[Personal Data]
Name Mina Talutah
Alias Contrarian
Metatype Dwarf
Gender Female Special Mystic Adept
Age 27 Skin Warm Olive
Hair Brown, with copper highlights Eyes Hazel
Height 4'1'' Weight 99lb

Karma 0 Nuyen 16,194¥
Street Cred 5 Career Karma 56
Notoriety -1 Public Awareness 0

Composure 10 Judge Intentions 10
Memory 7 Lift/Carry 15
Movement 10/20; 1m / hit, Swim: 6.5; 1m / hit Lift/Carry Weight 120/80

Physical Limit 9 Mental Limit 5
Social Limit 7 Astral Limit 7
Body 7 Willpower 5
Agility 5 Logic 2
Reaction 2 Intuition 5
Strength 8 Charisma 5
Edge 2 Essence 5.23
Magic 5

Initiative 7 + 1d6
Astral Initiative 10 + 3d6
Rigger Initiative 7 + 1d6
Matrix AR 7 + 1d6
Matrix Cold 7 + 3d6
Matrix Hot 7 + 4d6

Physical Damage Track 12
Overflow 7
Natural Recovery Pool (1 day) 14
Stun Damage Track 11
Natural Recovery Pool (1 hour) 12
Metatype C
Attributes A
Special A
Skills E
Resources E
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[Active Skills]
Skill Rtg Pool
Combat Active Skills
Archery AGI 0 4
Automatics AGI 0 4
Blades AGI

(Knives +2)

6 14
Clubs AGI 0 4
Heavy Weapons AGI 0 4
Longarms AGI 0 4
Pistols AGI 0 4
Throwing Weapons AGI 0 4
Unarmed Combat AGI 0 4
Magical Active Skills
Assensing INT

(Aura Reading +2)

6 11
Astral Combat WIL 3 8
Counterspelling MAG 3 11
Ritual Spellcasting MAG 3 11
Spellcasting MAG

(Manipulation +2)

6 14
Summoning MAG

(Spirits of Air +2)

6 14
Physical Active Skills
Disguise INT 0 6
Diving BOD 0 6
Escape Artist AGI 0 4
Free-Fall BOD 0 6
Gymnastics AGI 0 4
Perception INT 6 11
Running STR 0 7
Sneaking AGI 0 6
Survival WIL 0 4
Skill Rtg Pool
Swimming STR 0 7
Tracking INT 0 4
Pseudo-Magical Active Skills
Arcana LOG 3 5
Social Active Skills
Con CHA 0 6
Etiquette CHA 6 13
Impersonation CHA 0 6
Instruction CHA 0 6
Intimidation CHA 0 6
Leadership CHA 0 6
Negotiation CHA 0 6
Performance CHA 0 6
Technical Active Skills
Animal Handling CHA 0 4
Armorer LOG 0 1
Computer LOG 0 1
Cybercombat LOG 0 1
Demolitions LOG 0 1
First Aid LOG 0 1
Forgery LOG 0 1
Hacking LOG 0 1
Navigation INT 0 4
Vehicle Active Skills
Gunnery AGI 0 4
Pilot Ground Craft REA 0 1
Pilot Watercraft REA 0 1
[Knowledge Skills]
Skill Rtg Pool
English Native
Lakota 1 6

(Finance +2)

3 8
Corporation: Monobe 1 6
Magic Traditions

(Shamanic +2)

3 8
Magical Theory (Street)

(Shamanic +2)

3 8
Magical Threats 4 9
Matrix 1 6
Metaplanes 1 6
Myths 1 6
Parabotany 4 9
Parazoology 4 9

(Native American Nations +2)

3 8
Radical Groups 1 6
Security Procedures

(Executive Protection +2)

3 8
Shadow Community

(Government Assets +2)

3 8

(Wild Spirits +2)

3 8
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Positive Negative
  • Resistance to Pathogens/Toxins SR5 77
    COST: 4 OR 8 KARMA
    A character with Resistance to Pathogens/Toxins can fight off diseases and drugs more easily than other characters and receives a +1 dice pool modifier to Resistance Tests. This quality comes at two levels: at 4 Karma the character is resistant to either pathogens or toxins, not both. If the character purchases this quality at 8 Karma, she receives the +1 modifier for resisting both.
  • Thermographic Vision SR5 66
  • Biocompatibility (Cyberware) (Blades) CF 54
  • Chain Breaker (Task Spirit, Guidance Spirit) FA 33
    10 KARMA
    Minimum Requirements: See description A character with this quality refuses to bind spirits and takes umbrage with any magician who does. A chain breaker is known to the astral world as an ally, which means that spirits are more willing to forgive them at first, but less forgiving if they develop a bad Astral Reputation. Characters with this quality double the amount of Spirit Index required to reach their first point of Astral Reputation, but require only 10 Spirit Index to gain subsequent points of Astral Reputation. As a reward for their devotion, a character with this quality may choose two additional spirit types to summon in addition to the spirit types allowed by their tradition. The character must forfeit the use of the Binding skill as an active skill, but they may still use any previously acquired ranks as a Knowledge skill. Additionally, the character must succeed in a Composure (2) test to avoid verbally or physically lashing out at any nearby mage currently binding a spirit, including teammates.
    If the Astral Reputation of a chain breaker ever reaches 3 or higher, the character loses the ability to summon the extra two spirit types, and this quality is considered a negative quality until it is
  • Chosen Follower FA 35
    10 KARMA
    Minimum Requirements: Mentor Spirit quality Characters with this quality have earned the right to receive magical instruction from their mentor spirits by showing ceaseless devotion to their ideals. The wisdom bestowed by a mentor spirit is granted instantaneously as a potent vision delivered via the shared connection between the character and their mentor. This instruction can only be received once every three months during an equinox or a solstice event, and each type of instruction can only be received once per year. A character with this quality may ask their mentor spirit to aid them in one of the following ways:
    • Learn two spells or rituals.
    • Improve a magical active skill from rank 1 to rank 3.
    • Reduce the training time for improving a magical active skill, skill group, or specialization by fifty percent.
    • Reduce the training time for improving their Magic attribute by fifty percent.
    • Improve an Academic knowledge skill related to Magic from rank 1 to rank 4.
    • Ignore glitches or reduce critical glitches during Step 5 (Craft the Focus, p. 307, SR5) when crafting a single focus.
    • Ignore glitches or reduce critical glitches during Step 7 (Seal the Ritual, p. 296, SR5) when performing a single ritual.
    • Reduce the threshold for the Arcana + Logic Extended Test to create an ally spirit formula to (Force x 3); see p. 201, Street Grimoire.
  • First Impression SR5 74
    COST: 11 KARMA
    The First Impression quality enables a character to slide easily into new environments, situations, groups, and jobs. Whether infiltrating a gang, making contacts in a new city, or wrangling an invite to a private meet, the character gains a temporary +2 dice pool modifier for relevant Social Tests such as Negotiation and Con during the first meeting. This modifier does not apply to second and subsequent encounters
  • Focused Concentration SR5 74
    RATING (MAX 6)
    A technomancer or magic user with the Focused Concentration quality has the discipline to manipulate mana or Resonance more precisely than otherwise possible. This precision reduces stress to the magic user’s or technomancer’s body. She is able to sustain one spell/complex form with a force/level equal to her Focused Concentration rating without suffering any penalties. For example, a magic user with Focused Concentration rating 3 may sustain a Force 3 Armor spell without taking the negative dice pool modifier for sustaining a spell. Sustaining any additional spells or complex forms incurs the standard –2 dice pool modifier per spell or complex form sustained. This quality may only be taken by magic user characters that are able to cast spells and technomancers.
  • Mentor Spirit (Spider (Alt)) SR5 76
    Iktomi, the old trickster, seems interested in her life. That's bound to end well.
  • Mystic Adept SR5 69
    • Mystic adepts are a combination of magicians and adepts.
    • Mystic adepts never astrally project.
    • Mystic adepts can astrally perceive if they purchase the Astral Perception adept power.
    • Mystic adepts purchase their spells/rituals/preparations in the same way as magicians.
    • Mystic adepts must purchase their Power Points with Karma (5 Karma each at character creation for a full Power Point, with a maximum number of points equal to their Magic attribute rating).
    • Mystic adepts can have any skills from the Enchanting, Sorcery, or Conjuring skill groups.
  • Perfect Time RF 148
    Who needs a watch when you’re around? The character with this quality always knows the time, down to the minute, and has a perfect sense of rhythm and timing. This perfect sense can only be obstructed through prolonged isolation, unconsciousness, or distortion of temporal perception through drugs, chips, or an extended period in the Matrix. This quality provides two game benefits: a +1 dice pool modifier for Performance Tests involving timing and rhythm, along with an additional Free Action during every Action Phase.
  • School of Hard Knocks RF 149
    The streets were this character’s classroom. Thanks to all the time spent trying to stay one step ahead of the next guy, and knowing that knowledge is power on the streets, the character can buy Street Knowledge skills at a rate of 2 for 1 during character creation. After character creation, Street Knowledge skill ranks of 3 or higher receive a 1 Karma cost reduction for each rank.
  • Sharpshooter RG 127
  • Shoot First, Don't Ask BTB 161
  • Code of Honor (Shaman's Code) SR5 79
    * May only Bind spirits after agreeing to a fair exchange of services (see below)
    * Must always treat spirits with respect.
    * Must honor deals made with spirits.
  • Lack of Focus CF 58
    When making any Extended Test with an interval greater than five minutes and shorter than one day, or if repeated simple tests are made within a period of time (such as Perception Tests during surveillance), the character must make a Composure (3) Test each interval after the first. The character’s Composure dice pool is cumulatively reduced by 1 for each of these tests, like any other Extended Test.
    Failing the Composure Test indicates the character can no longer focus and must take a break for a minimum of 1 interval, plus any other consequences that result. After the break, the character’s Composure dice pool is refreshed, and the process starts over again.
  • Poor Self Control (Thrill Seeker) RF 158
    The character will always take the most dangerous and risky option in any situation if they don’t succeed at a Composure (2) Test. There is a slight payoff, as the adrenaline rush provides a +1 to their Initiative Score for 5 Combat Turns (meaning that is how long the bonus lasts, not that the character gets an additional bonus each turn).
Contact Location C/L
Blaise Franklin (Fixer) Cheyenne 6/3
Blaise is a senior intelligence officer at the Office of Military Intelligence in Cheyenne and Mina's old boss. Though he more or less facilitated her eviction to Seattle, she doesn't hold it against him - after all, he's feeding her a steady stream of paying jobs that don't involve filing an incident report afterwards.

Blaise is a Metis who moved to Cheyenne for work after graduating from Lakehead University. Though he's one of the oddball hermetics who opted to study at Lakehead instead of a more prosaic institution, he enjoyed the connection to his First Nations roots. He's quite the oddity at the OMI - half Anglo, and a hermetic to boot, but he's worked there a long time and he's a skilled magician, so he's managed to work his way up a few rungs on the ladder.
Charles Blue Arm (SIN Forger) Council Island 1/1
Charles is a new acquaintance of Mina - one of the Sioux embassy members to Council Island, he's quite obviously a spy (like every other staff dignitary on the island). She's been furnished with his comm number and been told he has instructions to set her up with a temporary fake SIN while she gets established in Seattle.

Charles is a taller, middle-aged man of Lakota descent, with silvering grey hair kept in a buzzcut. His day job is as a supervisor for the visa administration for Sioux nationals travelling to and from Council Island, which gives him and his team just enough access to squeeze the occasional false credentials in through their GSINR connection. Mina doesn't intend to be super-specific about her job opportunities with him, but he's used to such trickery as an OMI asset, so he's also not going to ask too many questions as long as she keeps their relationship professional.
Edward Chaminski Programmer 3/1
Howard "Threads" Scarlet (Coyote (Air)) Cheyenne and Elsewhere 5/1
Howie is Mina's black sheep uncle of the family - though they politely tell others he flies recon for Eagle Security, he's really a coyote for the Lakota Mafia. An old and reliable hand, they let him keep flying the tobacco and firearms that originally made the Whiteclays their money, saving the hard stuff for the newer, greedier hands. He's always been close with Mina - two misfits, right?
Jeet-An-Kir (Talismonger) Metaplane of Man/Seattle 2/3
Jeet-An-Kir, genius of TRADE, is a recently invested free spirit of man from Thalarion, City of a Thousand Wonders. Having recently been encouraged to visit the 'metaplane of metahumans' by an encounter with some shadowrunners, he's taken the advice to heart and begun trying to establish 'exclusive trade routes' from Thalarion to Seattle. Progress is...limited, since it's a bit hard to open regular portals and/or move anything of substance, he does have a mystical knack for locating magical goods while on the material plane. He's even got a rotating roster of employees! To answer the phone for him, of course. Jeet is excitable, happy go lucky, and consistently on the lookout for NEW TRADE deals. He's very sure of himself.

High: magical materials, Foci, etc. Spirit politics, metaplane of man
Medium: Elemental metaplanes
Low: Finance! 'Exotic' Metaplanes

1 chip for me
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[Ranged Weapons]
Weapon DV AP Mode RC Ammo Accuracy Pool
Ares Light Fire 70 SR5 425
Ares Light Fire 70: The Ares Light Fire 70 is one of the most common pistols on the market. A special barrel-mounted silencer developed exclusively for the Light Fire 70 is available that gives you an additional –1 dice pool modifier to the usual –4 (for a total of –5); this silencer costs 750¥.
  • Concealed Quick-Draw Holster RG 51
  • Personalized Grip HT 182
    This modiication allows a weapon’s owner to customize a weapon to it the size and shape of their hand perfectly. This is particularly useful for metatypes at the high and low end of the bell curve for standard metahuman size. This modiication increases a weapon’s Accuracy by 1.
  • Silencer, Ares Light Fire 70 SR5 425
  • Smartgun System, Internal SR5 433
6P - SA 4 16(c) 7 (10) 4
Range S M L E
Light Pistols 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-50
Light Pistols 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-50
Grapple Gun SR5 449
This gun can shoot a grappling hook and attached rope, using Light Crossbow ranges. It comes equipped with an internal winch to pull back the grapple (or pull up small loads). Use the Exotic Ranged Weapon skill to shoot it. Micro rope can support a weight of up to 100 kilograms; standard and stealth ropes can support a weight of up to 400 kilograms.
Microwire: This micro rope is made of an extremely thin (nearly monofilament) and resilient fiber; a great length of it can be stored in a very small compartment, and it is very difficult to see. The downside is that it can only be grabbed with special protective rappelling gloves without slicing straight through the climber’s hands, inflicting 8P damage with an AP of –8.
Myomeric rope: Made of a special myomeric fiber, this rope’s movement can be controlled remotely (over a maximum length of thirty meters). For example, the controller can wind it like a snake to reach around an obstacle or tie to a ledge. The rope moves at a rate of two meters per Combat Turn.
Stealth rope & catalyst stick: When stealth rope is touched with the catalyst stick, the chemical reaction that is triggered crumbles the rope to dust within seconds, leaving almost no trace. The catalyst stick is reusable.
  • Smartgun System, Internal SR5 433
7S -2 SS 4 1(ml) 3 (5) 0
Range S M L E
Light Crossbows 0-6 7-24 25-60 61-120
Light Crossbows 0-6 7-24 25-60 61-120
Grenade: Flash-Pak ×5 SR5 435
    Special - 4 1 9 4
    Range S M L E
    Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
    Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
    Grenade: Fragmentation ×5 SR5 435
      18P(f) (-1/m) +5 4 1 9 4
      Range S M L E
      Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
      Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
      Grenade: Gas ×5 SR5 435
        Chemical (10m Radius) - 4 1 9 4
        Range S M L E
        Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
        Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
        Grenade: High Explosive ×5 SR5 435
          16P (-2/m) -2 4 1 9 4
          Range S M L E
          Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
          Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
          Grenade: Paint ×5 RG 102
            (10m Radius) - 4 1 9 4
            Range S M L E
            Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
            Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
            Grenade: Paint ×5 RG 102
              (10m Radius) - 4 1 9 4
              Range S M L E
              Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
              Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
              Grenade: Thermal Smoke ×5 SR5 435
                (10m Radius) - 4 1 9 4
                Range S M L E
                Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80
                Standard Grenade 0-16 17-32 33-48 49-80

                Betameth CF 180 +0 +0
                Bliss SR5 411 +0 +0
                Cram SR5 411 +0 +0
                Guts CF 181 +0 +0
                Kamikaze SR5 412 +0 +0
                Novacoke SR5 412 +0 +0
                Spare Clip (Ares Light Fire 70) SR5 433 +0 +0
                Spare Clip (Ares Light Fire 70) SR5 433 +0 +0
                Zen SR5 412 +0 +0

                [Melee Weapons]
                Weapon DV AP Reach Accuracy Pool
                Ballistic Shield SR5 438
                Ballistic shield: This large opaque shield is used by SWAT teams and in urban combat. It features a clear plastic window and a built-in ladder frame along the in- side so that it can be used to climb over small obstacles.
                  10S - 0 4 0
                  Knife (Survival Kit) SR5 422
                    10P -1 0 5 16
                    Sapphire Knife HT 179
                    A silvery blue.
                    • Concealed Quick-Draw Holster RG 51
                    • Personalized Grip HT 182
                    11P -3 0 5 (6) 17
                    Sapphire Knife HT 179
                    An inky black, like a hole in the universe. Carved from a tsuchigumo warrior's fang, it has an Object Resistance of 3.
                    • Concealed Quick-Draw Holster RG 51
                    • Personalized Grip HT 182
                      PERSONALIZED GRIP
                      This modiication allows a weapon’s owner to customize a weapon to it the size and shape of their hand perfectly. This is particularly useful for metatypes at the high and low end of the bell curve for standard metahuman size. This modiication increases a weapon’s Accuracy by 1.
                    11P -3 0 5 (6) 16
                    Unarmed Attack SR5 132
                      8S - 0 9 4
                      Armor Value
                      Forearm Guards RG 73
                        Casual Combat
                        Ares Victory: Big Game Hunter RG 64
                        • Custom Fit RG 59
                          CUSTOM FIT
                          Items that are Custom Fit were measured for a specific person.
                          They are specially designed for that person and don’t fit well on anyone else, therefore conferring none of the positive Social Limit adjustments to the character. When an item is Custom Fit, any changes to an individual’s Physical Attributes, whether through Karma advancement or augmentation (but not through magic), require the suit to be refit. The refit process requires an Armorer shop and an Armorer + Logic [Mental] (10, 1 hour) Extended Test.
                          The owner can also use their Contacts to help them get the job done, requiring loss of the armor for one week and a payment of 25 percent of the initial armor cost.
                        • Gear Access RG 59
                          GEAR ACCESS
                          This feature allows items to be retrieved from the piece of armor with more ease than usual. This means drawing or retrieving items that are set up on the armor takes one lower action. Complex becomes Simple, and Simple becomes Free. Free stays Free, but gamemasters can consider allowing an extra Free Action for the Action Phase.
                        • Liner - Fire Resistance (6) SR5 437
                        • Chemical Protection [R6] SR5 437
                          Chemical protection: Water-resistant, non-porous, impermeable materials, and a coating of neutraliz- ing agents protect the wearer against contact-vector chemical attacks (Toxins, Drugs and BTLs, p. 408). Add the rating of the Chemical Protection modification to tests made to resist contact-vector toxin attacks.
                        • Electrochromic Clothing SR5 437
                          Electrochromic clothing: Electrochromic threads can change color with voltage, letting you alter the color of your clothing or display text, images, or patterns. This is good for fashion, but great for vanishing into a crowd if you need a quick costume change. You can even get armored clothing in electrochromic styles. It takes a Simple Action to change the settings on your electro- chromic clothes, but a couple of Combat Turns to com- plete the change.
                        • Insulation [R6] SR5 437
                          Insulation: Thermal fibers and heat-retentive mate- rials protect the wearer against Cold damage (p. 170). Add the full rating of the Insulation modification to the Armor value when resisting Cold attacks.
                        • Nonconductivity [R6] SR5 438
                          Nonconductivity: Electrical insulation and non-con- ductive materials protect the wearer against Electricity damage (p. 170). Add the full rating of this modification to the Armor value when resisting Electricity attacks.
                        • YNT Softweave Armor RG 84
                          YNT SOFTWEAVE ARMOR
                          SoftWeave was developed by Yamatetsu Naval Technologies for sapients and the less common metavarients because it’s easier to mold and work into alternative designs than standard armor technologies. It works for the everyday Joe, and it also makes for lighter gear with more flexibility for modifications.
                        • Holster SR5 431
                        Ballistic Mask RG 74
                        BALLISTIC MASK
                        By far my best seller, especially the basic model. They come in a variety of custom moldings and paint jobs to get almost any look imaginable, but matte black classic sells the best. They have limits when they’re basic models to keep them functional, but once electronic vision systems are added, the possibilities are endless.
                        Ballistic masks can take vision enhancements as well as any modification a helmet can take.
                        Custom jobs are, naturally, more expensive.
                          Helmet SR5 438
                          • Flashlight, Infrared SR5 449
                          • Gas Mask SR5 449
                            Gas mask: This air-supplied re-breather complete- ly covers your face and gives you immunity to inhala- tion-vector toxin attacks (Toxins, Drugs, and BTLs, p. 408). It comes with a one-hour clean-air supply (replace- ments cost 40 nuyen) and can be attached to larger air tanks. It cannot be combined with a regular respirator.
                          • Respirator [R6] SR5 449
                            Respirator: A respirator is a filter-mask worn over the mouth and nose that protects against inhalation-vector toxins (Toxins, Drugs, and BTLs, p. 408). The respirator adds its rating to toxin resistance tests against inhala- tion-vector toxins.
                          • Voice Warper [R6] HT 187
                          Securetech PPP: Arms Kit RG 70
                            Securetech PPP: Legs Kit RG 70
                              Securetech PPP: Vitals Kit RG 70
                                Ballistic Shield SR5 438
                                Ballistic shield: This large opaque shield is used by SWAT teams and in urban combat. It features a clear plastic window and a built-in ladder frame along the in- side so that it can be used to climb over small obstacles.
                                  Full Body Armor SR5 437
                                  • Attachable Gear Access HT 185
                                  • Electrochromic Clothing SR5 437
                                    Electrochromic clothing: Electrochromic threads can change color with voltage, letting you alter the color of your clothing or display text, images, or patterns. This is good for fashion, but great for vanishing into a crowd if you need a quick costume change. You can even get armored clothing in electrochromic styles. It takes a Simple Action to change the settings on your electro- chromic clothes, but a couple of Combat Turns to com- plete the change.
                                  • Full Body Armor: Chemical Seal SR5 437
                                    Full body armor: Impossible to conceal, this armor is worn by military and security personnel around the world for heavy ops duty. It is styled for intimidation as well as ease of movement, with a full array of tactical holsters, pouches, and webbing, and is certain to draw attention. The suit can be modified for environmental adaptation (hot or cold environments) or chemically sealed to completely protect the wearer from toxic environments and attacks. The suit’s helmet has a Capacity of 6 for the purpose of being equipped with vision or audio enhancements.
                                  • Full Body Armor: Helmet SR5 437
                                    Full body armor: Impossible to conceal, this armor is worn by military and security personnel around the world for heavy ops duty. It is styled for intimidation as well as ease of movement, with a full array of tactical holsters, pouches, and webbing, and is certain to draw attention. The suit can be modified for environmental adaptation (hot or cold environments) or chemically sealed to completely protect the wearer from toxic environments and attacks. The suit’s helmet has a Capacity of 6 for the purpose of being equipped with vision or audio enhancements.
                                  • YNT Softweave Armor RG 84
                                    YNT SOFTWEAVE ARMOR
                                    SoftWeave was developed by Yamatetsu Naval Technologies for sapients and the less common metavarients because it’s easier to mold and work into alternative designs than standard armor technologies. It works for the everyday Joe, and it also makes for lighter gear with more flexibility for modifications.
                                  Miscellaneous Outfits
                                  Ares Victory: Industrious RG 64
                                  ARES VICTORY
                                  NAME ARMOR RATING CAPACITY AVAIL COST
                                  Industrious 9 6 6 1,100¥ Features: Increase Social Limit by 1 (when wearing clothing suited to a particular corporate environment), Gear Access Wireless Bonus: +1 dice pool bonus to Social Tests when worn within the appropriate corp.
                                  • Gear Access RG 59
                                    GEAR ACCESS
                                    This feature allows items to be retrieved from the piece of armor with more ease than usual. This means drawing or retrieving items that are set up on the armor takes one lower action. Complex becomes Simple, and Simple becomes Free. Free stays Free, but gamemasters can consider allowing an extra Free Action for the Action Phase.
                                  • Concealed Pocket HT 185
                                  • Concealed Pocket HT 185
                                  • Electrochromic Clothing SR5 437
                                    Electrochromic clothing: Electrochromic threads can change color with voltage, letting you alter the color of your clothing or display text, images, or patterns. This is good for fashion, but great for vanishing into a crowd if you need a quick costume change. You can even get armored clothing in electrochromic styles. It takes a Simple Action to change the settings on your electro- chromic clothes, but a couple of Combat Turns to com- plete the change.
                                  • Faraday Pocket HT 185
                                    FARADAY POCKET
                                    The armor has a small pocket with a signal-blocking insert. No wireless signals can penetrate this pocket.
                                    Cutting off your wireless access to avoid tracking is as simple as dropping your commlink into this pocket.
                                  • Faraday Pocket HT 185
                                    FARADAY POCKET
                                    The armor has a small pocket with a signal-blocking insert. No wireless signals can penetrate this pocket.
                                    Cutting off your wireless access to avoid tracking is as simple as dropping your commlink into this pocket.
                                  Mortimer of London: Argentum Coat RG 58
                                  • Concealability RG 59
                                    This feature means things are either more easily hidden beneath the girth or length of the piece, or the design of the piece means it is less likely to be detected. Keep a little bit of realism in mind—no matter what the dice pool says, you cannot hide an assault cannon inside assless chaps.
                                  • Custom Fit (Stack) RG 59
                                    (Ares Arctic Forces Suit)
                                    CUSTOM FIT (STACK)
                                    This characteristic employs all the Custom Fit rules, but in addition these items can stack with other pieces that have been Custom Fit by the same maker, for the same person. The character has to select a specific set of Armored Clothing to have the piece Custom Fit with. The Custom Fit combination then allows the character to use either the base armor or add on the stack bonus for that set of gear.
                                  Mortimer of London: Berwick Suit RG 58
                                  • Concealability RG 59
                                    This feature means things are either more easily hidden beneath the girth or length of the piece, or the design of the piece means it is less likely to be detected. Keep a little bit of realism in mind—no matter what the dice pool says, you cannot hide an assault cannon inside assless chaps.
                                  • Custom Fit RG 59
                                    CUSTOM FIT
                                    Items that are Custom Fit were measured for a specific person.
                                    They are specially designed for that person and don’t fit well on anyone else, therefore conferring none of the positive Social Limit adjustments to the character. When an item is Custom Fit, any changes to an individual’s Physical Attributes, whether through Karma advancement or augmentation (but not through magic), require the suit to be refit. The refit process requires an Armorer shop and an Armorer + Logic [Mental] (10, 1 hour) Extended Test.
                                    The owner can also use their Contacts to help them get the job done, requiring loss of the armor for one week and a payment of 25 percent of the initial armor cost.
                                  Total 25

                                  [Martial Arts]
                                  • Arnis De Mano RG 128
                                    ARNIS DE MANO
                                    Arnis De Mano is a two-weapon fighting style that typically uses two rattan sticks, but it can also involve two daggers, or a stick and a dagger. It is less formal than the Fiore dei Liberi style, and often focuses on learning how to fight prone or using what’s available to your advantage. Arnis De Mano, Escrima, and Kali styles are from the same family of Philippine martial arts.
                                    Available Techniques: Close-Quarter Defense Against Firearms, Multiple Opponent Combat, Opposing Force (Parry), Randori (Vitals), Two-Weapon-Style Attack, TwoWeapon-Style Defense
                                    • Two-Weapon Style Attack RG 141
                                      TWO-WEAPON STYLE ATTACK
                                      (CLUBS/BLADES ONLY)
                                      Eskrima’s double baraw or double daga, Ryoto Jutto and modern fencing with sword and dagger are all examples of martial arts that train people how to fight with a weapon in each hand. Each weapon can only have a reach of 1 or 0. Two-weapon style combat treats both weapons as one. When attacking, use the lesser Reach of the two weapons, but add 1 to the Accuracy and Damage Value of the longer weapon. The character must be able and ready to use a weapon in each hand in order to perform this style of attack.
                                  • Fiore Dei Liberi RG 130
                                    • Two-Weapon Style Attack RG 141
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                                  Horizon Noizquito (Microdrone) R5 128
                                  • Gear
                                  • Sensor Array [R3] SR5 445
                                    Sensor array: This sensor package includes up to eight functions listed under Sensor Functions.
                                    • Camera [R3] SR5 446
                                    • Geiger Counter SR5 446
                                      Geiger counter: This sensor picks up the amount of radioactivity surrounding it.
                                    • Laser Microphone [R3] SR5 446
                                    • Olfactory Scanner SR5 446
                                      Olfactory scanner: The olfactory sensor picks up and analyzes the molecules in the air. It works in the same way as the olfactory booster cyberware.
                                    • Omni-directional Microphone [R3] SR5 446
                                    • Radio Signal Scanner SR5 446
                                      Radio signal scanner: This can be used as a bug scanner (p. 440).
                                    • Ultrasound SR5 446
                                      Ultrasound: The ultrasound accessory consists of an emitter that sends out continuous ultrasonic pulses and a receiver that picks up the echoes of these pulses to create a topographic ultrasound map. Ultrasound is per- fect to “see” textures, calculate distances between ob- jects, and pick up things otherwise invisible to the naked eye (like people cloaked by an Invisibility spell), it can’t handle colors or brightness. It also can’t penetrate mate- rials like glass that would be transparent to optical sen- sors. You can set it to a passive mode, where it doesn’t emit ultrasonic pulses but still picks up ultrasound from outside sources, such as motion sensors or someone else’s ultrasound sensors on active mode (or bats).
                                    • Vision Magnification SR5 446
                                      Vision magnification: This zoom function digitally magnifies vision by up to 50 times, allowing distant tar- gets to be seen clearly assuming a clear line of sight. For rules on using vision magnification in ranged combat, see p. 178.
                                  Handling 4 Body 1
                                  Acceleration 2 Armor 0
                                  Speed 3 Sensor 3
                                  Pilot 3 Rating 3
                                  Physical Damage Track 7
                                  Matrix Damage Track 10

                                  Sikorsky-Bell Microskimmer (Microdrone) SR5 465
                                  • Gear
                                  • Sensor Array [R3] SR5 445
                                    Sensor array: This sensor package includes up to eight functions listed under Sensor Functions.
                                    • Atmosphere Sensor SR5 446
                                      Atmosphere sensor: Weather forecasts are notori- ously untrustworthy (thanks to pollution, the Awakening, and other factors), but atmospheric sensors can keep you from getting caught in the rain with up-to-the second analysis of what’s happening in the air around you.
                                    • Camera [R3] SR5 446
                                      • Vision Magnification SR5 444
                                        Vision magnification: This zoom function digitally magnifies vision by up to fifty times, allowing distant targets to be seen clearly. For rules on using vision mag- nification in ranged combat, see p. 177.
                                    • Cyberware Scanner SR5 446
                                      Cyberware scanner: This millimeter-wave scanner is primarily intended to detect cyber-implants but can be used to identify other contraband as well. Maximum range 15 meters.
                                    • Laser Microphone [R3] SR5 446
                                    • MAD Scanner SR5 446
                                      MAD scanner: The MAD (Magnetic Anomaly Detec- tion) scanner is used to detect weapons and concentra- tions of metal. It has a maximum range of 5 meters.
                                    • Motion Sensor SR5 446
                                      Motion sensor: This sensor uses a mix of ultrasound and low-power infrared to detect motion and drastic changes in the ambient temperature. Maximum range is 25 meters.
                                    • Nanoscanner CF 153
                                      Nanoware can be very difficult to detect. Cyberware scanners may sometimes detect extensive nanoware, but a dedicated nano-scanner that can test blood, saliva, tissue, or other materials for nanites is required for positive identification in most cases. Once limited to medical and high-security facilities due to cost, it has become common to issue these devices to emergency response teams in order to identify CFD victims. This function can be installed in any sensor device like other sensor functions (p. 445, SR5). The range of this sensor is one meter. The threshold for detecting nanoware can be found on the Nanotech Detection table. A test must be made for each system.
                                    • Olfactory Scanner SR5 446
                                      Olfactory scanner: The olfactory sensor picks up and analyzes the molecules in the air. It works in the same way as the olfactory booster cyberware.
                                    • Omni-directional Microphone [R3] SR5 446
                                  Handling 3 Body 0
                                  Acceleration 1 Armor 0
                                  Speed 3 Sensor 3
                                  Pilot 3 Rating 3
                                  Physical Damage Track 6
                                  Matrix Damage Track 10

                                  [Matrix Devices]
                                  Device Rating CM A/S/D/F Programs
                                  Fairlight Caliban SR5 438 7 12 0/0/7/7
                                  • Gear
                                  • Commlink Functionality SR5 438
                                    • Camera, Micro SR5 443
                                    • Chip Player SR5 438
                                    • Credstick Reader SR5 438
                                    • Earbuds [R1] SR5 445
                                    • GPS Guidance System SR5 438
                                    • Micro Trid-Projector SR5 438
                                    • Music Player SR5 438
                                    • RFID Tag Scanner SR5 438
                                    • Shock- and Water-Resistant Case SR5 438
                                    • Touchscreen Display SR5 438
                                  • Diagnostics DT 56
                                  • Receiver DT 62
                                  Sony Emperor SR5 438 2 9 0/0/2/2
                                  • Gear
                                  • Commlink Functionality SR5 438
                                    • Camera, Micro SR5 443
                                    • Chip Player SR5 438
                                    • Credstick Reader SR5 438
                                    • Earbuds [R1] SR5 445
                                    • GPS Guidance System SR5 438
                                    • Micro Trid-Projector SR5 438
                                    • Music Player SR5 438
                                    • RFID Tag Scanner SR5 438
                                    • Shock- and Water-Resistant Case SR5 438
                                    • Touchscreen Display SR5 438
                                    Implant Essence Grade
                                    Skilljack [R6] SR5 452
                                    Skilljack: This headware interprets knowsofts and lin- guasofts for your brain so you can use them as though they were your own. It can also run activesofts, but they only act as Knowledge Skills unless you have skillwires (p. 455). The total of all skills running on a skilljack can- not exceed its Rating x 2, and the maximum Rating for a skill is the skilljack’s Rating. Starting skills from storage and stopping skills is a Free Action. You can’t use Edge with skills you have through a skilljack. If you have more than one skilljack, only one of them can operate at a time.
                                    0.11 Used
                                    Skillwires [R6] SR5 455
                                    Skillwires: Skillwires are a system of neuromuscular controllers that overlie the body’s natural nervous sys- tem; they are capable of aiding or completely overriding muscular movement, controlled by the “muscle mem- ory” played through a skilljack (p. 452). This system allows you to use activesofts with a rating up to your skillwire’s rating, but only if that activesoft is running on your implanted skilljack. Skillwires are incompatible with reflex recorder bioware.
                                    0.66 Used
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                                    Spell Type Range Duration Damage Drain Description
                                    Combat Spells
                                    Ball Lightning SR5 284 P LOS (A) I 0P F-3 Indirect, Elemental, Area
                                    Detection Spells
                                    Analyze Device SR5 285 P T S None F-3 Active, Directional
                                    Detect Life, Extended SR5 286 M T S None F-1 Active, Extended Area
                                    Mind Probe SR5 287 M T S None F Active, Directional
                                    Health Spells
                                    Heal SR5 288 M T P None F-4 Essence
                                    Increase Reflexes SR5 288 P T S None F Essence
                                    Illusion Spells
                                    False Impression SSP 20 M LOS S None F-4 None
                                    Improved Invisibility SR5 291 P LOS S None F-1 Realistic, Single-Sense
                                    Physical Mask SR5 291 P T S None F-1 Realistic, Multi-Sense
                                    Trid Phantasm SR5 291 P LOS (A) S None F Realistic, Multi-Sense, Area
                                    Manipulation Spells
                                    [Element] Aura (Electric) SG 115 P LOS S None F+1 Environmental, Elemental
                                    Gecko Crawl SG 116 P T S None F-3 Physical
                                    Influence SR5 293 M LOS P None F-1 Mental
                                    Levitate SR5 293 P LOS S None F-2 Physical
                                    Mana Barrier SR5 294 M LOS (A) S None F-2 Environmental, Area
                                    Rewind CA 153 M LOS P None F Mental

                                    Awakened Mystic Adept
                                    Tradition Sioux (Materialization) SG 49
                                    Combat Spirit of Beasts Detection Plant Spirit
                                    Health Spirit of Fire Illusion Spirit of Air
                                    Manipulation Guardian Spirit Drain 10

                                    [Adept Powers]
                                    Astral Perception SR5 309
                                    ASTRAL PERCEPTION
                                    Cost: 1 PP Activation: Simple Action This power allows you to bridge the gap between the physical and astral realms and see into the astral plane.
                                    Since you’re dual-natured while you’re using astral perception, you can attack astral forms when you use this power.
                                    Follow all the normal rules for astral perception (p. 3 12).
                                    Combat Sense [R4] SR5 309
                                    COMBAT SENSE
                                    Cost: 0.5 PP per level Combat Sense provides an instinctive sense of any potential threats nearby. In defending against ranged and melee attacks, you get a +1 dice pool bonus to defense tests per level of this power. Adepts with this power are always allowed a Perception Test before a possible surprise situation, gaining the benefit of being alerted if the test is successful.
                                    Critical Strike (Blades) SR5 309
                                    CRITICAL STRIKE
                                    Cost: 0.5 PP This power improves a specific melee skill: either Unarmed Combat, Clubs, Blades, Astral Combat, or a particular Exotic Melee weapon skill. The specific skill is chosen when you buy the power. Increase the DV of your attacks with the selected skill by 1. Critical Strike is compatible with weapons and other adept powers.
                                    The power may be selected multiple times, each time for a different melee skill.
                                    Improved Ability (skill) (Blades) [R3] SR5 309
                                    IMPROVED ABILITY (SKILL)
                                    Cost: 0.5 PP per level This power increases the Rating of a specific Combat, Physical, Social, Technical, or Vehicle skill per level of the power. You need to know the skill in order to buy this power for it, and you can’t buy it for skill groups. The maximum improvement possible is your current skill level x 1.5 (rounded up).

                                    Power Focus, Individualized, Complete Bonded Foci (Sioux) [R3] SG 230
                                    A woven hairband made out of an unknown silk, studded with polished ivory. Jeet-An-Kir delivered it to her from the Web, a far, far journey into the metaplanes. It marks a debt she still has to repay.
                                    Weapon Focus, Individualized, Complete Bonded Foci (Sapphire Knife) [R1] SG 230
                                    An inky black knife carved entirely out of a tsuchigumo warrior's fang.

                                    Initiate Grade: 2
                                    • Channeling SG 148
                                      Channeling was first understood by traditions that conjure spirits with the ability to possess people and objects. Instead of exploring what can be summoned, these magicians explore the bond between spirit and conjurer. They learn to expand this bond and allow the spirit to share the magician’s body while on the physical plane. This metamagic can be learned by any tradition.
                                      While the vodou traditions are most commonly associated with magicians being possessed by spirits (in this case loa), many other traditions explore this concept, including the shamans of Bali who bring hyangs (helpful spirits) into themselves to battle evil influences over people and places.
                                      While MIT&T is the leading school for learning all things spiritual, many choose Loyola University for the atmosphere (Ghede is known to be a party spirit and gets introverts out of the dorm). Being able to share one’s body with a spirit’s mind is a challenging concept to embrace, as many have difficulty with the psychological therapy and discipline needed to prevent being overwhelmed by the spirit’s consciousness.
                                    • Masking SG 149
                                      Masking is an art that changes one’s astral appearance to be non-magical (mundane) or to adjust one’s observed magical strength. For some this may be secondary to hiding bonded foci from other magicians. This art is not taught in any traditional school. More often an individual or a magical group wishes to learn to hide. Example magical orders include the Brothers of Darkness and the rumored Gates of Ishtar. Some clandestine corporate and government schools teach members to disguise themselves and their talents. Those who initiate into masking first learn the Masking metamagic.
                                      Masking can be further extended to hide a magician’s quickened or anchored spells and alchemical preparations. Other masking techniques can hide works within wards or produce fake magical items that appear real.

                                    • Channeling SG 148
                                      Channeling was first understood by traditions that conjure spirits with the ability to possess people and objects. Instead of exploring what can be summoned, these magicians explore the bond between spirit and conjurer. They learn to expand this bond and allow the spirit to share the magician’s body while on the physical plane. This metamagic can be learned by any tradition.
                                      While the vodou traditions are most commonly associated with magicians being possessed by spirits (in this case loa), many other traditions explore this concept, including the shamans of Bali who bring hyangs (helpful spirits) into themselves to battle evil influences over people and places.
                                      While MIT&T is the leading school for learning all things spiritual, many choose Loyola University for the atmosphere (Ghede is known to be a party spirit and gets introverts out of the dorm). Being able to share one’s body with a spirit’s mind is a challenging concept to embrace, as many have difficulty with the psychological therapy and discipline needed to prevent being overwhelmed by the spirit’s consciousness.
                                    • Masking SR5 326
                                      Masking: You learn to change the appearance of your aura (and astral form). You can make it look mun- dane, or make your Magic Rating look higher or low- er by up to your grade. When someone tries to read your masked aura, the Assensing Test becomes op- posed by your Magic + initiate grade—if they get any net hits, they see both your mask and your real aura. If you can use astral perception, you can even make your aura look like a different type (like a spirit or a focus—great for astral costume parties). You can also use this metamagic to mask the auras of as many of your bonded foci as your initiate grade.
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                                    • (Counter)-Surveillance
                                    • Binoculars, Optical SR5 443
                                      • Vision Magnification SR5 444
                                        Vision magnification: This zoom function digitally magnifies vision by up to fifty times, allowing distant targets to be seen clearly. For rules on using vision mag- nification in ranged combat, see p. 177.
                                    • Bug Promotional Pen [R2] CA 140
                                      • Single Sensor [R2] SR5 445
                                        Single sensor: This is a sensor that can do only one function listed under Sensor Functions.
                                        • Camera [R2] SR5 446
                                      • Single Sensor [R2] SR5 445
                                        Single sensor: This is a sensor that can do only one function listed under Sensor Functions.
                                        • Omni-directional Microphone [R2] SR5 446
                                    • Bug Scanner [R6] SR5 440
                                    • Concealable Surveillance Gear [R2] CA 140
                                      Concealed as a hairpin.
                                      • Single Sensor [R2] SR5 445
                                        • Omni-directional Microphone [R2] SR5 446
                                    • Endoscope SR5 444
                                    • Jammer, Area [R6] SR5 441
                                    • Jammer, Directional [R6] SR5 441
                                    • Sensor Tags ×2 SR5 440
                                      • Single Sensor [R2] SR5 445
                                        • Camera [R2] SR5 446
                                    • Sensor Tags SR5 440
                                      • Single Sensor [R2] SR5 445
                                        • Olfactory Scanner SR5 446
                                          Olfactory scanner: The olfactory sensor picks up and analyzes the molecules in the air. It works in the same way as the olfactory booster cyberware.
                                    • Sensor Tags ×2 SR5 440
                                      Sensor tags: A sensor RFID tag can be equipped with a single sensor (sold separately) of up to Rating 2 (Sensors, p. 445). It then records everything it can, to a maximum of 24 hours of time, at which point you can program it to either shut off or overwrite data older than 24 hours. Sensor tags are often used for diagnostic pur- poses in various devices, including cyberware.
                                      • Single Sensor [R2] SR5 445
                                        Single sensor: This is a sensor that can do only one function listed under Sensor Functions.
                                        • Omni-directional Microphone [R2] SR5 446
                                    • Telescoping Mirror on a Stick RG 102
                                    • Ultrasonic Noise Generator [R4] HT 187
                                    • White Noise Generator [R6] SR5 441
                                    • Audiovisual
                                    • Contacts [R3] SR5 443
                                      • Flare Compensation SR5 444
                                      • Polychromic Lens HT 188
                                      • Vision Magnification SR5 444
                                    • Glasses [R4] SR5 443
                                      • Single Sensor [R2] SR5 445
                                        • Ultrasound SR5 446
                                      • Vision Enhancement [R3] SR5 444
                                    • Headphones [R6] SR5 445
                                      • Audio Enhancement [R3] SR5 445
                                      • Select Sound Filter [R1] SR5 445
                                      • Spatial Recognizer SR5 445
                                    • Breaking Into Stuff
                                    • Aqua Regia SG 211
                                    • Autopicker [R6] SR5 447
                                    • Chisel SR5 447
                                    • Crowbar SR5 447
                                    • Enchanting Gloves HT 187
                                    • Grapple Gun SR5 449
                                    • Lockpick Set SR5 448
                                    • Miniwelder SR5 448
                                    • Carrying Around
                                    • Backpack (Cheap) RF 254
                                    • Hard-Shell Briefcase [R12] RG 196
                                    • Reactive Myomer Pack HT 187
                                    • Chemicals
                                    • C-Squared [R6] ×5 HT 187
                                    • Glue Solvent SR5 448
                                    • Glue Sprayer SR5 448
                                    • Paint Gun RF 254
                                    • Roll of Duct Tape RF 254
                                    • Universal Sealant CF 154
                                    • Comms
                                    • Micro-Transceiver SR5 441
                                    • Prepaid Commlink (Cheap) RF 253
                                      • Commlink Functionality SR5 438
                                        • Camera, Micro SR5 443
                                        • Chip Player SR5 438
                                        • Credstick Reader SR5 438
                                        • Earbuds [R1] SR5 445
                                        • GPS Guidance System SR5 438
                                        • Micro Trid-Projector SR5 438
                                        • Music Player SR5 438
                                        • RFID Tag Scanner SR5 438
                                        • Shock- and Water-Resistant Case SR5 438
                                        • Touchscreen Display SR5 438
                                    • Disguise Gear
                                    • Smart Wig HT 188
                                    • Synthskin Face Mask [R6] HT 188
                                      SYNTHSKIN FACE MASK
                                      With the popular nanopaste disguise kit falling in popularity due to CFD concerns, the synthskin facemask has taken its market share. It is composed of a programmable electropolymer commonly used in the skin covering of synthetic cyberware and humanoid mimic drones. It produces a lifelike replica of an individual’s face. A person’s face can be duplicated if you have a scan from a biometric reader (with the dice bonus on the Disguise Test equal to the biometric reader’s Rating). A Software + Logic Test (with the dice bonus on the Disguise Test equal to the successes) can replicate a speciic individual’s face or create a completely unique appearance. In either case, the limit on the test is equal to the Rating of the mask. The mask is reusable in the sense that it can be worn multiple times, but once an appearance has been set in either fashion described above, it cannot be altered.
                                    • Tool Kit (Disguise) SR5 443
                                    • Drugs
                                    • Infiltrator CF 193
                                    • Neostigmine BB 19
                                    • Ondansetron BB 19
                                    • Psyche SR5 412
                                    • Sober Time CF 183
                                    • Woad CF 184
                                    • Zero CF 184
                                    • Electronics
                                    • Biometric Reader SR5 439
                                    • Data Tap SR5 440
                                    • Datachip ×10 SR5 440
                                    • Faceless - Specific Face (Pleasant-looking Sioux dwarf. Matches her fake SIN.) [R10] KC 57
                                    • Ghost Box CA 141
                                    • Holo Bracelet [R3] CA 141
                                    • Long Range Acoustic Device CA 142
                                    • Simrig SR5 439
                                    • Stealth Tags ×10 SR5 440
                                    • Trodes SR5 439
                                    • Magical Stuff
                                    • Aqua Fortis SG 211
                                    • Magical Lodge Materials (Shamanic) [R5] SR5 326
                                    • Mana-Sensitive Film Plate ×4 SG 214
                                    • Mortis Optigram SG 214
                                    • Quicksilver Camera SG 215
                                    • Reagents, per dram (Shamanic) ×45 SR5 317
                                    • Medicine
                                    • Black Panther CA 143
                                    • Savior Medkit CF 154
                                    • Slap Patch, Antidote Patch [R6] ×3 SR5 451
                                    • Slap Patch, Stim Patch [R6] ×2 SR5 451
                                    • Slap Patch, Trauma Patch SR5 451
                                    • STATscan BB 22
                                    • Vasotech MD-3X Autoinjection Gun BB 22
                                      • Gamma-Scopolamine ×3 SR5 410
                                      • Narcoject SR5 410
                                        Vector: Injection Speed: Immediate Penetration: 0 Power: 15 Effect: Stun Damage A common tranquilizer, narcoject is typically used with dart guns. It has no side effects.
                                      • Narcojet ×2 SR5 410
                                      • Reaper ×3 CF 183
                                    • Miscellany
                                    • Bullhorn RF 254
                                    • Can of Spray Paint (Hot pink) RF 254
                                    • Can of Spray Paint (Matte black) RF 254
                                    • Can of Spray Paint (Hot red) RF 254
                                    • Chemsniffer Ring [R6] CA 140
                                      CHEMSNIFFER RING
                                      This ring contains a microsensor capable of identifying a wide range of chemical substances. Tests on liquids for toxins or drugs are made with a dice pool equal to the Rating x 2 and have a threshold of 2. The ring can also act as an olfactory sensor for inhaled vector drugs and toxins with an effective range of 1 meter. Olfactory tests are made with a dice pool equal to the Rating and have a threshold of 2.
                                    • Lighter (Good) RF 254
                                    • Pack of Cigarettes RF 254
                                      Bought as a novelty. She thinks commercial cigarettes taste horrible.
                                    • Restraints
                                    • Magecuff SG 215
                                    • Magemask SG 215
                                    • Restraint, Containment Manacles SR5 447
                                    • Restraint, Metal SR5 447
                                    • Restraint, Plasteel SR5 447
                                    • Restraint, Plastic ×10 SR5 447
                                    • Skillsofts
                                    • Activesoft (Etiquette) [R6] SR5 442
                                    • Activesoft (Perception) [R6] SR5 442
                                    • Survival Gear
                                    • Climbing Gear SR5 448
                                    • Flashlight SR5 449
                                    • Flashlight, Infrared SR5 449
                                    • Gecko Tape Gloves SR5 449
                                    • Light Stick ×5 SR5 449
                                    • Rappelling Gloves SR5 449
                                    • Survival Kit SR5 449
                                      • Compass SR5 449
                                      • Lighter SR5 449
                                      • Lightweight Thermal Blanket SR5 449
                                      • Matches SR5 449
                                      • Several Days' Worth of Ration Bars SR5 449
                                      • Water Purification Unit SR5 449
                                    • Toxins
                                    • Disposable Syringe SR5 450
                                      • Narcojet SR5 410
                                    • Disposable Syringe SR5 450
                                      • Gamma-Scopolamine SR5 410
                                    • Pacifier CF 193
                                    Fake SIN (Dante Deboys - SFC) [R6] SR5 442
                                    • Fake License (Magic License) [R6] SR5 443
                                    Certified Credstick, Gold SR5 442
                                    Certified Credstick, Silver SR5 442
                                    Certified Credstick, Standard SR5 442
                                    Certified Credstick, Standard SR5 442

                                    A subletted condo on the University of Washington campus. Plus some additions. (High)
                                    (Central, Downtown, Seattle) SR5 369
                                    Cost: 10,000¥ (8,120¥) × 0 = 0¥;
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                                      Longer bio in folder, if you feel like reading my terrible prose.


                                      Born to a middle-class Oglala family in Cheyenne, Mina's destiny as a white-collar paper pusher was interrupted when she Awakened as a shaman.  Plagued by recurring dreams, she was sent for shamanic training in the Rocky mountains, but found it boring and stultifying.  Some time into her training, after confiding her recurring dream to the chief shaman, she sought out the source in the Rockies on a vision quest - finally meeting her totem, the tricker spider-spirit Iktomi, as well as an encounter with the Wakinyan thunder spirits and their assault on a talislegger t-bird.  

                                      Her encounter with the Wakinyan marked her as a heyoka, a sacred jester meant to expose the flaws and hypocrises of life in the Sioux by acting out the opposite of what was expected of the people there.  Finding this new designation somewhat insulting, she concluded that the opposite of the ascetic, spiritual shamans would be a crook with a healthy interest in temporal wealth.  After running borders with her Lakota Mafia uncle for a while, she applied to the OMI at his urging - and, surprising everyone, she was hired.

                                      Working with the OMI sharpened her and got her familiar with tradecraft, but eventually her side hustle as stock-trader-who-knows-a-little-too-much got a too hot for them to ignore, and they made her an 'offer' to disappear into the shadows of Seattle as an informant and freelance agent.  Maybe she'll be back one day, or maybe she'll get enough seed capital to open her own brokerage. Who knows?

                                      As a shadowrunner, she finds her new career fascinating, in a sort of sardonic way.  Street shamans in Seattle are a frequent sight, and they aren't held to the same ascetic standards as the Sioux.  Feeling like less of an oddball is freeing, in a sense, but the filth and despair of the Seattle underworld makes her wonder if maybe the hard-assed Lakota shamans back home were were onto something.  The tension bothers her, but she's also having a lot of fun, so she isn't thinking too hard about it.


                                      A Lakota of Oglala descent, Mina is tan rather than fair, with sparkling hazel eyes and a firm brow.  She accentuates her pert nose and heart-shaped face with a small touch of cosmetic grace whenever she can - she favors metallic eyeshadow and darker lipstick, wth minimal foundation (not enough to hide her freckles).  Though she'll throw on her armored bomber jacket over almost anything, she usually favors Western outfits, often opting for business casual button-ups or blouses over Amerind styles.  She wears her hair down to her shoulderblades even though she knows it's impractical - she braids it before each run.  Though she's mostly forgotten the outdoorsmanship she learned at Capa Lodge, she's still quite fit, her limber movements subtly enhanced by her magic.

                                      Though she doesn't have any particular respect for the ascetic shamans of the Sioux (partially due to her magical calling and partially due to being naturally contrarian), she nonetheless has grown up feeling the weight of the spirits in her life.  She often seeks wisdom from spirits in person and in her dreams, sometimes even stopping to ask a spirit for their opinion on matters before she acts or gives instruction.

                                      She got her ink while flying with the Lakota Mafia - traditional ink-and-needle, no trips to the bioclinic.  They cover her chest and curl around back over her shoulderblades and down her upper arms, forming tangles of wildflowers.

                                      She enjoys dancing (she's heard of this Club Penumbra - apparently a bit of a legacy joint?), ice sports, stickball (she thought briefly about becoming a conjuror), and cooking for herself - not really something she's doing at the moment, but she'll probably be looking to move up in the world soon-ish.  She's not much of a social media starlet, but she keeps in touch at home when she's not on the job.



                                      Horizon +10

                                      Thalarion +10

                                      Celephais -70

                                      Gear to still get:

                                      better lifestyle + social software

                                      some explosives

                                      more sensor tags, surveillance gear






                                      olfactory booster?



                                      mechanics of channeling:

                                      * Ignore (F) wound modifiers

                                      * If the spirits' Force is higher than a physical attribute, augment them by (F/2, rounded down)

                                      * If the spirit's mental attributes are higher than a mental attribute, augment it up to the spirit's mental attribute

                                      * Use the spirit's initiative dice


                                      The magician can use her own skills and has motor

                                      control over her body.

                                      She may relinquish control of her body to the

                                      spirit, but at the cost of a service.

                                      The magician can use the powers of the spirit,

                                      but at the cost of a service.

                                      Because two minds inhabit this same body,

                                      Mana spells or powers are resisted by the lowest

                                      Mental attribute of the two. Damage from

                                      Mana spells or powers is applied to both (no

                                      free rides).

                                      The spirit cannot leave the magician’s body until

                                      either the services are up, the magician dismisses

                                      it, or time expires as per the rules of summoned


                                      Rent count: 1/4