[Personal Data]
Name A series of unpronounceable clucks, squawks, and head-waggles
Alias Hijr
Metatype Shapeshifter: Falconine (Minotaur)
Gender Male Special Magician
Age 18 Skin Slightly swarthy, with mottled fur
Hair Fuzzy Eyes Yellow
Height 8'0'' Weight 190kg

Karma 6 Nuyen 107,769.52¥
Street Cred 9 Career Karma 95
Notoriety 1 Public Awareness 0

Composure 7 Judge Intentions 11
Memory 10 Lift/Carry 3
Movement 2/4; 0.5m / hit, Swim: 1.5/1.5; 1m / hit, Fly: 4/12; 2m / hit Lift/Carry Weight 15/10

Physical Limit 3 Mental Limit 8
Social Limit 5 Astral Limit 8
Current Form Shapeshifter: Falconine
Body 2 Willpower 5
Agility 2 Logic 3 (5)
Reaction 3 (5) Intuition 7 (9)
Strength 1 Charisma 2
Edge 4 Essence 6.00
Magic 6

Initiative 20 + 5d6
Astral Initiative 18 + 3d6
Rigger Initiative 20 + 5d6
Matrix AR 20 + 5d6
Matrix Cold 11 + 3d6
Matrix Hot 11 + 4d6

Physical Damage Track 9
Overflow 2
Natural Recovery Pool (1 day) 4
Stun Damage Track 11
Natural Recovery Pool (1 hour) 7
Metatype C,2
Attributes E,0
Special A,4
Skills A,4
Resources E,0
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[Active Skills]
Skill Rtg Pool
Combat Active Skills
Archery AGI 0 1
Automatics AGI 0 1
Blades AGI 0 1
Clubs AGI 0 1
Heavy Weapons AGI 0 1
Longarms AGI 0 1
Pistols AGI 0 1
Throwing Weapons AGI 0 1
Unarmed Combat AGI 0 1
Magical Active Skills
Alchemy MAG

(Command +2)

6 17
Artificing MAG 6 15
Assensing INT

(Aura Reading +2)

6 15
Astral Combat WIL

(Monofilament Whip Weapon Foci +2)

6 11
Banishing MAG 3 12
Binding MAG

(Spirits of Fire +2)

6 15
Counterspelling* MAG 6 15
Disenchanting MAG 3 12
Ritual Spellcasting* MAG 6 15
Spellcasting* MAG 6 15
Summoning MAG

(Spirits of Fire +2)

6 15
Physical Active Skills
Disguise INT 0 8
Diving BOD 0 1
Escape Artist AGI 0 1
Free-Fall BOD 0 1
Gymnastics AGI 0 1
Perception INT

(Visual +2)

1 11
Skill Rtg Pool
Sneaking AGI

(Astral +2)

6 8
Survival* WIL 4 9
Tracking* INT 4 13
Pseudo-Magical Active Skills
Arcana LOG

(Initiation +2)

6 11
Social Active Skills
Con CHA 0 1
Etiquette CHA 0 1
Impersonation CHA 0 1
Instruction CHA 0 1
Intimidation CHA 0 1
Leadership CHA 0 1
Negotiation CHA 0 1
Performance CHA 0 1
Technical Active Skills
Animal Handling CHA 0 1
Armorer LOG 0 4
Cybercombat LOG 0 4
Demolitions LOG 0 4
First Aid LOG 0 4
Forgery LOG 0 4
Hacking LOG 0 4
Navigation* INT 4 13
Vehicle Active Skills
Gunnery AGI 0 1
Pilot Ground Craft REA 0 4
Pilot Watercraft REA 0 4
Skill Groups
* Outdoors 4
* Sorcery 6
[Knowledge Skills]
Skill Rtg Pool
Arcanoarchaeology 4 9
Magic Traditions 4 9
Magical Groups 4 9
Magical History 4 9
Magical Theory (Academic) 4 9
Magical Threats 4 9
Parabotany 4 9
Parazoology 4 9

(Islam +2)

3 8
Spirits 4 9
Biotechnology 1 10
Corporation: SpinGlobal 1 10
Zoology 2 11
Arabic Native
English 2 11
Area Knowledge: Seattle 1 10
Corporation: Aztechnology 1 10
Corporation: NeoNET 1 10
Drugs 1 10
Gangs 1 10
Shadow Community 2 11
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Positive Negative
  • Goring Horns (Metahuman Form Only) RF 115
  • Hawk Eye RF 147
    They told me I have a keen eye for detail. I'm pretty sure I have a keen eye to spot bugs. Ho!
  • Thermographic Vision (Metahuman Form Only) SR5 66
  • Alchemical Bomb Maker FA 31
    10 KARMA
    Minimum Requirements:
    Alchemy 4 (with Combat Spell specialization) and advanced alchemy metamagic A character with this quality can increase the radius or base DV of alchemical preparations that have their range listed as LOS(A). For every 2DV increase in damage or 10m increase in radius (rounded up), the Drain Value is increased by 1.
    A character with this quality may also reduce the drain from one type trigger of her choice by one, down to a minimum of zero.

    Drain code reduced for Command preps.
  • Archivist FA 32
    Ammo'u is a bit strict, but I got to spend a lot of time reading over shoulders. Or just over people! Ho ho ho.
  • Chosen Follower FA 35
    The sun shines a little brighter when you're on a run with a talking bird-goblin.
  • College Education RF 145
    Cairo was beautiful, ammo'u! The sheikhs didn't seem to mind that I was a bird at all! Too bad I could only take courses as electives, though. Time to update the inclusivity policy, right? Ho ho.
  • Durable Preparations FA 36
    5 KARMA
    Minimum Requirements: Alchemy 6 The character’s intimate knowledge of the materials and skills used in alchemy gives them insight to reinforce the magical bonds of the preparation. Increase the time before the preparation starts to lose potency to (potency x 3) hours, instead of potency x 2.
  • Magician SR5 69
  • Mentor Spirit (Fire-Bringer) SR5 76
    Hijr envisions his ruling deity to be a syncretic combination of Ra and Allah, who he worships in a curious combination of modern Islamic practices and Egyptian trappings.
  • Practiced Alchemist FA 39
    They say I have a keen eye for detail, but I say-oh, I already told you that one, didn't I? Guess I should...mix it up! OHOHOHOHOHOHO
  • Computer Illiterate RF 153
    I think I'll stick to books. And book some sticks! Ho ho ho! I'm talking about hitting people with a stick.
  • Poor Self Control (Compulsive IV, Personal) (Mimics novel movements and gestures) RF 158
    What? No, I'm not copying you. I'm just...just...stretching.
  • Uncouth SR5 85
    I personally don't understand the objection to insect proteins. Crickets, grubs, wasps, hornets - ah, Ptah's balls, I could go for some hornet larva right now. Do you have any? Let me just put in an order with Fisherman's Friend here. No, wait, my commlink's battery drained again. Guess I just have an electric personality! Ho ho.
Contact Location C/L
Ibrahim Abu'Hijr (Fixer) Bellevue 4/6
A researcher and shadow contact for the Apep Consortium, just establishing himself in Seattle as part of their cold war with the AF and the DIMR for the legacy of the Fourth World. Born Sunni in Iran, he was very active in the Islamic Renaissance Movement there due to his minority beliefs, talents as an enchanter, and preference for partners of his own gender.

Eventually, he received a scholarship to Al-Azhar University, and is now familiar with the traditions of Islamic, Egyptian, and classical hermetic magic (though he himself practices as an Islamic alchemist). While in school, he worked for the Apep Consortium as a dowser and historian while keeping an eye on the political situation through the Bedouin, leading to his chance encounter with a naked bird-goblin digging through his notes.

The relationship continued through graduation, with Ibrahim taking Hijr through classes with him as a sort of familiar-surrogate when the religiously freewheeling minotaur would have been something of a faux pas if he was allowed to talk. The Bedouin eventually started calling him 'abu'Hijr' as a gentle jab at the young alchemist's increasingly complicated life as a bird babysitter.

His work for the AC stepped up after graduation, as did his political activism. In turn, the NIJ stepped up their surveillance of Ibrahim, and he suspects they were after a hit on his surveying team in Crete. He's taking some time working the shadows of Seattle on behalf of the AC while he waits for the heat to die down, with Hijr in tow.

Ibrahim is a younger Persian man with chin-length brown hair, stubble, and the slightly-mystical suits and overcoats favored by the corporate wagemage. Relaxed, witty, and with a talent for languages, Ibrahim is starting his new career in a quiet corner office in Bellevue overlooking a Weapons World, working as a freelance geomancer and translator for the more magically inclined members of the shadow community. Set up with a fixer's verification to the Hub by the AC, he focuses mostly on the jobs of talisleggers, geomancers, and other mystical miscreants. He still has bills to pay and a cover to maintain, of course, so he lets Hijr out to work on the other jobs, too.
Peter “Stinky Pete” O’Hare (Drug Cook) Renton 1/3

Peter “Stinky Pete” O’Hare
BBQ Restaurant Owner / Drug Dealer 1/3
A past his prime, obese ork with serious body odor problems and yellow stained teeth who owns a little BBQ place in south Renton called “Pete’s Good A** BBQ and Foot Massage.” His legit business is barely kept afloat by his niece’s drug cooking business in the basement. He dreams of one day getting her to quit being a drug cook, but, until he turns his business around, he is the face of her business as well as his. He used to be a bodybuilder back in the day when he lived in the CAS (at least that is what he said.) He left the CAS to get away from meta-racists. He shouldn’t have moved to Renton. Because his food isn’t very good, he has tried a lot of gimmicks to get customers in the door. Including, and most recently, discounted foot massages. (Those aren’t very good either.) Not a very good businessman, or cook, or foot massager, or anything really, but Pete is one thing: loyal to his customers.

High Specialization: Sprawl Life, Seattle Restaurants, Meta-Racist Groups

Middle Specialization: Underworld Rumors, Seattle Street Gangs, Street Drugs

Low Specialization: Foot Massages, Bodybuilding, BBQ

Stinky Pete has the Drug Cook (Drug Specialist) HUB Contact Powers.
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[Melee Weapons]
Weapon DV AP Reach Accuracy Pool
Bite (Falconine Form) RF 105
    (STR+2)P -1 1 3 1
    Goring Horns RF 115
      3P -1 1 3 0
      Goring Horns RF 115
        3P -1 1 3 0
        Goring Horns RF 115
          3P -1 1 3 0
          Goring Horns RF 115
            3P -1 1 3 0
            Knife (Survival Kit) SR5 422
              2P -1 1 5 1
              Monofilament Whip SR5 423
              • Personalized Grip HT 182
                PERSONALIZED GRIP
                This modiication allows a weapon’s owner to customize a weapon to it the size and shape of their hand perfectly. This is particularly useful for metatypes at the high and low end of the bell curve for standard metahuman size. This modiication increases a weapon’s Accuracy by 1.
              12P -8 3 5 (6) 0
              Staff SR5 422
              • Personalized Grip HT 182
              • Sling RG 52
              4P - 3 6 (7) 1
              Talons (Falconine Form) RF 105
                (STR+1)P -1 0 3 1
                Unarmed Attack SR5 132
                  1S - 1 3 1
                  Armor Value
                  Selected Gear
                  Forearm Guards RG 73
                    Full Body Armor SR5 437
                    Full body armor: Impossible to conceal, this armor is worn by military and security personnel around the world for heavy ops duty. It is styled for intimidation as well as ease of movement, with a full array of tactical holsters, pouches, and webbing, and is certain to draw attention. The suit can be modified for environmental adaptation (hot or cold environments) or chemically sealed to completely protect the wearer from toxic environments and attacks. The suit’s helmet has a Capacity of 6 for the purpose of being equipped with vision or audio enhancements.
                    • Attachable Gear Access HT 185
                    • Drag Handle BB 23
                      DRAG HANDLE
                      A relatively simple modification, the drag handle is a strap anchored to the back of an armored jacket, vest, or suit that allows an injured character to be dragged or carried with greater ease. The Drag Handle adds +2 dice to Lifting and Carrying Tests (p. 139, SR4A, or p. 152, SR5) to move the character.
                    • Electrochromic Clothing SR5 437
                      Electrochromic clothing: Electrochromic threads can change color with voltage, letting you alter the color of your clothing or display text, images, or patterns. This is good for fashion, but great for vanishing into a crowd if you need a quick costume change. You can even get armored clothing in electrochromic styles. It takes a Simple Action to change the settings on your electro- chromic clothes, but a couple of Combat Turns to com- plete the change.
                    • Fire Resistance [R6] SR5 437
                      Fire resistance: Fire-retardant, nonflammable ma- terials protect the wearer against Fire damage (p. 171). Add the full rating of the Fire Resistance modification to the Armor value when resisting Fire attacks or checking if the armor catches fire.
                    • Full Body Armor: Chemical Seal SR5 437
                      Full body armor: Impossible to conceal, this armor is worn by military and security personnel around the world for heavy ops duty. It is styled for intimidation as well as ease of movement, with a full array of tactical holsters, pouches, and webbing, and is certain to draw attention. The suit can be modified for environmental adaptation (hot or cold environments) or chemically sealed to completely protect the wearer from toxic environments and attacks. The suit’s helmet has a Capacity of 6 for the purpose of being equipped with vision or audio enhancements.
                    • Full Body Armor: Helmet SR5 437
                      Full body armor: Impossible to conceal, this armor is worn by military and security personnel around the world for heavy ops duty. It is styled for intimidation as well as ease of movement, with a full array of tactical holsters, pouches, and webbing, and is certain to draw attention. The suit can be modified for environmental adaptation (hot or cold environments) or chemically sealed to completely protect the wearer from toxic environments and attacks. The suit’s helmet has a Capacity of 6 for the purpose of being equipped with vision or audio enhancements.
                    • Nonconductivity [R6] SR5 438
                      Nonconductivity: Electrical insulation and non-con- ductive materials protect the wearer against Electricity damage (p. 170). Add the full rating of this modification to the Armor value when resisting Electricity attacks.
                    • YNT Softweave Armor RG 84
                      YNT SOFTWEAVE ARMOR
                      SoftWeave was developed by Yamatetsu Naval Technologies for sapients and the less common metavarients because it’s easier to mold and work into alternative designs than standard armor technologies. It works for the everyday Joe, and it also makes for lighter gear with more flexibility for modifications.
                    Armor Jacket SR5 437
                      Helmet SR5 438
                        Securetech PPP: Arms Kit RG 70
                          Securetech PPP: Legs Kit RG 70
                            Total 19

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                            [Matrix Devices]
                            Device Rating CM A/S/D/F Programs
                            Fairlight Caliban SR5 438 7 12 0/0/7/7
                            • Gear
                            • Commlink Functionality SR5 438
                              • Camera, Micro SR5 443
                              • Chip Player SR5 438
                              • Credstick Reader SR5 438
                              • Earbuds [R1] SR5 445
                              • GPS Guidance System SR5 438
                              • Micro Trid-Projector SR5 438
                              • Music Player SR5 438
                              • RFID Tag Scanner SR5 438
                              • Shock- and Water-Resistant Case SR5 438
                              • Touchscreen Display SR5 438
                            • Receiver DT 62
                            • Sim Module, Hot SR5 439
                            Microtrónica Azteca Raptor DT 17 2 9 0/0/2/2
                            • Gear
                            • Commlink Functionality SR5 438
                              • Camera, Micro SR5 443
                              • Chip Player SR5 438
                              • Credstick Reader SR5 438
                              • Earbuds [R1] SR5 445
                              • GPS Guidance System SR5 438
                              • Micro Trid-Projector SR5 438
                              • Music Player SR5 438
                              • RFID Tag Scanner SR5 438
                              • Shock- and Water-Resistant Case SR5 438
                              • Touchscreen Display SR5 438
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                              Spell Type Range Duration Damage Drain Description
                              Combat Spells
                              Acid Stream SR5 283 P LOS I 0P F-5 Indirect, Elemental
                              Ball Lightning SR5 284 P LOS (A) I 0P F-3 Indirect, Elemental, Area
                              Fireball SR5 284 P LOS (A) I 0P F-1 Indirect, Elemental, Area
                              Manabolt SR5 284 M LOS I 0P F-5 Direct
                              Detection Spells
                              Analyze Device SR5 285 P T S None F-3 Active, Directional
                              Clairvoyance SR5 286 M T S None F-3 Passive, Directional
                              Detect Individual SR5 286 M T S None F-5 Active, Area
                              Detect Life, Extended SR5 286 M T S None F-1 Active, Extended Area
                              Mind Probe SR5 287 M T S None F Active, Directional
                              Mindnet Extended SG 108 M T (A) S None F+1 Active, Psychic, Extended Area
                              Spatial Sense, Extended SG 108 P T (A) S None F-3 Passive, Extended Area
                              Health Spells
                              Heal SR5 288 M T P None F-4 Essence
                              Increase [Attribute] (LOG) SR5 288 P T S None F-3 Essence
                              Increase Reflexes SR5 288 P T S None F Essence
                              Illusion Spells
                              Improved Invisibility SR5 291 P LOS S None F-1 Realistic, Single-Sense
                              Physical Mask SR5 291 P T S None F-1 Realistic, Multi-Sense
                              Trid Phantasm SR5 291 P LOS (A) S None F-2 Realistic, Multi-Sense, Area
                              Manipulation Spells
                              [Element] Aura (Fire) SG 115 P LOS S None F+1 Environmental, Elemental
                              [Element] Wall (Fire) SG 115 P LOS (A) S None F+2 Environmental, Area, Elemental
                              Control Thoughts SR5 293 M LOS S None F-3 Mental
                              Glue Strip SG 116 P LOS (A) P None F-1 Physical, Area
                              Magic Fingers SR5 294 P LOS S None F-4 Physical
                              Mana Barrier SR5 294 M LOS (A) S None F-2 Environmental, Area
                              Mana Static SG 117 M LOS (A) P None F-1 Environmental, Area
                              Shape [Material] (Stone) SG 118 P LOS (A) S None F-2 Environmental, Area
                              Shape [Material] (Earth) SG 118 P LOS (A) S None F-2 Environmental, Area
                              Shape [Material] (Metal) SG 118 P LOS (A) S None F-2 Environmental, Area
                              Shapechange SG 118 P LOS S None F-3 Physical
                              Rituals Spells
                              Homunculus SR5 298 M Special Special None Special Minion
                              Krigama Carpet SR5 69 M Special Special None Special Anchored, Material Link
                              Remote Sensing SR5 297 M Special Special None Special Spell, Spotter
                              Watcher (Watcher) SR5 298 M Special Special None Special Minion

                              (Chungus) (Bound)
                              Skill Pool
                              Force 12 Services 0
                              Body Willpower
                              Agility Logic
                              Reaction Intuition
                              Strength Charisma
                              Physical Damage Track NaN Stun Damage Track NaN
                              Initiative + 2d6

                              (Rabbit) (Bound)
                              Skill Pool
                              Force 1 Services 1
                              Body Willpower
                              Agility Logic
                              Reaction Intuition
                              Strength Charisma
                              Physical Damage Track NaN Stun Damage Track NaN
                              Initiative + 2d6
                              Awakened Magician
                              Tradition Egyptian (Possession) SSP 3
                              Combat Spirit of Fire Detection Spirit of Earth
                              Health Spirit of Air Illusion Guidance Spirit
                              Manipulation Spirit of Water Drain 14

                              Krigama Carpet [R6] SR5 320
                              Power Focus Bonded Foci (Egyptian) [R3] SR5 319
                              A wooden Udjat Eye on a leather thong, with (slightly clumsy) gilding with blue and gold paint.
                              Weapon Focus Bonded Foci (Monofilament Whip) [R3] SR5 320
                              The weapon focus itself is a carbon steel ring with the counterweight set into it as a sort of adornment. It's slightly loose on a bird's ankle and a bit tight on a minotaur's pinky.

                              Initiate Grade: 3
                              • Advanced Alchemy SG 153
                                ADVANCED ALCHEMY
                                ADVANCED ALCHEMY
                                With advanced alchemy, the magician can prepare magical compounds (p. 218) that can imbue the user with extraordinary powers … or curse them. The magician can also tailor more specific triggers with preparations (see Advanced Alchemy, p. 218). Prerequisite:
                              • Advanced Ritual Casting SG 153
                              • Centering SG 154
                                An amusing analogy of spellcasting is that it’s like conducting electricity through a hotdog: too much juice and the magician is cooked. The act of centering lessens the strain of manipulating mana through mental training techniques that are expressed by magicians in many different ways. Thus, magicians learning centering may also take classes in singing, drama, band, or other artistic pursuits. They may even earn a BA degree just in case they burn out their magical talent someday.
                                As centering is a fairly straightforward technique useful in any field of magic, even schools with a tacked-on magic curriculum teach centering techniques. Classes are a bit eccentric and include activities such as singing show tunes or performing interpretive dance while casting spells. Teachers astrally watch the students cast progressively more difficult and complex spells to assess how Drain affects each student. Magicians who initiate in this art first learn the Centering metamagic. Some further their mental practice by learning other techniques for resisting or manipulating mana.

                              • Advanced Alchemy SG 153
                                ADVANCED ALCHEMY
                                ADVANCED ALCHEMY
                                With advanced alchemy, the magician can prepare magical compounds (p. 218) that can imbue the user with extraordinary powers … or curse them. The magician can also tailor more specific triggers with preparations (see Advanced Alchemy, p. 218). Prerequisite:
                              • Centering SR5 325
                                Centering: A magician who learns to center has an easier time resisting Drain. By using a mundane activi- ty appropriate to your tradition to quiet your mind and block out distractions, you add a number of dice equal to your grade to all your Drain Resistance Tests. Cen- tering is a Free Action. The actual activity for your tech- nique is something you choose for yourself (appropriate to your tradition, of course), and could be something like chanting in Latin, playing a musical instrument, dancing, singing, making arcane gestures, screaming the names of ancient gods—just about anything that isn’t subtle. If you’re prevented from performing your centering tech- nique of choice, you can’t use it.
                              • Greater Ritual SG 153
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                              • A Hobo Bindle? Fanny Pack? Bird-Sized Rucksack?
                              • Animatronic Plush Toy RF 254
                              • Betameth CF 180
                                • Pharma-Grade SR5 1
                              • Fanny Pack RF 254
                              • Ink Pen (Cheap) RF 255
                              • Neostigmine BB 19
                              • Novacoke SR5 412
                                • Pharma-Grade SR5 1
                              • Ondansetron BB 19
                              • Pencil RF 255
                              • Plush Toy RF 254
                                A stuffed rabbit. Rather pummeled.
                              • Plush Toy RF 254
                                A large stuffed bumblebee. Seen better days.
                              • Pocket Notebook RF 255
                              • Pocket Notebook RF 255
                              • Psyche ×21 SR5 412
                              • Simrig SR5 439
                              • Slap Patch, Antidote Patch [R6] SR5 451
                              • Slap Patch, Stim Patch [R6] ×3 SR5 451
                              • Slap Patch, Trauma Patch SR5 451
                              • Trodes SR5 439
                              • Literally in a Burrow on Council Island
                              • Alembic FA 193
                              • Instant Ramen (Pack) ×4 RF 255
                              • Krigama Carpet Formula (Rating 6) SR5 1
                              • Magical Lodge Materials (Egyptian) [R6] SR5 326
                              • Power Focus Formula (Egyptian) [R3] SR5 319
                                Wrote it himself. Elaborate notes and diagrams of an Udjat Eye in Arabic, albeit in ballpoint on lined notepad paper.
                              • Power Focus Formula (Egyptian) [R6] SR5 319
                              • Spell Formula, Combat (Ball Lightning) SR5 326
                              • Spell Formula, Combat (Acid Stream) SR5 326
                              • Spell Formula, Detection (Detect Life, Extended) SR5 326
                              • Spell Formula, Health (Heal) SR5 326
                              • Spell Formula, Illusion (Trid Phantasm) SR5 326
                              • Spell Formula, Manipulation (Magic Fingers) SR5 326
                              • Spell Formula, Manipulation (Shape [Material]) SR5 326
                                Shape Earth
                              • Spell Formula, Manipulation (Control Thoughts) SR5 326
                              • Spell Formula, Manipulation (Shape Metal) SR5 326
                              • SpinRadical Skateboard (Worth 2000 nuyen) SR5 1
                              • Survival Kit SR5 449
                                • Compass SR5 449
                                • Lighter SR5 449
                                • Lightweight Thermal Blanket SR5 449
                                • Matches SR5 449
                                • Several Days' Worth of Ration Bars SR5 449
                                • Water Purification Unit SR5 449
                              • Tongs RF 255
                              • Mystical Bird Trappings
                              • AR Game (Battle Backgammon: Schwarzkopf's Challenge) DT 55
                              • Fetish (Magic Fingers) SG 212
                                A polished amber bead worked into a leather braid.
                              • Fetish (Acid Stream) SG 212
                                A small bit of aluminum wire threaded onto a leather jess.
                              • Fetish (Trid Phantasm) SG 212
                                A polished quartz prism worked into a braided leather jess.
                              • Fetish (Spatial Sense, Extended) SG 212
                                A polished cat's-eye pebble threaded onto a leather jess.
                              • Fetish (Ball Lightning) SG 212
                                A tiny piece of lightning beach glass worked into a small starburst and woven into a braid.
                              • Fetish (Control Thoughts) SG 212
                                A tiny chip of artificial ruby polished into a cabochon and set into a leather braid.
                              • Tainted Reagents (Egyptian) ×83 FA 187
                              • Tainted Reagents, Radical (Egyptian) ×2 FA 187
                              • Tainted Reagents, Refined (Egyptian) ×141 FA 187
                              • Weapon Focus Formula (Monofilament Whip (Egyptian)) [R3] SR5 320
                                Wrote it himself. Appears to be a well-calligraphed manuscript of magical instruction in Arabic, though admittedly in ballpoint pen on notepad paper.
                              Fake SIN (Frances Two Devils - SSC) [R6] SR5 442
                              Certified Credstick, Gold SR5 442
                              Certified Credstick, Standard SR5 442

                              A seaside nest/cave on the southern shore of Council Island. (Squatter) SR5 369
                              Cost: 500¥ (627.45¥) × 0 = 0¥;
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                                In his animal form, Hijr is a honey buzzard with mottled feathers with a white underbelly.  In his metahuman form, his fur has the same mottled markings, his horns are curvy but not particularly sharp, and he tends towards casual wear and the occasional tweed jacket, sometimes bringing out the old burnoose and kafiyeh if it's going to be hot outside.  He's quite fidgety, moving from foot to foot, liftings objects up to observe them, or playing with the Matrix (when it's working for him, which is only occasionally).  He enjoys the theory of magic and arcana in an earnest, almost childlike way, but his knowledge is surprisingly deep.  He enjoys hiking and backgammon.


                                Hijr's first memory - at least, one that can be expressed in human terms - is when he was digging a particularly stubborn wasp's nest out of under a tree stump near what he now thinks was Luxor.  Unable to get a firm grip on it with his talon, Hijr found himself clutching a hornet's nest with a very large, very firm fist.  This also coincidentally came with a loss of the well-layered and oiled feathers that usually kept the hornets from stabbing him, though, so his first memory also includes hooting in agony before jumping into the Nile.  ("You might say my reach exceeded my grasp!  Ho!  Oho!")

                                Though he didn't think too much of it, the quickly kindling spark of sentience led Hijr to become an avid people-watcher; the Nile had no shortage of Bedouin tribespeople, and the traffic became more than an annoyance and something of a curiosity.  He began to venture further inland, following the tracks of various expeditions into Egypt, particularly those whose lights were particularly shiny - something he now realizes he was instinctively assensing.  ("What can I say?  I liked the pretty lights.  Like fireflies dancing.  Have you ever eaten a firefly?  They're not bad.")

                                Eventually, this curiosity got the better for him ("Their colours were extra-bright.  Or it might have been the kafta MRE.  I thought it was the world's biggest grub."), and he swooped into a survival tent late in the evening to study a particularly shiny aura in closer detail.  Eight feet of naked minotaur being what they were, of course, it didn't take long for the denizen, an Apep Consortium arcanoarchaeologist, to realize they had an uninvited guest in their tent, squatting uncomfortably close to his face.

                                However, after realizing that he was, in fact, not an assassin - and, in fact, could not read, or talk, and was also having some trouble walking on feet, and began squealing and flapping his arms in the air wildly when startled - he assensed the critter and realized the circumstances.  As it turned out, the expedition's dowser and assistant program manager, Ibrahim, was a bit of an amateur falconer; through a combination of cajoling bits of goat jerky and a Mindnet, he charmed the bird enough to spend a few days taking a crash course in society.  The bird got the nickname of "Hijr" from the Bedouin guides escorting the researchers, who were endlessly amused by the young man's attempts to explain to an illiterate minotaur that screeching for food was unnecessary and that he could just open the protein bar pack himself, with his thumbs, like so...

                                Ibrahim, despite not being much of a father figure, realized Hijr could be much more than a charity case.  Genuinely curious and intelligent in a way most people were not, Hijr began to rapidly assimilate language, magic, and terrestrial locomotion.  After returning from the expedition several weeks later, Hijr had managed to understand enough of the civilized world that Ibrahim was able to press for more.  Nesting in the nearby slums, Ibrahim occasionally managed to smuggle Hijr into Al-Azhar as something of a familiar-surrogate while the Apeps and IRM facilitated his apprenticeship to the shadowy underbelly of magical heresy in Egypt.

                                Hijr spent much of his formative years steeped in the scholarship of the Middle East - he learned quite a bit about magic, though somewhat less about how to fit into ordinary (that is, legal) secular society.  With the peculiar ease of a creative child, Hijr syncretized the mystical and philosophical teachings of Arab sheikhs, Apep hermetics, and Egyptian heka into his own personal religion, a pantheistic Islamic-Egyptian belief in Ra as the supreme creator, giver of life, the Qur'an, and the metaphorical flame of cognition - particularly to himself.  His philosophy, complicated as it is, he keeps mostly to himself at Ibrahim's urging ("He's still learning Arabic, you see.  We can't even get him to stop eating bugs.")

                                After Ibrahim graduated from Al-Azhar, he stepped up his partnerships with both the Apep Consortium and his political involvement the Islamic Renaissance - partnerships that began to pay healthy dividends, but also drew unwanted attention.  Whether it was fundamentalists, a rival research team, or shadowrunners is unknown, but a hit on Ibrahim's team in Crete left him with a heavy limp and a paranoid streak; the Apep Consortium agreed with his suggestion for a relocation to a more neutral city to recover and establish an alternative power base.  

                                Several very uncomfortable hours with a bird in a t-bird later, both Hijr and Ibrahim have touched down in Seattle under new aliases  - such as it matters for a bird nesting on Council Island ("Everything here is so fresh!").  Ibrahim has put his eccentric foster-son to work with his newly verified fixer's account on the Runnerhub.  Currently, he's billing Hijr's rather peculiar set of skills as a sort of Astral overwatch-slash-mascot for teams looking for a bit of slightly unorthodox magical support - with a special bit of instruction to keep an ear (horn?) to the ground for telesma and more exotic products moving through the Seattle Sea Run, of course.


                                A cross between a college professor, a heretic imam, and a literal bird.

                                [Other Portraits]


                                حجر - Hijr means stone - as in, one stone catching two birds (or a bird and a minotaur in this case).  A small pun by the Bedouin, as the word is synonymous with 'understanding' or 'perceptivity'.

                                FBA (chemsealed, YNT Softweave, Electrochromic) delivered in 24 days on July 31 2021

                                Spirit index: 2

                                Wild index: 23


                                UNATCO: 3

                                FBI: +6

                                ACCRUING SPIRIT INDEX

                                The following actions increase a characters Spirit Index

                                by the listed amount:

                                Disrupting a normal spirit: 1

                                Destroying disrupted spirit in its native metaplane:5

                                Banishing then conjuring the same spirit: 2

                                Rebinding: 1 per Binding Test beyond the first

                                Binding a Free Spirit: 5

                                Permanently Banishing/Destroying a Free Spirit: 5

                                Long-term Binding: 10

                                Fettering: 20

                                Using Resist Drain power: 5

                                Using Spell Binding spirit service: 20

                                Exposing spirit to toxicity/corruption: 1 per hour

                                Exposing spirit to mana void: (Background Count) per hour

                                Losing an ally spirit: 20

                                ACCRUING WILD INDEX

                                Destroying disrupted toxic spirit in its native metaplane: That spirit’s Force x 2

                                Cleansing disrupted toxic spirit: That spirit’s Force x 3

                                Destroying a toxic power site: That power site’s Rating x 5

                                Cleansing a toxic power site: That power site’s Rating x 10

                                Releasing a spirit with services remaining: 1 per service lost

                                Banishing a spirit controlled by a mage: 2 per service lost

                                Temporarily awakening a slumbering wild spirit: 1

                                Permanently awakening a slumbering wild spirit: That spirit’s Force

                                Creating an ally spirit: That spirit’s Force

                                Willingly setting an ally spirit free: That spirit’s Force x 3

                                Successfully calling a wild spirit: 1

                                Accepting a spirit marker: (Spirit marker’s Rating)

                                Breaking a spirit marker: Subtract twice what was gained

                                Binding a spirit of any kind: Subtract that spirit’s Force

                                Bringing toxicity to a natural area: 1

                                Bringing toxicity to a power site: Subtract that power site’s Rating

                                Turning a spirit toxic: Subtract that spirit’s Force x 2

                                Destroying a power site: Subtract that power site’s Rating x 5

                                Turning a power site toxic: Subtract that power site’s Rating x 10

                                ASTRAL REPUTATION

                                A characters Astral Reputation begins at 0. For every 25 points of Spirit Index a character accumulates, his Astral Reputation increases by 1. When performing Summoning, Binding, or Banishing Tests or when conducting interactions with spirits that require using social skills, a character incurs a negative dice pool modifier equal to his Astral Reputation.

                                WILD REPUTATION

                                A character’s Wild Reputation begins at 0. For every 25 points of Wild Index a character accumulates, their Wild Reputation increases by 1. When calling a wild spirit or conducting interactions with wild spirits that require social skills a character gains a positive dice pool modifier equal to his Wild Reputation.  A character can reduce their Astral Reputation by permanently sacrificing 2 points of Wild Reputation for every point of Astral Reputation.