the NYPD Inc. guards down at New Riker's - the wiseguys there, they'd see what chrome was coming in on the fuckin' thugs the law scooped up, and if they saw something good, we got first pick.  Spent a lot of time driving back and forth to Roosevelt pickin' up spare parts.  Got some myself every now and then.  Good stuff, usually, but it always made me a little nervous.  Felt like I was doing something wrong, y'know?  Maybe because it came from the cops.  Never know who's gonna stay bought with the law anymore."

                      "Still, eventually the boss got me a rig.  After that, he'd send me to talk to the punks that were pushing that Kong brainmelter shit, or bothering the girls out on Staten, and I'd either convince them to fuck off or load them in the back of the fuckin' truck.  Got pretty good at both, and lemme tell you, it's a fuckin' breeze to get those Dodge pieces of shit into alleys when you're jumped in."  He points with his chin at the garbage truck hogging multiple parking stalls out in the lot.  "Life was good for a while.  They started callin' me Garbage Day, because whenever I showed up it was time to take out the trash!  Ha!  Get it?"  He buys another drink.

                      "Still, y'know, every now and then, I'd be praying before I went to bed, and sometimes I'd feel like I was supposed to be doing something, y'know?  I'm not exactly caught up on my readings of the good book, but when the man upstairs has something to say, nonna taught me to listen.  And I got the feeling I wasn't listening."

                      "Eventually, I went to talk with the boss about it.  He looks real serious, makes a call.  Twenty minutes talking about his daughter coming in second place at the local hackathon, in comes out some weasel-lookin' guy.  He looks at me funny, then the boss asks me to leave for a bit.  Then, after two hours watching fuckin' Neil re-runs in an orthodonist's waiting room, the boss, he calls me back in, he tells me I'm a fuckin' wiggler.  The fuck?"  He shakes his head, then does a pair of exaggerated finger-quotes.  "'Social adept and psychometrist'.  I tell him, do I look like I go to the psychometrist?  I'm not paying 250 nuyen to spend an hour talkin' with some chump about my feelings."  He shakes his head again.  "First time the boss didn't laugh at my jokes."

                      "Work got complicated after that.  The boss, he kept me on the same gig, but the rest of the fuckin' guys wouldn't even shake my hand anymore.  What do you want from me, assholes?  I'm working here, gimme the fuckin' coldpack, you think adrenaline pumps are shelf-stable?" he grumbles rhetorically.  "The boss, he was sympathetic - kept it going for a couple years, but eventually it was just me and a truck full of fuckin' drones.  I told the boss, this ain't right, I know it, you know it, God knows it."  He shrugs.  

                      "Boss, he says - you remember that big bald guy who used to pick up cyber out in Newark to take out to the Ciarnellos?  He made it in Seattle, a fuckin' fireman, apparently.  He asks me - how do you feel about moving west?  Working remote, y'know?  That's the hot shit with the suits lately."

                      "Anyway, so now I'm here.  and lemme tell you - this city's a fuckin' dump.  No wonder, with the way they got that Eta contract hanging on everyone's necks like a goddamn anchor.  Listen to me, buddy.  You know what'll last you the rest of your life?  A job where you can look your boss in the eye and tell him to go fuck himself.  A steady cheque, health insurance, and a wife you hate.  If it was good enough for nonno it's good enough for us."  He pulls a brochure (Paper? In 2083?) with a black cat on the cover and puts it on the table.  "I'm gonna get this shit straightened out, God as my witness.  Just got to get a little scratch together first.  Donahugh, he set me up.  You hear of these dickheads, Runnerhub?"


                      Sanitation officer.  Union man.  Gangster.  Grey market organlegger.  Gabbagool elemental.  Sometimes sees saints when he's had enough novacoke.  



                      +10 Ancients


                      +10 - Gianelli Mafia

                      Wild Index: 4

                      RAVEN (ALT)

                      Stories of ravens are deeply interwoven in the mythology and lore in nearly every major culture from the Fifth World.  Ravens have been powerful forces for either good or ill, butalways making their presence known. While local culturesmay vary as to which attribute is Raven’s most important, the common thread in all tales is that Raven seeks to gathe rand perhaps offer something in return. Whether it is offering wisdom in Celtic and Norse traditions, offering light from darkness in tales from the Pacific Northwest, or Irish and Druidic myths speaking of Raven giving mystic or scientific secrets, Raven is associated with giving and taking.  Followers of Raven collect facts, data, arcana, and anything else they can grab that may come in handy later.

                      ADVANTAGES All: +2 dice pool modifier for knowledge skill tests.

                      Adept: 2 free levels of Enhanced Perception.

                      DISADVANTAGES: Followers of Raven share their mentor’s love of collecting.When presented with data, knowledge, or other gear thatwould be valuable (gamemaster’s discretion), you must passa Charisma + Willpower Test (3), or be unable to resist trying to acquiring it.

                      Things I Keep Forgetting to Buy

                      Nav system


                      Gun ports

                      Math SPU